Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

Godzilla VS. Kong: Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence


While Monsterverse movies like Godzilla VS Kong place a large emphasis on the humans, not every one of those characters is as intelligent as the next.

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Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

Adam Wingard’s Godzilla VS. Kong came up with a great storyline for the human characters making them more relevant than in any other MonsterVerse film. Humans were not just bystanders, causing problems and watching titans fight it out. They were part of the action, with a huge contribution to every scene in the film.

However, while some humans risked everything to save the world as always, others chose to promote their personal interests and lost sight of what really mattered. With all hell breaking loose and the fate of humanity at stake human intelligence was tested to the limits.

11 Maia Simmons

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

She was Walter Simmons’ daughter who accompanied Dr. Andrews and the team to Hollow Earth to find the power source for Kong’s ax. She was more interested in promoting Apex than saving humanity though.

After watching Godzilla destroy Apex headquarters because of their Mechagodzilla project, Maia never thought of scaling back the operation. She encouraged her guards to provoke Kong in Hollow Earth before leaving everyone to die as she ran for the Heav. No wonder Kong crashed her Heav without a second thought.

10 Walter Simmons

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

Godzilla had left everyone to live in peace, so humanity didn’t have anything to prove. Walter was only trying to prove himself and Apex as the true titans but as it turned out, he was the idiot. He should have stopped the process of activating the Mecha when Godzilla attacked the first time, but he accelerated his doomed project instead. All that death and damage could have been avoided if he chose the safety of humanity over his pride. Even when Mechagodzilla went rogue right next to him, he didn’t notice and that was his doom.

9 Ren Serizawa

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

It is not clear whether he is related to Dr. Serizawa but his actions were definitely not as heroic as those of the legendary doctor. He worked with Walter Simmons on the project to reactivate Mechagodzilla and that was stupid from the start. He warned Walter about using untested technology on the Mecha before it went rogue though, which makes him smarter than his boss.

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8 Mark Russell

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

Mark Russell was one of the heroes in Godzilla: King Of The Monsters but his role was greatly diminished in Godzilla VS. Kong to just a concerned dad. He refused to do anything about Madison’s suspicions over the Godzilla attack which wasn’t very smart.

If he had helped Madison look into Apex, she wouldn’t have gotten into so much danger. He didn’t do much to help his daughter this time around either. He only showed up at the end after all the action was finished, but everything turned out alright.

7 Admiral Wilcox

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

In previous MonsterVerse franchises, military men were always given a big role in the action of saving the world. However, in Godzilla VS. Kong, the military largely had an observatory role, and Wilcox, the captain of the Kong navy ship, is the only one that came close to the action.

He didn’t do much except encourage Dr. Andrews to tread cautiously while avoiding an encounter with Godzilla. Godzilla still attacked them but he gets a good intelligence review because he didn’t get in the way of reason the way the other military personnel in previous franchises did.

6 Josh Valentine

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

When Josh struggled to get into the van to catch up with the charged Madison, it didn’t seem like he would be the guy to save the day but he did. He was the confused kid that was drawn into the action by curiosity. He was very brave and smart though since the pro-Godzilla team wouldn’t have done much without him.

When he found Bernie and realized that he was fighting for the good guys, Josh quickly joined him and became very helpful. He identified Mechagodzilla and also helped shut down the computer that powered him by pouring Bernie’s drink on it. His contribution was little but vital.

5 Bernie Hayes

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

Sarcastic but intelligent is the best way to summarize Bernie’s role in the film. He was the source of humor for the film, always finding a way to create sarcasm even in the worst of situations. He still cared enough to doubt Apex’s claims and do something about it. Infiltrating Apex to gain access to information on their handling of Godzilla was very smart of him.

He didn’t stop at discovery though, he was brave enough to stay until the end, getting a chance to turn his grief over his wife’s death into hope for humanity. He literally risked everything to save the world. He wasn’t so good at hiding his identity though since Madison tracked him down within no time.

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4 Dr. Nathan Lind

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

Nathan Lind was the man tasked with making all the hard decisions regarding Kong and did a great job. The only mistake he made was trusting Maia on the trip to Hollow Earth. He meant well for all of humanity, though.

When Kong’s heart failed, he came up with the idea to convert the heave into a defibrillator for him and that saved the day. He was also protective of Ilene and Jia, even getting injured while saving their lives. He is the only big guy that chose humanity over profit.

3 Jia

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

Iwis are always a welcome addition to Monsterverse films. Jia was a little girl but she was smarter than most of the adult characters in the film. Her ability to communicate with Kong was especially vital. She had a special relationship with both Dr. Ilene Andrews and Kong and never hesitated to express her feelings whenever she felt that their actions were not good for Kong. Being a child character, people wouldn’t expect much contribution from her but she fit perfectly into her role and her decisions were smart.

2 Dr. Ilene Andrews

Godzilla VS Kong Ranking The Human Characters By Intelligence

The Kong expert was more of a friend than a scientist in this case. She was heavily invested in Kong, always trying to protect his welfare as well as Jia’s. She understood that with Kong growing so big and restless about Skull Island, a new home for him was inevitable which is why she agreed to move him to Hollow Earth and it saved everyone in the end.

She was Kong’s hero in the film too, first coming up with a way to transport him while avoiding Godzilla, then suggesting the way to disorient Godzilla to save Kong. Ilene was also prepared to sacrifice herself to save Jia in Hollow Earth, which was very brave of her.

1 Madison Russell

The Russells were the heroes of Godzilla VS. Kong and Madison’s big sacrifice for her favorite titan helped save the day in this case, as well. She went against her father’s advice and tracked down Bernie because she didn’t believe Godzilla could just start hurting people without cause.

She was the leader of the pro-Godzilla team that broke into Apex and shut down Mechagodzilla. Unlike in the previous film where she had help, this time she had very little support, so she relied on her instincts most of the time. She was the hero of the day, proving everyone wrong and restoring faith in Godzilla.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/godzilla-vs-kong-smartest-human-characters/

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