Great Pokémon Games That Aren’t Actually Pokémon Games

Great Pokémon Games That Aren’t Actually Pokémon Games


Pokémon launched an extremely successful franchise that revolves around monster taming and battling, but it’s not the only series like that around.

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Great Pokémon Games That Aren’t Actually Pokémon Games

For decades, Pokémon has been the undisputed champion of RPGs that lean heavily into monster-recruiting and monster-battling, but that hasn’t stopped other series from sprouting up from time-to-time. Since 1996, Pokémon has given the world dozens of games, hundreds of monsters, movies, shows, and countless bits of merchandise. It’s a Goliath video game franchise, but that hasn’t stopped a few Davids from stepping up over the years.

For fans who are perhaps tired of the Pokémon formula, or who are just looking to branch out with their digital pets, there are other monster-recruiting/monster-battling games out there. Dragon Quest Monsters is a spin-off series that allows players to tame famous monsters from the Dragon Quest franchise and use them in fights. Pokémon was inspired by the monster-taming mechanics in Dragon Quest V, so it’s only natural that a Monster spin-off series would develop. Most of the Monsters games are hard to find now in English, but the Dragon Quest Monsters Joker games for the Nintendo DS are still readily available. Plus, a new Monsters game, starring Erik and Mia from Dragon Quest XI, is expected to release in the near future.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition is another great addition to the genre. Although Digimon often took second place to Pokémon in the ’90s, the series was reinvigorated after coming to home consoles a few years ago. Cyber Sleuth and its sequel, Hacker’s Memory, originally released on PS4 and Vita However, the lauded Complete Edition features both Cyber Sleuth and its sequel, making it the best choice. The Complete Edition is currently available on PC and Switch.

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Other Great Games Like Pokémon

For anyone looking for a bit more eccentricity in their Pokémon-like games, there’s always Yo-Kai Watch. Thanks to a TV show and an energetic marketing campaign from developer Level-5, Yo-Kai Watch reached incredible popularity in Japan. While it hasn’t been as successful in the West, the first three games (and a spin-off) are all available on 3Ds in English. A promotional event with Final Fantasy XIV stirred up Western interest as well, and the newest game in the franchise, Yo-Kai Watch 4, is currently being planned for localization on Switch.

Like Yo-Kai Watch, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is another game from Level-5 that employs Pokémon-like mechanics. Ni No Kuni combines monster taming with more action-RPG elements, and it also features fully-animated cutscenes from Studio Ghibli. It’s a highly-praised masterpiece, making it a game that both JRPG and Pokémon fans won’t want to miss. Originally releasing on the PS3, a remastered version came out on PC, Nintendo Switch, and PS4 last year.

Although none of these series have maintained the popularity of Pokémon, they all offer unique spins on the typical monster-taming and monster-fighting formulas. For anyone tired of pocket monsters, or just looking to broaden their horizons, these games are all a great place to start.

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