Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

Green Lantern: 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s


From Hal Jordan’s heroism to Sinestro’s villainy, the Green Lantern comics of the 2010s had enough drama to keep readers hooked.

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Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

Be it Hal Jordan or Kyle Rayner, the heroes who adopt the mantle of Green Lantern have had a spectacular comic run in the 2010s. This was the time of crossovers like Brightest Day and Flashpoint. The latter also established The New 52 continuity that rebooted several characters in the Green Lantern universe.

Talking about crossovers, Green Lantern also got to share adventures with non-DC franchises like Planet of the Apes and Star Trek. The Corps aside, the Hal Jordan version of the character also received a new origin story with the Justice League. What were Green Lantern’s best comics of the previous decade?

10 Brightest Day (Crossover)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

The 2000s Green Lantern comic book issue Blackest Night introduced Nekron and his attempts at reanimating dead heroes and villains. The aftermath of that storyline results in Brightest Day as the Guardian Krona turns rogue and telepathically controls several Green Lanterns.

Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps step in to reduce the subsequent chaos. The resulting event is the War of the Green Lanterns as they fight their mind-controlled peers. Written by the legendary Geoff Johns, the storyline drew much acclaim for detailing the magnificent civil war within the Corps.

9 The Ring Bearer (Green Lantern: New Guardians #1-7)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

Regardless of the color and the Lantern Corps, several rings from all over the universe claim Kyle Rayner as their owner. This naturally draws the ire of the Guardians as well as the other Corps.

Fans of Kyle Rayner’s Green Lantern comics would be delighted to find him at odds with so many allies as they question his skills as a ring bearer. At the same time, the comic focuses on some renegade members of other Corps like the Red and Blue Lanterns. Other than Green, the other Corps were often reduced to background characters, but The Ring Bearer attempts to change that.

8 Planet Of The Apes/Green Lantern (Crossover)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

The Guardians of the Universe had once built an extremely powerful ring called the Universal Ring. Such was its power that the Guardians decided to keep it a secret and concealed it in an alternate Earth. This parallel dimension however is caught in a time loop, leading up to a nuclear dystopia where apes have replaced humans (running in tandem with the early films of the Planet of the Apes franchise).

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When both Sinestro and Hal Jordan get teleported to this Earth, it is a race against time to gain control over the Universal Ring. Crossover events might end up looking forced but this one actually takes the effort to seamlessly blend the continuities of both franchises. Hence, it makes for an essential collector’s item for Green Lantern fans.

7 Wrath Of The First Lantern (Green Lantern Vol 5 #17-20)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

The so-called ‘First Lantern’ is an omnipotent being who has been a monumental figure for several eons. But when he is imprisoned by the Guardians, he vows revenge once he is free. So, when the time finally arrives, the mighty Lantern known as Volthoom unleashes his true powers.

As Volthoom plans to remake the universe as a whole, the Lanterns must set aside their differences to unite against this threat. The comic arc is definitely historical for DC fans, not just for its villain but also because it marked the end of Geoff Johns’ critically-acclaimed run on Green Lantern comics.

6 Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War (Crossover)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

The characters from J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek reboot films team up with the Green Lantern Corps for The Spectrum War. As the embodiment of death Nekron ends an alternate DC Universe, a surviving Guardian teleports himself to the Star Trek universe. As a result, Enterprise crewmates like Chekov and McCoy become wielders of power rings.

Green Lanterns like Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, and John Stewart also find their way in this new universe, and so does Nekron. The Enterprise crew and the Corps join forces as Nekron resurrects the planet of Vulcan and creates his own ‘zombified’ army. Needless to say, this is one of the most ambitious crossovers in recent times for fandoms of both franchises. The common outer space setting makes the collaboration seem more effortless.

5 Green Lantern: Sinestro (Green Lantern Vol 5 #1-6)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

As the DC Universe starts adjusting to The New 52, Sinestro gets a chance to undo his wrongs and become a Green Lantern once again. And yet the thought of the yellow wing-wearing Sinestro Corps hovers over his mind. Meanwhile, Hal Jordan loses his power ring and status as a Green Lantern. As Jordan struggles with a day job, Sinestro offers him help along with certain terms to comply with.

Sinestro has been one of the most powerful villains in the Green Lantern universe. Dedicating a story arc solely to him in a post-New 52 timeline makes sense given how he has to make a choice between good and evil. The comic is filled with moments of redemption as well as his lust for power, adding to this character’s many gray areas.

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4 Rise Of The Third Army (Crossover)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

The titular Third Army in this storyline is a prophesized group of soldiers that would replace the Green Lantern Corps in the future. When the Third Army finally makes an appearance, largescale cosmic destruction takes place, challenging the limits of the Corps. The Lanterns also lack able leadership, as both Hal Jordan and Sinestro seem to have mysteriously disappeared.

Rise of the Third Army also delved into the political rivalries between the Corps and the Guardians of the Universe. Both organizations are protectors of the cosmos. But a change in membership and ethics often leads them to disagreements, especially in the face of a threat like the Third Army.

3 Justice League: Origin (Justice League Vol 2 #1-6)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

Origin marked a rebooted birth of the Justice League, marking the debut of The New 52 universe. The Justice League comic book issue from the 2010s kicks off with Batman meeting Hal Jordan and telling him about an impending attack by Darkseid. Jordan comes off as a condescending figure as he shames Batman for not having any superpowers.

However, as they start recruiting new members for the League, the Green Lantern does understand the significance of teamwork, and the seven heroes unite to fight off Darkseid and his Parademons. Additionally, Batman and Lantern also engage in an exciting duel with Superman who initially sees them as threats.

2 The Green Lantern: Intergalactic Lawman (Limited Series)

Green Lantern 10 Best Comic Issues of the 2010s

Hal Jordan has lost his job on Earth and just spends his days executing his daily duties as the Green Lantern. However, when he discovers an alien hiding in plain sight, he unearths a larger conspiracy that drives him to explore alien worlds, combating the intergalactic policemen called Darkstars, and even meeting god-like figures.

Penned by the legendary Grant Morrison, Intergalactic Lawman follows the narrative of a police procedural thriller instead of a generic superhero story. Moments of humor interspersed with psychedelic visuals also add a certain edge to this storyline. A space vampire for a villain and the return of Bronze Age Green Lanterns like Leezle Pon (a virus) and Medphyll (a broccoli-headed creature) add to the overall wackiness.

1 Whatever Happened To The Aliens? (Crossover)

Whatever Happened To The Aliens was a part of the Flashpoint event that changes the entire continuity of the DC Universe. This Flash comic book issue from the 2010s finds the speedster running back in time and changing the present timeline. As a result of the Flashpoint Paradox, Sinestro is still a Green Lantern and his mentor Abin Sur is still alive.

However, despite this peaceful alternate reality, Sinestro gets tempted to know about his fate in a non-Flashpoint world (the reality in which he turns evil). Hence, this crossover storyline shows that no matter what the timeline is, Sinestro is always fated to be a gifted Lantern who goes rogue.

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