Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes


When fans first met Alex, they thought he was an arrogant jerk. However, they soon change their minds when they saw his learned of his backstory and his vulnerabilities.

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Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

Grey’s Anatomy is a long-running TV drama that has seen many beloved characters come and go. Alex Karev played by Justin Chambers, left the show after Season 16 to the dismay of many fans. One of the central characters on the show from the first set of interns introduced to the audience, Alex Karev was initially shown as a rough, dismissive, arrogant character who grew up and became one of the nicest and most empathetic people on the show.

After Cristina’s departure from the show, Alex took a more central role as Meredith’s closest friend. However, there were times that he couldn’t live up to the role because he had his own worries and issues to contemplate. It always broke the fans’ hearts to see him get upset, especially when he would bottle up his insecurities and issues. Just take a look at these examples…

10 “I Made A Mistake…I Screwed Up…I Don’t Have Anybody. You Guys Are All I Have. You Have To Forgive Me.” (8.02)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

When he is drunk, Alex is not the best person to be around. This became truly apparent in the season 7 finale when he told Owen that Meredith had tampered with the Alzheimer’s trial. As a result, was actively shunned by Meredith and his colleagues for weeks.

Eventually, Alex is let back into the fold after he helped Meredith avoid going to jail. However, he and Cristina ended up sharing a tender moment beforehand. After Cristina injures him in a freak accident, Alex begs her to forgive him before going on to tell how he truly feels about them. It was kind of a sweet moment.

9 “I’m Damaged Goods Or Something.” (9.24)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

When Alex starts to realize that he is in love with Jo, he decides initially not to pursue it. He goes through his list of heartbreaks, pointing out how each of the women in his life was perfectly fine before they got involved with him. But after they did, they either became sick, crazy, or left.

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And so he figured that probably he’s the problem and that he’s damaged goods. It’s quite sad that Alex feels this way even though most of the things that happened to him were mostly not his own fault.

8 “You Wanna Be A Mess, Be A Mess. I Don’t Care, I Can Take It.” (11.17)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

After Cristina’s departure, Alex stepped up to be Meredith’s person. He takes this role seriously, letting her lean on him through the worst of her days. Since he knows how Meredith was there for him during the worst times of his life, Alex has no qualms about returning the favor.

Because he knows what she needs. Just like the time she slept with George, Alex knew that Meredith needed to talk. He knew that she was on the verge of a meltdown, which was why he let her know she would be safe with him.

7 “Trauma Always Leaves A Scar. It Follows Us Home. It Changes Our Lives.” (5.19)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

The full quote is as follows: “Trauma messes everybody up; but maybe that’s the point, all the pain, and the fear […] Maybe going through all of that is what keeps us moving forward.”

In the closing monologue of “Elevator Love Letter,” Alex makes a passionate speech about what it means to go through trauma. How trauma doesn’t go away, but maybe that’s not a bad thing because it helps you keep going forward despite it all. Take all the pain and difficulties that he went through during Izzie’s treatment and her leaving. He came out of it a little broken but still moved forward with his life. He understood how important it was to keep going.

6 “You Show Up And You Suit Up And You Play Because It’s Your Freaking Team.” (2.27)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

When Webber questions him about the LVAD situation, Alex very aptly draws an analogy of what it means to stick with his people. He says that even if they were not his first choice and he didn’t get along with all the players, he is not going to complain about them.

Alex is a team player, so he will show up and continue to take their side because they had earned his respect and loyalty. This was just the first time the viewers saw him put that to the test.

5 “I’m Not The Kinda Guy Who… I Don’t Rise, Okay. I Sink To The Bottom. And Now I’m Getting All This… All This Respect.” (5.17)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

Alex cannot believe himself when he gets to hear that he’s the resident to look out for. He’s so used to being the worst guy, the loser, the one who doesn’t make it. This was such a happy change from that.

For once in his life, people were confident about him and giving him the respect that he wasn’t used to. It was a happy yet emotional moment for Karev as the viewers got to see him realize that people were seeing his potential.

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4 “I Know I’m Being An A**. I Can’t Help It. I’m P***ed Off, All The Time, So Much I Can’t Even Breathe.” (5.04)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

After Rebecca leaves, Alex is understandably pained and heartbroken. However, because Izzie saw at his most vulnerable, Alex decides to verbally lash out at her in an attempt to push her away.

When she calls him out on this, he admits that he’s at fault. He doesn’t pretend otherwise. He admits that because he can’t take his anger out on Rebecca, he’s taking it out on Izzie because he hopes that Izzie can take it.

3 “Hell Is Behind Me, It’s In My Rearview Mirror, And I’m Not Going Back. I’m Done.” (12.24)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

Alex breaks down in front of Jo telling her that he’s been through a lot. He’s grown up, he’s made it past all the madness and difficulties and it’s all his rearview mirror now.

He doesn’t want to go through all that again because he’s moved on in life. He also wants to be sharing his life with someone who wants the same wants and needs as he does. Not someone who is trying to figure out their own mess or who could drag him down to where a place he had just gotten up from.

2 “I Can’t Lose You, I Won’t Survive And That’s Your Fault. You Made Me Love You, You Made Me Let You In And Then You Freakin’ Died In My Arms.” (6.02)

Greys Anatomy 10 Most Emotional Alex Karev Quotes

Alex was madly in love with Izzie and it was heartbreaking to see the effects her illness had on him. From her signing a DNR, dying in his arms, to the resuscitation, one could see that he was deeply affected by the incident. Not only was he scared and tired, but he also decided to bottle up these emotions for Izzie’s sake.

However, he eventually breaks down in front of Izzie, telling her of the effects her brief death had on him. He even admits that he doesn’t think he can survive if he lost her. Although it was emotional to hear, fans were glad that he decided to confide in Izzie in the end.

1 “I Know Now That I’m Good Enough Not To Deserve This…Not To Love You So Much That I Almost Hate You. I Deserve Someone Who Will Stay.” (6.12)

After Izzie got better, she just took off without considering Alex, who had just gone through one of the worst days of his life. So when she did come back, she expected him to just be sitting there with open arms waiting for her. However, it was too late.

Over time, Alex started to realize that he was a decent guy, who is willing to go to great lengths for people he cares about. It was also very heartbreaking when he realized that he and Izzie might not be right for each other. While many were sad that they were putting an end to their relationship, they were glad that Alex was finally realizing his self-worth.

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