Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said


Immensely sweet and kind, it wasn’t hard for Derek to worm his way into the fans’ hearts. Especially when he came up with the sweetest and dreamiest lines.

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Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

Fondly called McDreamy, Derek was the brilliant neurosurgeon whose character passed away towards the end of season 11. The perfect husband to Meredith, and dad to Zola and Bailey, Derek Shepherd was one of the most beloved characters on the show. Derek was also incredibly romantic and lavished many romantic lines on Meredith.

Immensely sweet, pleasant, and kind, Derek was a very loveable character who tried to make others smile and laugh. With Patrick Dempsey making waves by appearing on Grey’s Anatomy once again, now seems like a good time as any to revisit some of the dreamiest things Derek Shepherd has said on the show.

10 “You Were Like Coming Up For Fresh Air. It Was Like I Was Drowning, But You Saved Me.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

Derek was still married to Addison when he started seeing Meredith. And so, Meredith was obviously mad when she found that she was the “other” person in someone’s marriage. She asks Derek if she was just someone he used to get over being messed up. But Derek calmly and beautifully frames the line to explain to her what exactly she means to him.

9 “I Don’t Want 48 Uninterrupted Hours, I Want A Lifetime.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

Derek explains to Meredith why he doesn’t just want a weekend away. He wants to marry her, have kids with her, and grow old with her. But the best thing about him is that, despite him pouring his heart out through his incredibly romantic monologues, he doesn’t expect Meredith to say anything in return. He understands that her immediate reaction is to step back, to freak out, and to run away. But he says what he feels because he is an open guy.

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8 “I Am Calling Post-It, Zola And Bailey, And Tumors On The Wall, And Ferry Boat Scrub Caps.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

When Derek returns back from DC, he wants to explain in all intensity how sure he is about leaving it and coming back to her. He reminds her of all the promises they made to each other, and the vows they made.

In just one sentence, he draws on all of the really important things and moments from their love story. Derek is able to so beautifully capture so much of their relationship in this single line.

7 “Meredith, I Can’t Live With You. I Don’t Want To Live Without You.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

The light is shone here on the biggest difference and similarity in their relationship. Derek says that he can’t live without her. Meredith says she can live without him. But both of them agree that they don’t want to live without each other. Derek clearly puts himself out there, he has no shame and fear in admitting that he cannot live without her. That it is impossible for him to continue on without her and he says it without skipping a beat.

6 “You’re The Love Of My Life. I Can’t Leave You.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

When Meredith thinks that he is breaking up with her to see other women, Derek explains how wrong she is. He breaks it down to her, that he is completely in love with her and cannot leave her. He’s fully in it, he’s fully committed to her, and to their relationship. And he can’t leave her even though she keeps leaving him. So he just points out exactly where he stands in this relationship.

5 “You Are So Sexy When You Are Looking At A Teratoma.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

Even though they met for the first time at a bar, Derek and Meredith’s relationship was heavily based on their mutual love for their profession of medicine. They’re both extremely talented surgeons and that was something that is always foregrounded.

So it is quite apt that Derek knows just how to infuse some fun into his compliment of Meredith on her extremely brilliant finding of the teratoma and its removal.

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4 “Just Screw The Odds, Screw Science. Let’s Just Live. Whatever Happens, Happens. Me And You.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

After they find out that Meredith might have a difficult time having kids, Meredith also gets tested for the Alzheimer’s gene. Derek puts an end to this by saying that he doesn’t care, and doesn’t want to know. He’s done with the doctors and the tests, and he just wants to live. He’s not concerned because at the end of the day it’s still the both of them, and whatever happens, he knows that they will both be able to deal with it because they can do anything when they are together.

3 “I’m In Love With You. I’ve Been In Love With You…Forever.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

Derek makes the most beautiful and poignant proclamations of love and the name McDreamy suits him so perfectly at instances like these. He tells Meredith that he’s in love with her and that he’s been in love with her for a long time now. It is these declarations of love that Derek excels at. He’s a true romantic at heart and isn’t afraid to show it. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is never afraid to be vulnerable in front of Meredith.

2 “It Was Like My First Kiss. The Right Kiss.”

Greys Anatomy 10 Of The Dreamiest Things McDreamy Has Ever Said

Derek tries to explain to the really anxious and worried teenager that every kiss before the right kiss doesn’t count and doesn’t matter. He explains how when he kissed Meredith for the first time, it felt as though that was his first kiss, and everything else went outside the window.

The feeling with which he talks about Meredith here is astounding because even at such a difficult moment, he’s so taken by the love he shares with his wife.

1 “You’re Everything.”

Derek leaves DC and his fancy job with the President to be with Meredith and his family. Before he went to DC, he thought that his job and this opportunity were everything. But now he has learned that Meredith was everything, that his wife and his family and his life at home was everything. He doesn’t shy away from admitting he was wrong before. And he puts all his cards on the table and declares this to her. It was nice to see him fight for their marriage.

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