GTA 3 Definitive Edition Easter Egg May Tease GTA 4 Remaster

GTA 3 Definitive Edition Easter Egg May Tease GTA 4 Remaster

According to a popular YouTuber, a minor change in the newly-released GTA trilogy remaster could possibly be a hint at a potential GTA 4 remaster.

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An updated Easter egg in Grand Theft Auto III: The Definitive Edition from Rockstar’s recently released Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition could possibly be teasing an upcoming GTA 4 remaster. The long-rumored GTA remaster trilogy was announced in October in celebration of Grand Theft Auto III’s 20th anniversary and recently released across consoles and PC. The remastered collection allows modern audiences to experience the classic PS2-era titles – Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – available in a single package, though the release has seen backlash from fans due to its performance and graphics.

As it stands, Grand Theft Auto IV is the highest-rated game in the series and is considered one of the greatest video games of all time. Despite some of its aspects not aging well, the title is known for taking the Grand Theft Auto franchise’s original formula and shifting it to a more realistic and detailed style and tone with a new game engine that introduced numerous never-before-seen mechanics. With the remastered versions of the original three groundbreaking sandbox titles officially out, speculations have now shifted towards the fourth title in the series, with a recent leak of a potential Grand Theft Auto IV remaster buzzing around online, hyping up fans who regard it as the series’ highlight and deserving of a proper touch-up.

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Pointed out by popular Grand Theft Auto YouTuber ZacCoxTV, a perceptible billboard change in Grand Theft Auto III: The Definitive Edition could possibly be hinting at a Grand Theft Auto IV remaster. The billboard found near the game’s airport anonymously hinted that the franchise would be moving on to Miami in the original Grand theft Auto III, which turned out to be accurate, as half a year after its initial release Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was announced. Seen in the remaster, the billboard is now altered to read “See you SOON” with a picture of a plane taking off from Los Santos, with Francis International’s signature underneath. Though the YouTuber states that this could be interpreted as a hint for Grand Theft Auto 6 or a GTA Online expansion, this may not make sense due to players returning to Liberty City for the third time, making a Grand Theft Auto IV remaster possibly the most likely explanation.

Watch the video on YouTube here.

Rockstar’s parent company Take-Two aggressively took down Grand Theft Auto mods related to the PS2-era games in the franchise over the summer, resulting in numerous speculations that the mods were getting in the way of plans for an unannounced trilogy remaster. These theories were later proven true and it seems that Grand Theft Auto IV could be potentially receiving the same treatment. Recently, numerous GTA 5 mods received DMCA strikes that completely voided them from websites that had them available for years. Many believe these takedowns are tied to an upcoming remaster, as Take-Two previously issued the same regulations before multiple Red Dead Redemption 2 maps and the newly released GTA trilogy remaster were released.

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It’s unknown if Rockstar is hinting at a future installment in the lucrative series, or perhaps a GTA Online expansion or a remaster of one of its underappreciated entries. While uncertain, the in-game billboard seems to be meticulously created with lots of detail, something that contrasts with other significant changes in the trilogy. The tease could be more valid than a coincidence, like in the original title that foreshadowed the future of the franchise. Fans will have to wait a little longer to find out more about the future of GTA.

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