Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Hades: Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene


From ancient gods like Nyx to shades like Achilles and Patroclus, the main characters of Hades have some memorable and iconic scenes.

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Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

The progression of character storylines in Hades is a big part of what makes the game so repayable, adding motivation for players to keep persisting even when up against frustrating enemies that may quickly dispatch Zagreus back to his home in the House of Hades.

With a memorable and diverse cast of main characters, each with their own motivations, it’s satisfying to progress through their intertwined narratives. While the Olympian Gods have an important impact on the game, their scenes are mostly relegated to granting boons to Zagreus, and they do not undergo the kind of character arcs that the other mortal characters do.

12 Zagreus

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

As the main character of Hades and acting as a player’s POV into the game, there are many memorable scenes involving Zagreus, but the most iconic occurs after a player beats Hades for the 10th time. Upon seeing Persephone after this escape, Charon will appear and ferry both Zagreus and Persephone back to the Underworld.

Serving as a culmination of all of Zagreus’ (and a player’s) hard work, this scene is incredibly gratifying, granting Zagreus the permanent reunion he has been longing for. Additionally, given that Zagreus’ story is a great myth retelling in pop culture, this conclusion carries with it a mythological feel.

11 Megaera

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

One of three Furies, Megaera’s role in the game sees her act as both a boss in Tartarus and later a potential romantic interest to Zagreus. The pair have an important conversation after Zagreus has defeated her a few times, in which Meg reveals that she’s only hindering Zagreus because her job requires it.

This scene provides great insight into Megaera’s motivations, both on a personal and professional level, and shows the conflict she’s caught up in. It also acts as a jumping-off point for her and Zagreus to become more than friends.

10 Thanatos

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Thanatos has an immense amount of power, but Zagreus can prove his own power to Than by slaying more foes than him when the god of death appears to aid him. Once this has happened a few times, the duo will have a conversation through which Thanatos will show that he is impressed.

Acting as a parallel to the scene Meg and Zagreus have, this scene serves to set up Thanatos and Zag’s own romantic possibilities, whilst also revealing how much consideration Thanatos has for his childhood friend, despite how he tries to put on a cool demeanor.

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9 Chaos

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

A great creator from whom Nyx and the Titans arose, Chaos has a storyline that sees them wishing to be reunited with their daughter. Once Zagreus has funded the building of the portal needed for this, Chaos and Nyx reconnect in a memorable moment.

Not only does the engaging nature of characters like Chaos contribute to some of the ways in which Hades is a perfect video game, but Chaos’ reaction to seeing their daughter gives players more insight into the Primordial Originator, as they can be hard to read.

8 Hades

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Lord of the Underworld, Hades is both Zagreus’ father and main opponent in his quest. A flashback scene between the two, showing how Hades treated Zag when the latter worked in the administrative chamber, establishes some of the pair’s underlying issues.

Showing his disdain for both Zagreus’ tardiness and the way he invokes the names of his Olympian relatives, Hades’ firing of Zagreus from the chamber reveals both the long history of their conflict and also Hades’ strict expectations.

7 Nyx

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Having acted for many years as Zagreus’ foster mother, Nyx’s conversation with him after he successfully escapes from Hades for the first time is a memorable scene. She both congratulates Zagreus for all she has achieved whilst lamenting with him that he didn’t have longer with Persephone, before urging him to carry on trying. It’s an exchange that emphasizes how Nyx has supported Zagreus with words even when her position restricts her actions.

6 Persephone

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Zagreus’ birth mother Persephone joins the cast of the game upon Zagreus’ first successful escape from Hades, and whilst the two interact a fair amount, their first encounter remains iconic.

Persephone is wary of Zagreus at first, thinking him a fraud, but as they converse their reunion becomes emotional and full of longing. Persephone’s initial ferocity proves just how she ruled alongside Hades, whilst her tenderness with Zag empowers him in his subsequent efforts.

5 Patroclus

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

As half of one of the best relationships in Hades, Patroclus’s most iconic scene happens when he is reunited with his lover and friend Achilles, a goal Zagreus helps to enact. Prior to this scene, they had been separated for a long time, and both men had suffered in isolation.

The two are overwhelmed by their ability to reconnect after so long a time apart, and although Patroclus states that he will not be overly emotional, the sheer contrast in his temperament before and after the reunion is starkly apparent. This scene shows the depth of feeling between the two men and their ecstasy over being reunited and finally acknowledging their dormant love for each other.

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4 Achilles

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Prior to his reunion with Patroclus, Achilles kept the secret of his love guarded for a long while, but after building a rapport with Zagreus, the two will head to the lounge and discuss it over a drink.

The ensuing scene, which has Achilles being vulnerable and open about his life on Earth and his separation from Patroclus, invites players to see a new side of the hero and mentor, which feels particularly memorable given the work that goes into building up to that point. In this instance, Achilles’ heel isn’t a physical flaw but an emotional one as he shows a vulnerability regarding being alone and, more importantly, being separated from his friend and lover Patroclus.

3 Charon

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

The famed ferryman of the Underworld Charon makes most of his in-game appearances manning a shop, but later developments give players the chance to grab some of his money, at the cost of having to battle Charon for it.

Most Hades players never discover that they can steal Charon’s gold, but the battles that arise from doing so reveal his immense power, showing that the stoic figure has a lot of tricks up his sleeves. The Charon battle scenes give great depth to his character and show why he holds the prominent Underworld position that he does. With his black cloak and purple hue, Charon is a powerful, intimidating figure, and this scene is a perfect example of how powerful he can be.

2 Hypnos

Hades Each Main Characters Most Iconic Scene

Hypnos starts off in Hades as a lounging and often forgetful god who seems perpetually behind with his work, but through interactions with his brother Thanatos he will slowly commit more to performing his duties.

This leads to an iconic exchange between the pair in which Thanatos tells Hypnos how proud of him he is. The growth of Hypnos’ character alongside his dynamic with Thanatos is gratifying to see, and his newfound dedication cements his place as a fixture of Hades’ household.

1 Dusa

Dusa’s initial interactions with anyone in Hades show her to be nervous, fearful, and shy, though she is highly committed to her work. At one point she is dismissed from her position, but her later return and appeal to Nyx to reinstate her makes for a triumphant scene.

Dusa’s higher level of confidence and improved sense of self-worth, helped along by her friendship with Zagreus, means that she is able to state her case successfully and regain her job. Though she remains a wary character, her pursuit of the things that matter most to her makes her a memorable part of the game.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hades-each-main-characters-most-iconic-scene/

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