Halloween Kills May Have to Release on Streaming Admits John Carpenter

Halloween Kills May Have to Release on Streaming, Admits John Carpenter

Halloween creator John Carpenter admits that Halloween Kills may have to release on streaming at the same time it comes out in theaters.

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Halloween Kills May Have to Release on Streaming Admits John Carpenter

John Carpenter admits Halloween Kills may have to release on streaming. Carpenter kicked off what would become the Halloween franchise with his original 1978 horror classic starring Jamie Lee Curtis as a babysitter menaced by a masked killer.

After Carpenter started things with his slow-burn masterpiece, other filmmakers picked up the torch to continue the saga of serial killer Michael Myers (with a few oddball detours like Halloween 3 thrown into the mix). Perhaps most notoriously, Rob Zombie took over as the caretaker of the Halloween name for a pair of movies released in 2007 and 2009 respectively, but Carpenter himself has dismissed Zombie’s take on Myers. Carpenter did however endorse the latest attempt to reboot Halloween, the 2018 film directed by David Gordon Green, a movie so successful it has spawned not one but two sequels, the upcoming Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends. Carpenter was so onboard with Green’s Halloween vision in fact that he put on his composer’s hat and contributed to the 2018 movie’s score.

Carpenter may not be the main creative force behind the Halloween movies anymore, but he’s still involved with them as a sort of spiritual guide, and of course being Carpenter he’s always happy to give his opinion about the franchise (or anything else for that matter). Carpenter’s latest take on Halloween Kills may however not be something Blumhouse and Universal want to hear. In an interview with famed British music magazine NME, Carpenter spoke about the chances of the second new Halloween film being released on streaming at the same time it comes out in theaters and conceded that this is indeed a possibility:

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“Sure. Halloween may be shared that way because theatres are dead. It’s just the reality right now. And it’s a tragedy, but it’s true. We just have to face it. The studio did contact David and I, and they had us put off the new one by a year in the hope that things got better. So we’re still hoping it will get better.”

Halloween Kills as Carpenter mentions was indeed supposed to come out in October of 2020 before being postponed as COVID rocked Hollywood and the rest of the world. Thus far there has been no indication that the movie will get a release on streaming at the same time it hits theaters, but such a move seems a distinct possibility as more studios embrace some kind of streaming option for moviegoers who don’t want to brave COVID-restricted theaters. The biggest movie yet released via the streaming-and-theater model was Wonder Woman 1984, the first of many Warner Bros. movies set to come out on HBO Max and in theaters concurrently.

By the sounds of it Carpenter is resigned to the reality that the theatrical release model is pretty much dead, at least until COVID is gotten under control – something that may not happen for a long time. It’s definitely sad that the moviegoing experience is evidently going the way of the dinosaur, and it’s doubly sad when considering a film like Halloween Kills, given the nature of horror, a genre that is best experienced in a theater full of people. Hopefully Carpenter will be proven wrong about theaters being dead and fans will soon get to return to watching their favorite movies with strangers in the dark.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/halloween-kills-movie-release-streaming-john-carpenter/

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