Hamilton Star Explains Why Eliza Gasps At The End

Hamilton Star Explains Why Eliza Gasps At The End

Hamilton star Phillipa Soo, who played Alexander Hamilton’s wife Eliza in the hit musical, explains her take on why Eliza gasps at the end of the show

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Hamilton Star Explains Why Eliza Gasps At The End

Hamilton star Phillipa Soo explains why Eliza gasps at the end of the show. Soo played Alexander Hamilton’s wife Eliza, who plays a pivotal role in the groundbreaking musical. A film adaptation of Hamilton was released on Disney+, which allowed millions of fans to now see the musical in its entirety. While the film adaptation also received critical acclaim, a major fan debate arose over why Eliza gasps at the end of the musical.

The musical tells the story of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton through an innovative use of hip-hop and rap lyrics. Hamilton premiered on Broadway in 2015 and was created by composer, writer, and star Lin-Manuel Miranda. Eliza arguably has the greatest character arc in the musical. In the first act, Eliza falls head over heels in love with Hamilton, and they get married, but Eliza struggles to get her husband to slow down and just enjoy time with her. After Hamilton’s affair with Maria Reynolds, Eliza burns the love letters Hamilton wrote to her during their courtship, vowing to remove herself form the narrative. However, Eliza chooses to put herself back in the narrative during the show’s final number, “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story,” in order to keep Hamilton’s legacy alive after his untimely death. The tearjerker ending has Hamilton guiding Eliza to the front of the stage, where she gasps, ending the show.

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Soo went into more detail about her thoughts on Eliza’s gasp during an interview on The Jess Cagle Show (via THR). While Soo noted that the specific meaning behind gasp could vary from performance to performance, the general idea remained the same. Check out what Soo had to say about Eliza’s gasp below:

“I would not be able to tell you what I was thinking precisely in that (2016) moment when it [the Disney+ adaptation] was shot. Night to night it was different. But yes, the character of Eliza sees Hamilton or sees that legacy or sees that orphanage … or sees her kids telling her story. It was an exploration for me everyday because you do a show eight times a week for a year and you find new things every single time.”

The magic of live theater is the fact that audiences can see a different performance of the same show every night. With Broadway productions completely shut down until 2021 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the safe and easy access to the Hamilton film adaptation has been a treat for fans worldwide. The role of Eliza Hamilton is challenging, what with her incredible solos, and, more importantly, her immense character growth. Soo accomplished it all with a grace that earned her a Tony nomination for a reason. Another great aspect of Eliza’s gasp is that it is left open to audience interpretation.

Soo’s take on the gasp is one of many and leaves the audience on a hopeful note that Eliza was able to see the result of her hard work preserving her husband’s legacy. Many fans have agreed that Hamilton actually refers to the story of both Alexander and Eliza. Both characters had their own stories to tell, and undeniably left a legacy that still impacts audiences to this day. Alexander Hamilton might’ve written like he was running out of time, but thankfully his wife Eliza was there to finish his story and hers.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hamilton-phillipa-soo-musical-gasp-eding-explained/

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