Harley Quinn Already Proved She Could Absolutely Destroy Thanos

Harley Quinn Already Proved She Could Absolutely Destroy Thanos

Harley Quinn may not be a superhero powerhouse, but when she took on DC’s version of Thanos, she won with ease – in the most Harley kind of way.

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Harley Quinn Already Proved She Could Absolutely Destroy Thanos

While Marvel’s Avengers had a hard time taking down Thanos, Harley Quinn once showed she could take him down. Harley Quinn #12 from 2014 pitted the Mistress of Mayhem against a parody version of the Mad Titan. The craziest part of it all? She didn’t have very much trouble with him.

Thanos has long been one of Marvel’s powerful villains. Avengers: Endgame was the culmination of a multi-film struggle against his vision of the universe and changes he made to it using the Infinity Gauntlet. It took trips in time and many of Marvel’s best heroes to finally defeat him and set things right. However, from DC’s point of view, Thanos isn’t really all that.

Harley Quinn #12 has the creative team of Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, John Timms, Chad Hardin, Alex Sinclair, and John J. Hill. It features a team-up between Power Girl and Harley Quinn as they are teleported into space after confronting Clock King and Sports Master. They find themselves at the mercy of aliens, eventually being directed to Manos – a spoof of Thanos, whose children all hate him. He is in possession of infinity rings and he hopes to bargain a single use of one to gain a cosmic cubical. Unfortunately, he’s a genocidal maniac who could face the fury of Power Girl – if only Harley hadn’t gotten to him first.

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Harley Quinn Already Proved She Could Absolutely Destroy Thanos

While Manos was distracted, Harley was able to pickpocket his Infinity Rings and put them on herself. She then accidentally used their power to obliterate their foe, not realizing how powerful they were or how to truly employ them. Now, it is too late for him to make any kind of deal or even for Power Girl to bring him to justice for wiping out an entire planet. Harley served it up in her standard chaotic fashion, proving that superpowers aren’t even necessary to take down a cosmic villain like Thanos in some instances.

Thanos isn’t portrayed as being as oblivious as Manos, so it isn’t likely that a simple theft would do the trick against him. However, this moment also solidifies that Thanos made the right choice when outfitting himself to use the Infinity Stones. Having them melded onto a gauntlet keeps them together and makes removing them more noticeable to the wearer. Not only is Harley capable of stealing these rings away, but she also manages to wield them without having negative effects enacted upon her – likely because this action takes up far less power than reversing Thanos’ or Manos’ actions would. Nonetheless, Harley also isn’t held back by a heroic code.

Harley’s actions in this comic weren’t intentional, but she’s also not going to beat herself up about it happening – she’s done far worse. She may have only wanted to use the rings to get home, but she also won’t make the same mistake as Thor. When push comes to shove, she’ll always aim for the kill – whether she means to or not. If Harley Quinn could find a way to get her hands on the Infinity Gauntlet, whether by theft or other means, Thanos would be through just as quickly as Manos.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harley-quinn-thanos-destroy-proved-infinity-rings/

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