Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

Harry Potter: 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters


From their name to their spells, to the details of who is allowed in, only die hard Harry Potter fans will have spotted all these Death Eater details.

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Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

The Death Eaters aren’t explored in great detail in the Harry Potter series, and of course, fans see less of their inner working than of the Order of the Phoenix. However, between book details and behind-the-scenes info, Potterheads can learn a surprising amount about Voldemort’s inner circle.

From their use of the Dark Mark to their early name and the reason behind their Dark Mark spell, the Death Eaters (like so much in the Harry Potter universe) are well-thought-out and involve layers of meaning. And while it’s unlikely that the Death Eaters themselves will make an appearance in the Fantastic Beasts franchise, fans can make comparisons between them and Grindelwald’s army – who undoubtedly served as an inspiration to Tom Riddle himself.

10 Not All Of Voldemort’s Supporters Are Death Eaters

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

A common misconception is that ‘Death Eaters’ simply refers to anyone on Voldemort’s side in the Wizarding Wars. However, this isn’t true – and ‘Death Eater’ is a title bestowed only on the most loyal followers of Voldemort, and those who are considered his ‘inner circle’.

The Death Eaters are those who have the Dark Mark on them, and who are expected to follow Voldemort without question, while many of this other followers may dress in similar clothes, but be lacking the Dark Mark. Still more witches and wizards joined this side out of fear, coercion, or under the Imperius Curse, and are not true Death Eaters at all.

9 The Dark Mark Inspired Hermione

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

In the books, Hermione uses charmed coins to let the DA know about the time and date of the next meeting – and the coin heats up to let the person carrying it that they should look at the info. This is actually inspired by the Death Eaters’ Dark Mark – as Hermione herself admits – as their mark heats up when Voldemort needs them.

This is an interesting detail, and it’s a shame it doesn’t make it into the movies. It’s one of many examples of magic being purely a tool, rather than ‘good’ or ‘bad’ in and of itself – and something that the Golden Trio use for good, whereas Voldemort uses it in a negative way.

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8 Voldemort Went To School With Many of the Death Eaters

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

Even though fans get to see Tom Riddle in flashbacks, from his time in the orphanage through his years at Hogwarts, it’s often difficult to imagine him at school – but he originally started recruiting Death Eaters while still at Hogwarts. It’s revealed in the books that even then, he had a group of close friends who would do anything for him, although he didn’t truly care about them, and that these were the forerunners to the Death Eaters.

One of the most interesting things about this is that it is repeated with both Harry and Draco Malfoy. Of course, Harry does care about his friends, while Draco seems to only want to be around Crabbe and Goyle to use them as muscle. However, it’s more proof that Tom was not too unusual in school – and that this may explain why no one stood up to him for so long.

7 They Were Originally Called The Knights of Walpurgis

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

In a 2003 interview, Rowling revealed that the group was not originally called the Death Eaters, but the Knights of Walpurgis. This is presumed to be a reference to Walpurgis Night – a night that traditionally is associated with witches meeting. It’s clear that this is a connection to the gathering of the Death Eaters, although it’s not clear why Rowling decided to drop that, or not include it as part of the history of the group.

It’s also likely that there is a second Walpurgis connection in the series – Sirius and Regulus’s mother was named Walburga, another variation of the name.

6 The Morsmodre Spell Means ‘Death Eater’

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

Morsmodre is the spell used to cast the Dark Mark – the sign that Death Eaters have been present, the skull in the sky. Like so many of the spells in this universe, of course, the etymology of the spell is carefully thought out – and means, essentially, Death Eater.

Mors is Latin for ‘death’, and mordre is Latin for ‘bite’. This is, therefore, a reference to biting death – or eating death! This is the kind of careful detail that Rowling is known for, even if it isn’t explained directly in the books.

5 The Dark Mark Over The Astronomy Tower Is Different In The Books

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

In both the books and the movies, the Dark Mark is cast over the Astronomy Tower when Dumbledore dies – however, there are some significant differences. In the books, the Mark is cast by Gibbon over the tower before Dumbledore dies. The intention is to make Dumbledore come to the tower to investigate, where they will then attack him. In the movies, however, Bellatrix casts the mark after Dumbledore’s death, in celebration.

In this rare case, the movie version actually seems to make more sense – while it’s not unknown for the Dark Mark to be cast for more reasons than to mark a death, this is the most impactful one.

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4 Not All Death Eaters Are Slytherins

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

The general perception that Slytherin is the ‘evil’ house would suggest that all Death Eaters are Slytherins, but this isn’t the case. Peter Pettigrew is the most obvious example of a Gryffindor in the group, and Karkaroff shows that the Death Eaters can also have members from other magical schools entirely.

This is another important addition – showing that even the ‘best’ of the other houses can turn bad, or that the Slytherin reputation isn’t as clear cut as some might think. It’s an important message in the series, echoed in Dumbledore’s words of wisdom about choices being more important than abilities.

3 The Dark Mark Faded Away

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

The Dark Mark appears as something like a tattoo on the Death Eaters’ forearms – and it’s clear in the books that it faded slightly over time, during Voldemort’s disappearance between Wizarding Wars. However, it darkened as his strength grew, and in the Harry Potter epilogue, it faded entirely to a scar after his death.

It’s an interesting detail that shows that the Marks were clearly connected to Voldemort himself, and changed with his strength. This also suggests that if the Death Eaters knew this from the start (which Karkaroff’s fear at noticing the Mark darkening suggests) they should have been aware that Voldemort wasn’t truly dead, as the Mark didn’t change to a scar.

2 The Death Eaters Are A Lifelong Commitment

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About The Death Eaters

Joining the Death Eaters is no small undertaking, and it’s made clear that this is not a group that someone can choose to leave. It’s mentioned in the series that Sirius believe Regulus was killed for trying to leave the group, and that others whose loyalty comes into question are killed.

It’s also suggested that this may be a generational commitment, too, as many of the Death Eaters have surnames that match those of earlier Death Eaters, including Draco Malfoy. However, it’s likely that this is not a straightforward requirement, but a result of parents and children having a similar perspective on things.

1 Only Wizards Can Be Death Eaters (Not Werewolves Or Other Magical Beings)

Fenrir Greyback presents something of a confusing figure in the books, as he often seems like a Death Eater – and he’s certainly a devoted follower of Voldemort! However, as a non-human magical creature (a werewolf) he isn’t actually eligible. Voldemort’s obsession with ‘purebloods’ and ‘blood status’ means that he does not accept any non-human magical beings into his inner circle.

It’s a mark of his hypocrisy, though, that he uses Fenrir as much as many of his inner circle, and that he clearly sees value in him – but that his prejudice means he cannot accept him as a Death Eater.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-hidden-details-about-death-eaters/

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