Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Harry Potter: 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming


Whether it be down to clues from earlier chapters/movies or down to just pure narrative obviousness, Harry Potter fans saw some plot twists coming.

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Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Throughout the adored books and films, Harry Potter tells such beautiful stories both on the larger scale of the Wizarding World and on a smaller scale with wonderful character arcs. Throughout these tales, there are many curveballs that shock fans, such as Mad-Eye Moody being Barty Crouch Jr. or Sirius’ big reveal that he is, in fact, a good guy. Not all surprises are as effective as these, though.

Whether it be down to clues from earlier chapters/movies or down to just pure narrative obviousness, some plot twists can be seen coming a mile away, especially by more hardcore Potterheads.

10 Bathilda Bagshot Was Not Bathilda Bagshot

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

When Harry and Hermione make their way to Godric’s Hollow, searching for clues about the Horcruxes, they find themselves in the company of one Bathilda Bagshot, who acts incredibly strange.

As it turns out, it was not Bagshot, but Voldemort’s snake, Nagini. Fans did not necessarily know it was Nagini, but as soon as the two heroes arrived in Bagshot’s house, it was clear something was wrong with the woman and that it was not really her. So, fans saw it coming when Bagshot attacked the pair.

9 Ron & Hermione

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Not every single fan saw every single romance on Harry Potter coming. However, particularly in the movies, many fans predicted very early on that Ron and Hermione were an endgame relationship.

From Ron’s jealousy to their clashing personalities to there just not being that much romantic chemistry between them and anyone else on screen – save for specific fan ships like Draco/Hermione and Harry/Hermione – it was apparent to many that they were meant to be from the start.

8 Consequences Of Alternate Timelines

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Harry Potter & The Cursed Child is a controversial entry to the Harry Potter canon, and there are many aspects of it that fans simply cannot stand. Some dislike the manipulation of time in the story, and the twists throughout the time travel tale are pretty predictable.

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Of course, not everybody could predict specifics. But when Albus and Scorpius decided to change past events, everyone could see it coming from a mile away that they would seriously mess up what happened in the main Potter storyline and have severe implications for the characters in Cursed Child.

7 The Prophecy

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

A big thing was made out of the prophecy of Harry in The Order Of The Phoenix. It got fans’ minds racing over what it could be, but given it was a prediction of the future, it was pretty obvious.

The prophecy, witnessed by Albus Dumbledore and spoken by Sybill Trelawney, stated that Harry was the only one with the power to kill Voldemort and that neither of them could survive together; one had to die. Of course, this was incredibly obvious to fans, everyone knew Harry was the one to kill Voldemort, and the idea that one had to die was evident from the start of the saga.

6 Lupin Is A Werewolf

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

The author of the Potter books often had a lot of fun with the characters’ names, and there is no better example of that than with the beloved former Defense Against The Dark Arts professor Remus Lupin.

Early in Lupin’s first appearance, lots of extra nerdy fans predicted that Lupin was a Werewolf, and his name was one of the most significant pieces of evidence. Remus, in Roman mythology, was a character raised by wolves, while Lupin comes from the Latin word “Lupus,” meaning, quite simply, wolf. Fans who knew any of this were clued in from the start about Lupin’s true nature.

5 Gryffindor Win The House Cup

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

At the end of The Sorcerer’s Stone, the students of Hogwarts have their end-of-year speech, and it looks like Slytherin will win the House Cup. Alas, that did not happen.

As everybody watching over the age of 12 could see it happening from a mile away, Dumbledore began awarding points to Gryffindor students, just enough to see them snatch the House Cup from Slytherin. It was an effective way to end the story on another minor high and hammer home the idea of Hogwarts being the place for Harry, but that does not make it any less of a predictable twist.

4 Xenophilius’ Betrayal

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

The Wizarding World was so hurt by the time of The Deathly Hallows, and nobody was safe from the forces of Voldemort, including the Lovegoods to whom Harry, Ron, and Hermione went for help.

It quickly became clear that Xenophilius was in trouble, revealing that he had lost Luna to the Death Eaters. From that point, fans knew he was going to betray the heroes. It is hard to blame him; his daughter was in captivity. But fans figured out long before the golden trio that not only was Xenophilius struggling with something, but that he would turn them in.

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3 Malfoy Would Not Kill Dumbledore

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

Throughout The Half-Blood Prince, Malfoy struggles with the responsibility placed on him to murder Albus Dumbledore. It was a shock to absolutely everyone that Dumbledore died, but to nobody that Draco did not kill him.

That does not mean people saw it coming that Snape would kill Dumbledore. Many were shocked to the core by it, even despite what had happened between him and Narcissa at the film’s start. But it just did not seem right that Draco would kill Dumbledore. Not only could Draco clearly not handle something like that, it would go against who he was at that point, but Dumbledore could not fall to him either. If he was to die, it had to be more epic, more shocking, which it was when Snape heartbreakingly uttered “Avada Kedavra.”

2 R.A.B

Harry Potter 10 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming

The Potterheads are a hardcore group of fans who pick up on so many minor details throughout the Harry Potter books and films. It is because of this that many predicted the identity of R.A.B.

Knowing that there was nobody else with those initials and that much earlier in the novels, he got mentioned, fans deduced long before Harry that the locket, one of Voldemort’s sacred seven Horcruxes (albeit later revealed to be a fake) was the property of Regulus Arcturus Black.

1 The Goblet Of Fire Chooses Harry

The most obvious plot twist in Harry Potter is that in every book/movie, Harry and the golden trio will find themselves in trouble. Harry’s name being in the Goblet of Fire is one of the more specific examples of this that everyone saw coming.

Rules were laid out for a dangerous but prestigious tournament that only specific people could compete in, and Harry would never be able to. So, of course, Harry’s name mysteriously ended up in the Goblet of Fire and was chosen. It was harder following the twists and turns that came with Cedric’s death, Voldemort’s involvement, and the twist of Mad-Eye Moody, but the initial reveal that somehow Harry ended up a part of the Tri-Wizard Tournament surprised nobody.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-obvious-surprises-plot-twists-everyone-saw-coming/

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