Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Harry Potter: Hermione’s 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)


In the world of Harry Potter, Hermione is considered one of the best witches, but she is still a flawed character, making mistakes along the way.

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Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Hermione Granger is one of the most gifted and hardest working students at Hogwarts. She’s a role model to many Harry Potter fans, but that doesn’t mean she’s impervious to making mistakes. There were several times throughout the course of the books that Hermione really messed up.

Some of her mistakes have been minor and only had consequences for her. Others were much worse and affected some of the people she cares about most. Here are ten times she served as the perfect example of what not to do.

10 Victor Krum

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

We love Hermionie for many reasons. Perhaps most of all, because of her maturity and intelligence. That’s what made it so confusing when she started dating Victor Krum. We’re all human and make mistakes but this seemed like such an obvious pitfall. Hermionie and Krum seem to have nothing in common. He just wanted to sit around and watch her study like a creep. There was no intellectual stimulation in the relationship for her. Victor was a star quidditch player with social clout. He really had nothing to offer Miss Granger. Let this be a lesson to us all, only date someone you have a genuine connection with.

9 Hexing Ron

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Apparently all it takes for Hermione to lose her cool is to make her jealous of a boy. She flew into a jealous rage over Ron’s relationship with Lavender Brown and hexed her ginger friend with a flock of angry birds.

If she had only been honest about her feelings for Ron the entire ugly incident could have been avoided. In her defense, Ron’s relationship with Lavender was horrific but expecting Ron to read her mind was asking for trouble. We could all learn from this. Be honest with your feelings and don’t hex your friends.

8 Ratting Out Harry

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

No one likes a snitch. Unless it’s gold. When an anonymous donor sends Harry a Firebolt broom it’s a highlight for young Potter who has had so few good things happen in life. He’s excited and overjoyed. Hermione is suspicious of the gift. She reports it to authorities and the broom is confiscated. To be fair, Hermione feared the broom was cursed. She was acting out of a desire to protect her friend but the outcome was still unfortunate. Not only was the broom not cursed but it was taken from Harry for so long. It was a sad turn of events that could have been avoided. Maybe this is a great reminder that we should all mind our own business.

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7 Luna Lovegood

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

For such an intelligent character, Hermione could be very thick-headed. She completely missed out on the opportunity to have an incredible friend in her mistreatment of Luna Lovegood. Anyone as bright as Hermione should have been able to see the character’s intelligence. You would think another genius young lady at Hogwarts would attract Hermione and be the spark that ignited a friendship. Instead, Hermione wrote her off because the two of them had such different perspectives. It’s one of many examples of Hermione being too closed-minded and cheating herself out of a deeper relationship. Never forget to look beyond your differences with others.

6 Her Snitch Curse

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Hermione had a responsibility to protect the secrecy of Dumbledore’s army. She personally chose the members. Inviting Marietta Edgecombe may have been a mistake in and of itself. She was, however, invited and eventually ratted out the group and its plans. Hermione had a punishment for snitches that was ill-conceived and ineffective.

She cursed anyone who tattled with horrible acne that would spell out “Snitch” across their face. The punishment was creative but it did nothing to prevent the group’s identity from being revealed. It was simply revenge. Revenge serves no one well. We could all learn from this lesson and avoid acting out of spite.

5 Showing Off In Class

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

There’s nothing wrong with taking pride in yourself. Hermione studies hard to earn her impressive breadth of knowledge. When being proud of your accomplishments blurs the line into outright bragging it can be obnoxious at best. Hermione seemed to show off in class pretty often She may have intended to just showcase her own expertise but she ended up making several other students feel bad about themselves in the process. We should all remember how our words affect others when we show off our talents.

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4 Ill-Advised Activism

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

When Hermione took on the cause of house elves’ rights she forgot the most important rule of activism. You have to first trust members of the community you hope to help to tell you what they want and need. Hermione made the mistake of assuming the elves wanted to be free. She didn’t listen to their own voices. You can’t act on someone else’s behalf if you don’t know what they want. It’s important to have causes you’re passionate about, but let’s all use Hermione as a reminder to check our privilege.

3 Bad First Impressions

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

First impressions matter. Hermione Graner is not great at them. She comes across as snooty, arrogant, and braggadocious. That’s no way to make friends. Even her best friends found her unbearable when they first met her. Ron and Harry clearly thought Hermione was obnoxious when they met on the train on the way to Hogwarts. It’s important to be friendly and show interest in others when making a first impression. Don’t follow in Hermione’s footsteps when meeting new people.

2 Invalidating Her Friend

Harry Potter Hermiones 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

Harry is a very sensitive guy. He’s been through so much in his short life and he really needs love and kindness to thrive. Hermione really let Harry down in one particular situation. Harry was upset no one had written to him all summer. He spent his break lonely and bored, hoping to hear from his friends. When he tried to express his feelings to his friends he didn’t handle it the most mature way but Hermione certainly didn’t handle it with dignity. She mocked Harry for being sad and offered him no support. There’s a valuable lesson here. We always have the choice to validate and comfort our friends when we upset them.

1 Jealousy Of Others’ Success

Hermione is a real stickler for the rules. When Harry discovers the Half-Blood Prince’s textbook she’s against using it from the beginning. Poor Harry struggled in potions class from his earliest days at Hogwarts. Harry’s sudden success in the class while using the textbook seems to really get under Hermione’s skin. She claims it’s because of her rule-following compulsion but it seems more fueled by jealousy. When your friends succeed you should help them celebrate, not nag them into the ground. It’s important to celebrate other’s successes.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-hermione-mistakes-lesson-learn/

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