Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

Harry Potter: Snape’s Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything


Severus Snape is probably the most divisive character from the Harry Potter series. While he gets some redemption, he also makes terrible mistakes.

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Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

Severus Snape is still probably the most divisive character from the Harry Potter series. There are lots of mixed feelings about the character with some fans adoring him and his redemption arc and others finding him to be despicable. However, pretty much across the board, a lot of fans have strong feelings about Snape.

Whatever camp you fall in, there are some choices Snape makes in the series that impact other people for better or worse. He makes some bad decisions that affect the narrative in a variety of ways.

10 Being a creepy dark magic loving teenager

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

While the Marauders often get criticized by fans for bullying Snape, the reality is rather complex. While Sirius and James especially took things too far and often seemed to be rather mean-spirited because Snape was weird, Snape was also nasty to them.

He was in love with the dark arts and interested in hateful ideologies, so it’s not a surprise that other kids would find him gross or off-putting given these ideas. His chances of getting into the dark arts would impact who he became.

9 Not making friends with anyone

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

While Lily was his friend, and probably the only exception here, Snape’s inability to relate to other people in a positive way was a big issue. It kept others from trusting him and kept him from being effective in fighting against Voldemort as he could have been.

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He wasn’t good at making friends as a teen, and he was also rude to all of his allies in adulthood including other professors and members of the Order of the Phoenix.

8 Creating Sectumsempra

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

While Snape is easy to imagine as a strange kid from a tough background, he was also going around trying to create his own dark spells. This doesn’t mean what happened to him isn’t sad, but his choices still deserve to be criticized.

By creating Sectumsempra, even if he never used it himself, this choice had an impact much further down the road when Harry stupidly used it on Draco.

7 His obsession with Lily

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

Snape’s obsession with Lily is another point of contention between fans. While some people like the narrative of his love of Lily making him redeemable, many other fans find this obsession creepy and far from actual love.

His inability to accept the consequences of his actions and respect Lily’s choice to love someone else had many consequences. He let this be a chip on his shoulder that informed many of his other choices.

6 Revealing that Lupin was a werewolf

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

While some fans like to defend Snape because he does become part of the Order and the “good” side, this doesn’t make him a good person. He was cruel and petty, and this is apparent when he told the parents of Hogwarts students that Lupin was a werewolf.

He knew Lupin wasn’t a danger to students, but he wanted to get back at him for Sirius escaping. This shows how he was fine with letting bigotry and prejudice exist in the world still.

5 Bullying Neville mercilessly

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

This is a mixtape that might not seem to have all that many consequences, and in one way this is true. However, the way Snape treated most of his students did impact them.

It was abusive and gross, and to the students, especially Neville, it impacted their lives. Given that Snape himself acted like such a victim of bullying, it’s sad how he turned around and did the same thing to others.

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4 Calling Lily a Mudblood

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

This mistake is one that hurt Snape more than anyone else. By saying a slur to his best friend, he revealed the kind of awful person he really was. This made Lily stop having anything to do with him, and for her, it was probably a good thing. She was able to see him for who he was and get away from him.

Snape choosing to call his best friend this had many impacts on their relationship and on himself. He definitely deserved to lose her for good.

3 Taking his anger out on Harry

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

While Snape might have bullied many of his students who weren’t Slytherins, he had a special vendetta against Harry because of James. This is pretty pathetic because he took out his personal issues on Harry who didn’t even know his father.

By always treating Harry with disdain and distrust, he kept Harry from trusting him when Snape should have been an ally.

2 Telling Voldemort he could murder Harry and James

Harry Potter Snapes Worst Mistakes That Changed Everything

When Snape learned of Voldemort’s plan to kill the Potters, he was distraught, but only because he didn’t want Lily to die. He tried to get Voldemort to spare Lily, but he didn’t care if James or Harry died.

While he wouldn’t have been able to stop Voldemort, the fact that he did nothing about it and was fine with Voldemort killing a baby definitely had an impact.

1 Becoming a Death Eater

Snape makes a lot of bad choices and does a lot of things that are worthy of criticism and disgust. However, there’s one bad choice that’s the most obvious and negative of all, and it’s’ when he joined Voldemort and became a Death Eater.

It’s hard to say how this impacted things. He obviously contributed to harming and even murdering other people. And, when he finally left Voldemort, he then had information that was able to be used against Voldemort. So, this mistake definitely changed the story in many ways.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-severus-snape-worst-mistakes-lily-evans-voldemort-lupin/

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