Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Harry Potter: The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans


Bertie Botts are definitely a risky candy in the Harry Potter world – these are the one you want… and definitely don’t want… to end up eating!

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Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans are one of the most famous treats in the Harry Potter world. They were invented by accident, so the story goes, when Bertie Bott was trying to make sweets based on food, but accidentally made one taste like a dirty sock. He recognized the amazing potential: A risk with every mouthful! His creation became so popular and made him so famous that he got his own Chocolate Frog Card.

While Bertie did intend for them to have every flavor, there’s only 102 known flavors in the Wizarding World. We’ve taken some time to definitively rank every single one of them, from the best… to the absolute worst!

102 Orange

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This sweet and tangy fruit already makes for a fantastic jelly bean. Imagine the magical version of these!

101 Blackberry

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Has blackberry-flavored anything ever been a mistake? This is a Bertie Bott’s Bean we’d be delighted to find.

100 Blueberry Pie

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

We’re not sure how this would differ from regular blueberry—maybe it’s even sweeter than the blueberry bean?

99 Sugared Violets

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

You may think that flowers wouldn’t taste good, but you’d be wrong. These sweet and floral desserts are great at the holidays, and would be delicious as jelly beans.

98 Strawberry

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

There’s a reason that nearly every candy has a strawberry flavor: It’s practically perfect. It’s good to know that tradition holds true in the Wizarding world too.

97 Candyfloss

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

In the US, this delicious and sugary treat is known as cotton candy. It’s already sugary and delicious, how could it ever be less than wonderful as a jelly bean?

96 Peach

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This sweet summer dessert is a great addition to the Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Bean carton.

95 Vanilla Ice Cream

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Even just vanilla would have been good. But vanilla ice cream? This would be delicious.

94 Grape Jelly

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

The only way to improve on an already delicious fruit is to add sugar to it. And then to transform that into a jelly bean? Bertie Bott is a genius.

93 Watermelon

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This is a classic candy flavor because watermelon is delicious. Then transforming that right into a magical candy? Couldn’t possibly go wrong.

92 Green Apple

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This sweet, tart, and sour fruit would make a great addition to the Bertie Bott’s box. We can’t wait to try the magical version.

91 Toffee Apple

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These are a great fall dessert, and the Bertie Bott’s version would have to be amazing.

90 Blueberry

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Blueberries are a classic dessert flavor. How could this go wrong?

89 Lemon

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Sweet and sour is always a delicious combination. These jelly beans already exist and they’re delicious; no reason to think the magical version wouldn’t be delicious too.

88 Coffee

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Will it also energize us? Either way, we’ll risk a light brown bean in hopes that it’s coffee.

87 Pear

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This soft and sweet fruit is already a great jelly bean. We’re excited to see Bertie’s version.

86 Éclair

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Who says no to an éclair? That chocolate, pastry bread, and cream combo is a delicious addition to all of Bertie Bott’s other flavors.

85 Toffee

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

How could this dessert made solely of brown sugar and butter not turn out amazingly?

84 Toffee Pudding

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This list of 102 flavors includes toffee, toffee apple, and now toffee pudding. Seems like Bertie Bott might really like toffee.

83 Chocolate Cake

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Plain old chocolate is also a flavor in the Bertie Bott’s box, but we think the cake version would be slightly more delicious, assuming the flavor includes cake icing.

82 Toast

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This deceptively simple breakfast food would make for a surprisingly good jelly bean. We’re excited to try it.

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81 Marmalade

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This citrusy preserve made for toast is amazing. As a jelly bean it would probably be amazing.

80 Honey

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This little bee-produced spoonful of heaven is a great addition to anything. Hopefully, Bertie captures the warm sunny day feeling of a spoonful in his jelly bean.

79 Banana

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Muggle banana jelly beans are already good, we trust that the magical version could only improve on the Muggle version.

78 Chocolate

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Jelly beans really shine with super sweet and fruity flavors. A Bertie Bott’s chocolate would probably be stand out though.

77 Cinnamon

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Hard to go wrong with anything flavored like cinnamon. Pass us a whole handful of these, please.

76 Bubblegum

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This is already a delicious and popular Jelly Belly flavor, so it’s easy to assume they did a good job with it for their line of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. Especially if he’s working with Drooble’s.

75 Sherry

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Different types of sherry taste very different, but they’re generally either very fruity or have a sweet caramel flavor.

74 Cherry

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Done wrong, cherry flavors end up tasting like medicine. But Bertie Bott’s would probably do it right.

73 Mint

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Sweet mint is delicious. The chewiness of jelly beans might make it a little strange, but it might be great.

72 Bacon

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Why not? The culinary world has done bacon on every other dessert, maybe a bacon-flavored jelly bean would be delicious.

71 Apple

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Apple candies are always a safe bet. These would transfer well into jelly beans.

70 Tutti-Frutti

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These fruit cups, or ice cream with fruit and nuts in it, are colorful and fun but overwhelming flavor-wise. We know Bertie has magic, but could he really shove all of them into one little jelly bean?

69 Strawberry and Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This is a flavor combination we’ve never heard of. Strawberries? Delicious. Peanut butter? Delicious. Ice cream? Delicious. But all together? In jelly bean form? Who knows.

68 Chili Powder

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Before you gag, remember: Hot Tamales. Atomic Fireballs. Plenty of Muggle candy is spicy, and the magical version is probably amazing.

67 Chili

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

We’re not sure how this actually differs from the chili powder flavor. Is it fresher? Juicier?

66 Peppermint

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This is a slightly sharper and more intense flavor than regular mint, but it’s probably still good. We’re in.

65 Marshmallow

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These campfire treats are already chewy and sweet, so they’ve got to translate into a delicious jelly bean easily.

64 Almond

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

We can’t imagine that a plain almond jelly bean would really taste like much. That’s better than tasting bad though.

63 Cranberry

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These cute little red berries can be more tart than sweet. Which version is in the jelly bean iteration?

62 Cream Puff

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These pastries are delicious—fresh-tasting, yummy dough and decadent cream. Simple and perfect. But would it work as a jelly bean?

61 Buttered Popcorn

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This classic movie snack is a good savory-style dessert, but the chewy jelly bean option might taste kind of funky. We wouldn’t skip trying it.

60 Ketchup

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

That sweet and tangy flavor just might improve in jelly bean form. Go for it.

59 Tomato

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These fresh and delicious fruits could be a really interesting jelly bean flavor. Not as obvious as most sweet flavors, but one we wouldn’t hate to try.

58 Pumpkin

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

We’d bump this straight up to the top if it was pumpkin pie. But plain old pumpkin tastes more like squash—not a great jelly bean flavor.

57 Black Pepper

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Does this jelly bean make the eater sneeze as well? It sounds like it could be close to black licorice though.

56 Pepper

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

It’s unclear how exactly this flavor is different from the Black Pepper flavor—or, the chili flavor, maybe?—but it could be just as good!

55 Horseradish

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Like chili powder or black pepper, this could be interesting. That fiery heat that gets into your nose might be the perfect sweet treat that also clears up your sinuses.

54 Sprout

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These earthy and mild little roots are a great addition to every salad. If you mixed them up with the right jelly bean flavors they might be okay.

53 Mustard

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Some mustards are spicy and some are sweet—either might make a good jelly bean, really.

52 Gravy

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Who hasn’t gone back for one more piece of bread to wipe up the last of the gravy on their plate? This savory dessert could go very, very well.

51 Coconut

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This one’s iffy—coconut can be so good or so bad, depending on which way the candy maker leans. Is it possible for someone crazy enough to make a vomit flavored candy to make the coconut flavor good?

50 Cheese

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

There are so many different types of cheese; which cheese makes the Bertie Bott’s cut? Cheddar? Brie? Blue? This really determines whether or not we’re brave enough to try it.

49 Roast Beef

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Juicy, salty, and savory roast beef is a delicious lunch or dinner. It might make an intriguing flavor in jelly bean form.

48 Grass

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Not to nitpick, but what kind of grass? Because sweetgrass has a kind of vanilla bend to it, and that sounds all right.

47 Spaghetti

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Tomato and salt are predominant flavors in spaghetti, which would probably make for a great jelly bean flavor.

46 Ham

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Of all the meat products in the Bertie Bott’s list, this one seems like the safest bet. Ham is probably the sweetest of the meats, so it’s flavor wouldn’t be too distorted as a jelly bean.

45 Aubergine

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Really? The purple vegetable? Aubergine can get kind of chewy if cooked incorrectly, so maybe it would translate into a jelly bean all right.

44 Cauliflower

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Cauliflower doesn’t really have much flavor on its own. Made into a sugar chewy candy it still might not have much flavor.

43 Envelope Glue

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Last time we checked, envelope glue doesn’t have a strong flavor. As a jelly bean, it would probably be underwhelming.

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42 Grapefruit

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These beautifully colored fruit are a deceptive lie. They’re somehow both bitter and tangy, which would make for a bad surprise when you pull out the beautifully colored jelly bean.

41 Pink Grapefruit

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

These only slightly sweeter version of the grapefruit are also slightly more bitter. Still not a good jelly bean.

40 Baked Beans

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This English breakfast food does sometimes have a sweet note, it might make an interesting jelly bean. We’d try it.

39 Beef Casserole

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Does this include green peas and onions in the flavor profile as well? It’s a strange flavor for a dessert, but the meal is good so we’d at least give it a try.

38 Chicken

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Meat-flavored desserts are a weird suggestion in general. And, as with cheese, what kind of chicken dish is this? It matters.

37 Mashed Potato

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

There are so many ways mashed potatoes can taste—buttery, savory, salty, boring. It’s hard to guess how Bertie’s candied version of mashed potatoes would taste.

36 Steak

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Steak is a totally delicious dinner. It would not be a totally delicious jelly bean.

35 Broccoli

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This vegetable is no child’s favorite, so wizarding children probably dislike finding this vegetable-flavored candy in their Bertie Bott’s box.

34 Spinach

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Leafy greens aren’t at the top of most people’s lists of delicious desserts. At least when it’s raw spinach has a fresh crunch to it, maybe the Bertie Bott’s version would be okay too.

33 Pizza

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This is a confusing suggestion for a flavor. What toppings has Bertie included?

32 Sausage

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Of course, there are a bunch of different flavors of sausage that could end up in this box. So which ended up in the Every Flavours box?

31 Fried Egg

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

It doesn’t sound good, but it doesn’t sound as terrifying as some of the other flavors. Plus, it might have been seasoned well!

30 Lobster

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

If you’re into lobster, then this is a delicious dinner. But what a strange flavor for a dessert.

29 Prawn

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This shrimp-like seafood tastes great on a plate, but it will not make a good jelly bean.

28 Curry

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

There’s a lot of different curries, so which one would this taste like? If we knew for sure, maybe it would be ranked a little more on the delicious side, in that chili powder range.

27 Olive

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Salty, oily, and mushy translates to a strange but intriguing flavor for a jelly bean. We wouldn’t be mad if we tried it.

26 Onion

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Most meat dishes are improved dramatically by adding onions. But would jelly bean dessert boxes be improved the same way? Doubtful.

25 Mushroom

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Mushrooms: A good savory side dish, yes. A good dessert, maybe not.

24 Dog Food

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Well, dogs seem to like it. It can’t be that bad, right?

23 Dirt

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Everyone’s probably tasted dirt before, whether as a curious child or by accident, and we all agree: it’s not great. The Bertie Bott’s version probably wouldn’t be a huge improvement.

22 Salmon

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Salmon is delicious. It tastes great. But a salmon flavored jelly bean would be pretty bad.

21 Fish

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

It depends on the fish, really. Salmon might not make the worst jelly bean (see above), but a pufferfish is a totally different story.

20 Bouillabaisse

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

A fish stew transformed into a jelly bean? Bouillabaisse is normally spicy and flavorful, how would that flavor transfer to something so sweet and chewy?

19 Soap

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Waxy is the first thing we think of when we hear ‘soap’ as a flavor. But depending on the type of soap it may not be terrible.

18 Bogey

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

A bogey is a booger in British English. Everyone’s eaten one; probably not since childhood though. Better the bad flavor you know than the one you don’t, like some of the following.

17 Overcooked Cabbage

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

I like the specificity of ‘overcooked’. Cabbage is already bad, but if they can somehow translate the soggy mush into the Bertie Bott’s repertoire then this really is one of the worst flavors.

16 Sardine

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Some people love this oily and salty fish, but it would probably make a terrible addition to the Bertie Bott’s box.

15 Belly Button Lint

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

We’re not sure what this would literally taste like. Cotton? Dirt? Sweat? In any case, no thanks.

14 Earwax

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Would this just be a gross version of honeycomb? No wonder Professor Dumbledore gags when he tries it in The Philosopher’s Stone.

13 Feet

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Unlike dirty sock, we hope Bertie was thinking of clean feet when he made these, but we doubt it.

12 Farm Dirt

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

How is farm dirt different from regular dirt? More manure? Never mind, just throw that flavor out.

11 Phlegm

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

This sounds like the equivalent of eating the common cold. Definitely a weird flavor.

10 Troll Bogey

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Judging by what the troll’s bogeys looked like in Philosopher’s Stone, this isn’t a jelly bean flavor we’d want to try.

9 Rotten Egg

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

The scene of rotten eggs is one of the worst smells ever, and the taste isn’t that great either. Bertie should have skipped this one.

8 Earthworm

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Is it slimy like an earthworm too? No thank you.

7 Mussels

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Slimy salty shellfish? This doesn’t seem like a good idea for a jelly bean.

6 Liver

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

No, no, no, no, no. This flavor is probably what inspired the vomit flavor.

5 Tripe

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Similarly to liver, animal stomach lining just as a concept is strange. And it’s definitely not a jelly bean flavor we’d want to try.

4 Liver and Tripe

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

Is this supposed to be better or worse than plain liver or plain tripe? This is not a flavor we want to stumble across.

3 Dirty Sock

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

We’re already gagging. If this tastes like a middle school locker room smells, there’s no way we could finish eating it.

2 Sulphur

Harry Potter The Definitive Ranking of All 102 Flavors Of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

We imagine these taste like those sulphuric burps people get after high-protein food or beer. Which is to say, these would taste weird and awful.

1 Vomit

We all knew this was going to be the weirdest and worst one, but it was a good adventure from most delicious to here.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-bertie-bott-every-flavor-bean-ranking/

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