Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Harry Potter: Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands


In the Harry Potter series, the wand chooses the wizard. From Ron to Hermione to Voldemort, here’s how each character’s wand fits its owner.

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Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

In Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone, Ollivander, owner of Ollivander’s in Diagon Alley stated the following: “The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It’s not always clear why.” Wands have personalities all their own and are perhaps even sentient.

Because of this, each Witch and Wizard holds a deep personal connection with their respective wands. The bond between them is different from individual to individual. Looking at some of the major players of the series, here are some of the characteristics that are shared between themselves and their wands.

10 Harry Potter

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Like many wizards and witches, Harry obtained his wand in preparation for his first year at Hogwarts. Visiting Olivanders, Harry was paired with a wand made of holly wood, eleven inches in length, with a phoenix feather core. As many know, Harry’s wand core is shared with Voldemort, whose tail feather came from the same phoenix.

The wood chosen for Harry’s wand wasn’t an accident. According to Rowling, the wood from a Holly tree is said to repel evil, according to the European tradition. The name Holly, in fact, stems from similar roots as the word Holy. As the protagonist and chosen one, it’s a fitting choice.

9 Ron Weasley

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Harry’s best friend Ron had two wands over the course of the series. His first was inherited from his brother Charlie and was broken during the events of The Chamber of Secrets. This wand often gave Ron trouble. It’s not that the wand didn’t work per se, but the wand itself was never fully paired to Ron as it was originally his brothers’.

Afterward, he was soon gifted his own wand, a fourteen-inch willow wood wand with unicorn hair core. The wood of Ron’s wand is not an accident. Willow wood is said to attract those with embedded insecurity, similar to Ron’s negative feelings towards his status. But they also offer growth for those with the greatest potential.

8 Hermione Granger

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Hermione Granger, the last member of the trio, has a particularly unique wand. Apart from the design that echoes the wood in which it is made, the origins of its meaning are fascinating. Hermione’s wand is made of vine, with a core made from dragon heartstring.

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Vine is not necessarily seen as wood by many, but ancient celts and druids saw all things with a woody stem as a tree. Thus, wands were made from this material. Vine wands are often made for those who have a hidden greater purpose within them. They also end to be underestimated in power, similar to Hermione’s background as a muggle-born.

7 Dumbledore

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

For a long time, fans thought that the only wand Dumbledore owned was the one he used throughout the series. But, it was revealed that this wand was, in fact, the Elder Wand. Previous to his ownership of this Deathly Hallow, Dumbledore owned another wand, as seen in the Fantastic Beasts franchise.

This material has not been revealed just yet, but looking at it and knowing Dumbledore, it could be made of Ebony. Apart from the signature black color of the wood, these wands attach themselves to those with strong convictions and personalities. They also suit those skilled in transfiguration, a topic Dumbledore taught at Hogwarts.

6 Voldemort

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Voldemort was the most powerful Dark Wizard in ages. His reign of terror lasted decades, even during his time in hiding. His wand appropriately matches his evil persona. Sharing a phoenix core with Harry Potter, Voldemort’s wand is made of Yew wood and is thirteen and a half inches long.

According to Pottermore, those who wield wands of Yew have the ability to hold the true power of life and death. What with Voldemort’s obsession with both concepts, one could say this pairing is appropriate. The ornamental bone seen in the films isn’t mentioned in the books, but certainly is apt considering who Voldemort is and the origins of his wand.

5 Neville Longbottom

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Like Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom’s first wand was inherited to him from a relative. His father, who sadly was driven mad, left his wand for his son. Because of this, the wand never fully merged with Neville as its true owner. Eventually, like Ron, Neville earned his own wand that fits him and him alone.

This second wand was made of Cherry wood, with a unicorn hair core and measuring at thirteen inches. According to wand lore, Cherry wood wands are fit with those of high prestige. While Neville is shy and timid in the early parts of the series, once he finds his courage and earns his new wand, he matches the rebirth that is symbolized through the cherry blossoms of this wand.

4 Severus Snape

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Like Snape himself, his wand remains a bit of a mystery. It has not been stated what his wand’s material, core, or length is in any of the supplemental materials in the films, books, or Pottermore. That being said, knowing Snape and seeing what his wand looks like, it is fair to say a few things about it.

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The black color very well could be due to the fact that it is an ebony wood wand, similar to Dumbledore. This could be fitting, as Snape himself is committed to the task set forth to him by Dumbledore. The wands of Ebony are suited for those who strive to remain true to their core, which Snape did throughout his time in the story.

3 Minerva McGonagall

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Minerva McGonagall is one of the most underrated figures in Harry Potter. A strong figure of resilience and truth at Hogwarts, McGonnagal might never have been easy on Potter and his friends, but always treated them with the respect she deemed necessary.

Her strong leadership skills and moral compass align well with her fir wood, dragon heartstring, and nine and a half-inch wand. Firwood is said to be one of the strongest woods for wands, producing a tool that demands staying power and strength in their owners. McGonagall is a pillar of direction for the school, and her wand embodies that.

2 Ginny Weasley

Harry Potter Ways Each Character Fits Their Wands

Ginny Weasley’s wand isn’t fully known in terms of core and length, but Rowling has confirmed that it is made of Yew wood. Ironically, the wand of Harry Potter’s wife is the same material as his enemy’s. While Voldemort’s wand signifies the negative and evil tendencies of this wand, Yew actually makes perfect sense for Ginny.

Ginny is a deeply protective individual of everyone she loves. Because of this Yew fits, as this wood is also known to be used by powerful witches and wizards for defensive magic. These wands also never choose a mediocre or timid owner, perfect for a talented witch-like Ginny.

1 Bellatrix Lestrange

While Voldemort is evil embodied in full, Bellatrix Lestrange is nothing but pure sadism. Her lust to cause pain onto others is unmatched, and her insanity doesn’t make it any better. Her wand, made of Walnut with a dragon heartstring core, only supports her lethal touch.

Walnut wands are not evil by nature, but their ability is wide-reaching, able to perform just about any spell the user wishes. This yearning to perform can create a toxic relationship in the wrong hands, resulting in a weapon skilled in the worst kind of magic possible.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-characters-fit-wands-ron-weasley-hermione-granger/

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