Has Deadpool Finally Earned A Place with the XMen

Has Deadpool Finally Earned A Place with the X-Men?

After desperately trying to secure a place among the X-Men for years, Wolverine #20 reveals that Deadpool may now have a place with the mutants.

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Has Deadpool Finally Earned A Place with the XMen

The following contains spoilers from Wolverine #20, now on sale from Marvel Comics.

The X-Men have historically consisted of mutants, although at times they have welcomed members who did not share their genetic status. Aliens like Warlock and humans like Captain Britain have all been embraced by Marvel’s mutants, even in the mutant-centric nation of Krakoa. But there’s one holdout who deserves some long-overdue acceptance.

Deadpool is still committed to making his way to Krakoa, as revealed in Wolverine #20 (by Benjamin Percy, Adam Kubert, Frank Martin, Dijjo Lima, and VC’s Cory Petit), and considering how much he’s fought alongside the X-Men, it’s past time for the nation to finally accept him.

Has Deadpool Finally Earned A Place with the XMen

Deadpool has been trying to get into Krakoa since the nation was formed, and in Wolverine #20, he comes across the perfect means to finally make it to the island. Thanks to Blind Al’s contacts, Deadpool is able to discover a plot against the mutants that appears to be carried out on behalf of the United States. Arriving on the scene before Wolverine, Deadpool single-handily wipes out robotic duplicates of the X-Men. He also lends Logan his assistance upon the mutant’s arrival, only requesting a “Krakoa Green Card” in exchange for his services.

Deadpool (aka Wade Wilson) has always enjoyed a close connection to the X-Men even if he himself isn’t a mutant. Introduced in the classic New Mutants #98 (by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza) as an antagonist before becoming a breakout star, Wade’s history has always been interwoven with the overall mutant community. His powers are derived from those possessed by Wolverine, and the two have a very complex history between them. He’s been a love interest of both Siryn and Rogue, and has become close friends with both Cable and Domino. He’s even been an official member of Uncanny X-Force, although he has never been a member of Xavier’s premier team of mutant heroes.

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This, coupled with his non-mutant status, has kept Wade from gaining access to Krakoa (with the exception of special events like the Hellfire Gala). This is something that has bothered Deadpool, to the point where he tried to use his brief stint as King of the Monsters to try and force his way onto the island. This only further isolated him from the mutants, even though it appears that his attempts to reach the island have continued off-panel, as was confirmed by way of a quick montage.

Even before his current plan, Deadpool earned a place on Krakoa. Over the years, Wade has proven a consistent ally to the mutants, with his love for Siryn motivating him to become a better person. His connection with Wolverine has become a consistent element of his character in the past decade, with the pair fighting side-by-side in multiple conflicts. He’s risked his life to protect mutants over the years, and he’s even revealed his belief in the teachings at the heart of the Xavier Institute, personified by his faith in the school to help train the young Apocalypse clone Genesis.

Helping deal with another threat to Krakoa should definitely earn Wade a place on Krakoa, especially considering the fact that other non-mutants such as Logan’s ally Jeff Bannister and Northstar’s husband Kyle have found permanent homes on the island. Deadpool’s efforts to fight against Dark Angel and Stryfe should earn him at least the chance to come visit if not make a life for himself on the island, and it’s possible that like many other former enemies of the X-Men, the culture of Krakoa could help push him in an even more positive direction. If there’s any Marvel hero who’s earned a place among the X-Men despite the lack of an X-Gene, it’s Deadpool – and it’s finally time for him to be accepted by the mutants of Krakoa.

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Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/x-men-wolverine-deadpool-alliance/

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