Hawkeye Didn’t Kill Maya’s Father As Ronin Theory Explained

Hawkeye Didn’t Kill Maya’s Father As Ronin – Theory Explained


Disney’s Hawkeye makes it appear that Clint Barton killed Maya Lopez’s father, but there may be another Ronin in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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Hawkeye Didn’t Kill Maya’s Father As Ronin Theory Explained

Warning: SPOILERS for Hawkeye episode 4.

Disney+’s Hawkeye gives the impression that Clint Barton killed Maya Lopez’s father, but there may be another Ronin operating in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In Hawkeye, Jeremy Renner’s Clint Barton just wants to spend the holidays with his kids in New York and take them to see Rogers: The Musical. Unfortunately, after Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) wears Hawkeye’s old Ronin outfit while fighting off criminals, Barton abruptly changes his holiday plans. The Avengers’ archer needs to team up with Bishop to take on the Tracksuit Mafia and their mysterious leader. If he does so, he could finally make it home to spend Christmas with his kids.

Among the notable characters in the series, Hawkeye introduces Alaqua Cox’s Maya Lopez/Echo. The character is a skilled fighter and has photographic reflexes, allowing her to mimic fighting styles expertly. Like her character, MCU newcomer Alaqua Cox is a Deaf actor in real life and is also Native American, growing up on the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin. Cox is also an amputee and brings that side of herself to her portrayal of Maya Lopez. In the series, Lopez is a commander in the Tracksuit Mafia, seemingly taking over the position after Hawkeye’s Ronin supposedly kills her father, William Lopez (Zahn McClarnon).

Though it appears that Ronin kills Maya’s father in Hawkeye, there are clues that a twist is happening beneath the surface. While dressing as Ronin, Hawkeye certainly went after criminals, making enemies of the Tracksuit Mafia. However, there’s reason to believe Hawkeye didn’t kill William Lopez. After all, other MCU suspects may fit the bill. Additionally, Maya has a comic book connection to Kingpin that may come into play in the series.

Who Is Ronin?

Hawkeye Didn’t Kill Maya’s Father As Ronin Theory Explained

In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos (Josh Brolin) collects the Infinity Stones and successfully eliminates half of the life in the universe with the snap of his gloved fingers. Unfortunately for Clint Barton, his family falls victim to Thanos’ deadly scheme. Since Hawkeye survived the snap, he chose to take his frustrations out on all the criminals who made it through the event as well. Hawkeye took on the identity of Ronin and carried out a worldwide criminal massacre, making enemies along the way. These enemies supposedly included the Tracksuit Mafia, a group of New York-based criminals.

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During Avengers: Endgame, Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) finds Jeremy Renner’s Clint Barton/Ronin after he murders several members of the Yakuza. She gives him hope that there’s a chance to reverse Thanos’ snap and bring back his family. After that, Hawkeye seemingly puts down his Ronin costume, ends his killing spree, and rejoins the Avengers. However, Hawkeye’s history as Ronin comes back to bite him in his new Disney+ series.

Why Maya Thinks Ronin Killed Her Father

Hawkeye Didn’t Kill Maya’s Father As Ronin Theory Explained

Hawkeye episode 3 shows flashbacks to Maya’s past, including Ronin killing her father. In the scene, Maya returns at the end of the day to Fat Man Auto Repair, one of the fronts for the Tracksuit Mafia. There, she sees a massacre happening inside. Someone dressed as Ronin is attacking the Tracksuit Mafia members with a sword. Then, just before Ronin escapes into the night, the masked figure impales her father.

There’s plenty of evidence that Hawkeye committed the murder. After all, in Hawkeye episode 4, Barton talks to Fra Fee’s Kazimierz Kazimierczak, and he notes that Maya has been a commander of the Tracksuit Mafia for a few years. If that’s the case, it means that William Lopez’s death likely occurred during the height of Hawkeye’s time as Ronin. However, there may be something else going on.

Why Ronin Didn’t Kill William Lopez

Hawkeye Didn’t Kill Maya’s Father As Ronin Theory Explained

For now, Maya is a villain in Hawkeye, but she won’t stay that way forever. Marvel is already touting an upcoming Echo solo series for Disney+, so it seems Maya will eventually make a turn into an antihero. If that’s that case, a twist is likely coming in Hawkeye that would propel her down a more righteous path. So murdering one of the Avengers isn’t in her future. Instead, her father’s murderer is probably a more villainous foe.

Also, if Hawkeye’s Ronin didn’t kill William Lopez, it makes the character more interesting. At this point, only a few people know that Hawkeye is Ronin, and Barton would have to admit that he was secretly Ronin to prove he didn’t kill William Lopez. This would put Barton’s family in danger, so it’s out of the question. It also creates an even bigger burden for Hawkeye. After all, he knows he’s still responsible for any copycats who committed crimes in his name.

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Who Could’ve Killed Maya’s Father

Hawkeye Didn’t Kill Maya’s Father As Ronin Theory Explained

Marvel could take a copycat Ronin in several directions. For instance, Florence Pugh’s Yelena Belova could be the culprit. Yelena is certainly skilled enough to pretend to be the assassin. Furthermore, since Yelena thinks Hawkeye is responsible for Natasha Romanoff’s death, she’d likely want to do anything possible to hurt Barton. Killing in the name of Ronin would undoubtedly make more enemies for the character. Jack Duquesne (Tony Dalton), Kate Bishop’s future stepdad, is another possibility. Jack, who’s inspired by Jacques Duquesne/Swordsman from Marvel’s comics, is skilled at sword fighting and was interested in acquiring Ronin’s retractable sword in the Hawkeye premiere.

However, when it comes to William Lopez’s death, there’s an elephant in the room. In Marvel’s comics, Kingpin is responsible for the death of Maya’s father, and he could be the culprit behind the murder in the series. After all, Hawkeye has had several clues that Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin will appear in the show. For instance, a mysterious character resembling Kingpin’s build appears just off camera during a flashback to Maya’s childhood. She and the other Tracksuit Mafia members know him as “Uncle.” Furthermore, since episode 4 revealed Jack was laundering money for the “big guy” running the Tracksuit Mafia, he could also be Kingpin’s fake Ronin sent to take out his own men.

Kingpin’s Comic Connection

Maya Lopez’s story strongly connects to Kingpin. Maya’s father works for Kingpin in Marvel’s comics, but the villain eventually has him killed. Then, impressed by Maya’s skills, Kingpin takes her under his wing. The crime boss blames Maya’s father’s death on Daredevil, and Maya initially takes the bait. Though she eventually learns the truth, she buys into Kingpin’s plot for a time.

Disney and Marvel’s Hawkeye seems to put a slight spin on Maya’s story. The character still wants to avenge her father’s death, but she sets her sights on Ronin/Hawkeye instead of Daredevil. After all, Charlie Cox’s Daredevil isn’t in the picture. And calling the mystery character “Uncle” hints that he took Maya under his wing as Kingpin does in the comics. If Kingpin does appear in the series, all signs point to him being responsible for William Lopez’s death. It remains to be seen if Kingpin is behind William Lopez’s murder, but, at this point, it’d be a more shocking twist if he weren’t.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hawkeye-did-not-kill-maya-father-ronin-theory/

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