Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Hawkeye: Every Marvel Character That Could Be “Uncle,” Ranked By Likelihood


Hawkeye has teased viewers with a mysterious suited man known only as “Uncle.” With only two episodes left, who might this big bad be?

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Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Marvel’s Hawkeye is nearing its epic conclusion, with only two episodes left to tie up all the loose ends left from the first four. One particularly interesting mystery surrounding the Disney+ series is the identity of Maya Lopez’s mysterious “Uncle,” whose hand alone was seen in the flashbacks of episode 3. The as-yet-unseen character is clearly being set up to be the main villain of the series.

With endless comic book characters to choose from, Marvel certainly can go in multiple directions with this revelation. Fans have been speculating non-stop about who this character may turn out to be, with several theories standing above the rest, including some very exciting potential possibilities.

10 Tombstone

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Tombstone is a Spider-Man villain created by Gerry Conway and Alex Saviuk who first appeared in 1988. The character is often affiliated with the New York City underworld, something that is an integral piece of Hawkeye’s main story. In addition, certain versions of the character depict Tombstone as being a larger-than-average man, as “Uncle” is implied to be.

Despite a storied history in Marvel Comics, a minor role in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and an appearance in the Spider-Man PS4 game, Tombstone has never fought Spider-Man in a live-action film. The character’s inclusion in Hawkeye could lay the foundation for an appearance in a future Spider-Man film, something fans would surely love to see.

9 The Owl

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Leland Owlsly, also known as the Owl, is one of Marvel Comics’ major crime bosses, and one of the original foes of Daredevil, who is hotly rumored to be en route into the MCU. The character previously made a cameo in the first season of Netflix’s Daredevil, played by Bob Gunton, but never fully adopted his supervillain persona therein.

The Owl is a major crime boss in several important storylines from the comics. Though he never has had the same presence as Wilson Fisk or Hammerhead, he is rarely counted out of the major mob stories. Given Hawkeye’s deep dive into the criminal underworld in New York City, the avian-themed villain being Maya’s “Uncle” is not a far-fetched theory for fans to subscribe to.

8 Xu Wenwu

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Upon his long-awaited introduction, the true Mandarin proved himself a top-tier MCU villain in this year’s Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. A seemingly sympathetic man seeking to put his family back together played by the legendary actor Tony Leung, the Xu Wenwu delivered on Marvel Studios’ every promise regarding the character.

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The major problem with this theory is that Xu Wenwu did not survive the events of Shang-Chi. However, given the nature of superhero media, it is not completely out of the question for him to make a return despite his death. The character certainly had ties to criminal groups in America and may have been seeking new recruits at “Uncle’s” karate dojo, as seen in Hawkeye’s flashback sequence.

7 Trickshot

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Trickshot is a lesser-known yet vitally important character in Marvel Comics. His real name is Charles “Barney” Barton and is revealed to be the brother of Clint Barton. The character has a less amicable relationship with the law than his brother, usually acting as a villain.

Given the prominence of Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye in this self-titled series, it is certainly possible that his never-before-mentioned brother may become the primary antagonist. Though the show has done little to hint as to this being the case, the character does in fact make an appearance in the Matt Fraction run on the Hawkeye comic series, which this show is heavily inspired by, making Trickshot’s MCU debut all the more likely.

6 Justin Hammer

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Justin Hammer made his first MCU appearance in 2010’s Iron Man 2, acting as the film’s secondary antagonist. He found himself in prison by the movie’s end and has only been seen once since, in Marvel’s All Hail the King one-shot in 2014. However, the character has been rumored to appear in the upcoming Armor Wars Disney+ series.

Though Hammer being the true identity of “Uncle” seems somewhat unlikely to some, his MCU return is long overdue. Given his defeat at the hands of Tony Stark, the character may have dipped his toe into the unsavory pool of criminal activity on the streets of New York in order to rebuild the empire taken from him. As such, he may prove to be a worthwhile foe for Clint and Kate to take on in the series’ final two episodes.

5 Ezekiel Stane

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Ezekiel Stane is an Iron Man villain from the comics and the son of Obadiah Stane, AKA Iron Monger. The younger Stane is moved by his father’s rivalry with Tony Stark to become a supervillain himself in an effort to succeed where his father had failed.

The Stane family has not been directly referenced in the MCU since Obadiah’s appearance in the first Iron Man film–that is until a brief shot in the opening episode of Hawkeye revealed that a building on Kate Bishop’s college campus was named “Stane Tower.” Given this new information, it may be possible that a certain member of the Stane family has taken on his father’s role in the world–perhaps including his villainous tendencies.

4 Doctor Faustus

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Doctor Faustus is a supervillain from Marvel Comics, and one of the major characters that has yet to get a live-action adaptation. He has often been affiliated with the Red Skull and even helped orchestrate the death of Captain America following the infamous Civil War storyline.

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Given that Faustus is typically portrayed as an enemy to Captain America, the villain’s inclusion in Hawkeye could prove to be the foundation for a potential Captain America 4 storyline. With Marvel’s Disney+ series often acting as the introduction to major new MCU antagonists, this may be the perfect time to introduce such an imposing baddie with long-lasting implications to the entirety of the franchise.

3 Hammerhead

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

Hammerhead is one of the leading mob bosses of the New York City criminal underworld and often does battle with the Amazing Spider-Man. After losing his memories when he was nearly beaten to death, Joseph Lorenzi adopted the Hammerhead persona to live out his dreams of becoming a powerful gangster.

Though Sony has often been reluctant to allow Spider-Man characters to appear in other MCU projects, it appears that their deal with Marvel is on better grounds than ever, making it more likely that Hammerhead could show up in Hawkeye. The character matches all the descriptions of “Uncle” presented so far, given his larger-than-average stature and criminal ties. His unique appearance would also explain the show’s reluctance to show the character’s face just yet.

2 Dreykov

Hawkeye Every Marvel Character That Could Be Uncle Ranked By Likelihood

General Dreykov is the diabolical head of the Red Room, the program responsible for the training of Natasha Romanov and the other Black Widows. He made his first and only MCU appearance in this year’s Black Widow spinoff film, played by Ray Winstone.

Though Dreykov seemed to die at the end of Black Widow, the character has already proven to be quite adept at surviving explosions meant to kill him. Dreykov is particularly known for his interest in recruiting young girls for his program, which would explain his relationship with Maya. And, given that Hawkeye has already included Black Widow supporting character Yelena Bolova, it is possible that it will also choose to include the very man that caused all her pain.

1 Kingpin

While there are many other potential theories regarding the identity of Maya Lopez’s “Uncle,” there is one man who seems to be the most likely candidate–and the most exciting. Wilson Fisk, AKA the Kingpin of Crime, is the stand-out answer to fans’ burning questions regarding “Uncle’s” identity. The character is the arch-nemesis of the superhero Daredevil and an occasional villain of the Amazing Spider-Man.

The evidence all seems lined up for Fisk to make his long-awaited entrance into the mainline MCU, from the heavy footsteps “Uncle” is shown to have to the deep connections to the criminal underworld that the character possesses. Fans have even speculated that Vincent D’Onofrio could reprise the role of Kingpin after a three-season stint on Netflix’s Daredevil series. With only two episodes left of Hawkeye, fans edge closer and closer to learning if the Kingpin is really behind it all.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hawkeye-every-marvel-mcu-character-least-most-likely-to-be-uncle-ranked/

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