Hawkeye Set Photos Show Renner & Steinfeld Giggling in a Car

Hawkeye Set Photos Show Renner & Steinfeld Giggling in a Car

On his Instagram stories, Jeremy Renner shares behind-the-scenes photos from the set of Hawkeye showing him and Hailee Steinfeld laughing it up.

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Hawkeye Set Photos Show Renner & Steinfeld Giggling in a Car

New behind-the-scenes shots from Hawkeye show how well stars Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld got along on set. Hawkeye is the newest upcoming show from the live-action television wing of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After taking 2020 off, Marvel ramped up their Disney+ content in a major way in 2021, following up their first successful series WandaVision with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Loki. The arrow-slinging Avenger Hawkeye is the latest to get this treatment, and the first two episodes of the six-episode Hawkeye series are set to premiere on November 24.

Hawkeye will follow Clint Barton as he attempts to take his family (Linda Cardellini, Ava Russo, Ben Sakamoto, and Cade Woodward) on vacation in New York City but gets caught up in the city’s criminal underbelly. On the way, he reluctantly teams up with Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop, a fan who becomes his protegĂ© despite his reservations. The series will also star Vera Farmiga and Brian d’Arcy James as Kate Bishop’s parents, Zahn McClarnon as William Lopez, and Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez AKA Echo, who will be getting her own spinoff MCU series.

On his Instagram stories, Renner shares two behind-the-scenes photos from the set of Hawkeye. Both shots are from the same scene, in which Clint is behind the wheel of a beat-up sedan driving Kate to parts unknown. Clearly the actors were having a blast on set, because both images show them cracking up, betraying the fact that they have a much better working relationship than their characters do. Check out the photos below:

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Hawkeye Set Photos Show Renner & Steinfeld Giggling in a Car

Much of the plot of the series is still under wraps, so it’s unknown where the characters are going or how important this scene will be to the overall. However, the scratches on the side of the car door look like more than just the usual wear and tear. It’s possible that the vehicle will be featured in an action scene where the characters are chased by any of the many forces who have them in their sights, which include Fra Fee’s clown mercenary Kazi and Florence Pugh’s Yelena Belova, who was put on the job in the end-credits stinger of Black Widow.

Hawkeye has quite an act to follow, considering the popularity of the previous MCU series, especially WandaVision and Loki. However, as the first series to star one of the original Avengers lineup, it should draw in its fair share of interest. The thing that will keep fans watching is likely the dynamic between Steinfeld and Renner, which early reactions have reported is just as electric and exciting as these behind-the-scenes photos would imply.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hawkeye-show-jeremy-renner-hailee-steinfeld-bts-image/

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