Hawkeye What Happened To Lucky The Dogs Eye (Hes Not Winking)

Hawkeye: What Happened To Lucky The Dog’s Eye (He’s Not Winking)

Hawkeye’s dog companion Lucky will likely lose his eye saving Clint from the mafia, just as he did in the 2012 comic book run by Matt Fraction.

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Hawkeye What Happened To Lucky The Dogs Eye (Hes Not Winking)

The upcoming Hawkeye series features Clint Barton and Kate Bishop’s iconic canine sidekick Lucky, who appears seemingly winking in his newly released Hawkeye character poster – though this isn’t quite the case in reality. While this might look like merely a suitable expression for a dog to be making in the MCU, this appears to allude to Lucky’s having lost an eye, much as he does in the Marvel comics. Lucky is making his MCU debut in Hawkeye, along with Clint’s protégé Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) and their ally Echo (Alaqua Cox).

Premiering on November 24 on Disney+, the Hawkeye series is loosely adapted from Matt Fraction’s popular 2012 Hawkeye comic run. Fraction’s comics also introduced Lucky, though he was originally called Arrow. The show will pick up just after the events of Avengers: Endgame, with Clint finally reunited with his family for Christmas — though his peaceful holiday is short-lived, as he is soon faced with enemies dredged up from his past as the katana-wielding vigilante Ronin. Kate Bishop, a member of the Young Avengers in the comics, comes along for the ride as well, potentially taking on the mantle of Hawkeye by the end of the series.

The Hawkeye series promises to fulfill the broad arcs of Fraction’s comics, and the origins of Lucky’s lost eye are no exception. On his way to confront mafia bully Ivan Banionis, Clint befriends Arrow (who belongs to Ivan’s goons) by feeding him pizza. When Hawkeye is attacked by Ivan’s crew of Tracksuit Draculas (so dubbed by Clint because of their activewear uniforms and thick Slavic accents) and Arrow saves Clint by attacking his owners. The angry mobsters brutally beat Arrow until Clint, against his better judgment, returns to save the heroic dog. Arrow sustains serious injuries from his scuffle, including losing his left eye, but he survives, prompting Clint to rename him Lucky. While the series may not translate the comic run directly, it appears to be faithful to the dynamic established between Clint Barton and Kate Bishop, and by extension, likely Lucky.

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The Tracksuit Draculas have already featured heavily in the trailers, so it makes sense that Lucky’s origin would remain close to the source material. Lucky saving Clint is a surefire way to quickly establish an immediate bond and endear the character to the audience. Plus, losing an eye at the hands of the Tracksuit Draculas creates a clear picture of (and emotional connection to) their villainy.

Although it is not yet certain how closely the Hawkeye series will follow Matt Fraction’s 2012 comic run, it is clear that Lucky will serve as a memorable part of the story. Everything seems to point to a faithful adaptation of Lucky’s origins, including the loss of his left eye due to the savagery of the Tracksuit Draculas and his subsequent friendship with Clint and Kate. With Lucky and his missing eye being highlighted in the promotional materials for the show, it seems likely that Lucky will play a large enough role to establish him as a beloved MCU sidekick.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hawkeye-show-lucky-dog-eye-missing-what-happened/

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