Hawkeyes Marvel Show Explains Why He Used A Sword In Endgame

Hawkeye’s Marvel Show Explains Why He Used A Sword In Endgame

The presence of a certain character in Marvel’s Hawkeye TV series explains why Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) uses a sword in Avengers: Endgame.

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Hawkeyes Marvel Show Explains Why He Used A Sword In Endgame

Casting news for Marvel’s Hawkeye show explains Hawkeye’s use of a sword in Avengers: Endgame. It’s been revealed that Better Call Saul actor Tony Dalton will portray Jack Duquesne in the upcoming Disney+ series. In Marvel Comics, Jacques Duquesne is the alter ego of the Avenger known as Swordsman.

Two characters from Marvel Comics will be making their debuts in the show: Jack Duquesne (aka, Swordsman) and Echo. The inclusion of the Swordsman means that not only will Hawkeye reveal Clint Barton’s MCU origin story, but it will also make sense of how he acquired the sword skills that he used in Avengers: Endgame as Ronin. In the comic books, Swordsman was Hawkeye’s original mentor. He was a circus performer who took Hawkeye and his brother in when they were wandering orphans. How the MCU’s Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) became the person he is, is a question that’s never been answered, but Marvel bringing Swordsman to the Disney+ show indicates that to some degree he’ll share his comic book counterpart’s role in Hawkeye’s early life.

In the first official trailer for Hawkeye, Swordsman is one of the characters who isn’t shown at all, but it is revealed the Disney+ series will be tackling Clint’s past as Ronin, in which he mercilessly killed members of criminal organizations he deemed unworthy to live after his family disappeared during Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War. Since Hawkeye is revisiting Clint’s time as Ronin and the repercussions of his actions, it’s likely the series will explore how he became an expert swordsman in the five years between Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. For now, the trailer only shows Clint using his bow and arrow, which is indicative of his Hawkeye persona and not of Ronin. But considering Kate Bishop takes up the mantle of Ronin (however briefly), it’s possible fans will get to see Clint wielding a sword once more.

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Hawkeye can ultimately shed light on Clint’s transformation into Earth’s Mightiest Marksman, and how Swordsman may have helped him down this path. Flashbacks can show a young Clint practicing archery and sword-fighting at the direction of Duquesne. As a person who had an important part to play in Hawkeye’s story in the comic books, it’s good that Marvel is bringing Swordsman into the MCU. His presence is sure to expand on Hawkeye’s character development, just as he did in the source material. Clint’s past has long been overlooked in the MCU, and Hawkeye presents Marvel with an opportunity to fix that issue.

In Marvel Comics, it never seemed odd to anyone familiar with Clint’s history that an archer like him could suit up as Ronin and be effective as a sword-wielding superhero. That’s because the person who trained him was one of the most talented swordfighters in the Marvel Universe. It only made sense that Duquesne would have taught him swordsmanship when he was a boy. It seemed logical that with a teacher like Swordsman, Hawkeye should know his way around a sword. With Ronin in Avengers: Endgame, though, Hawkeye didn’t have the same established backstory that the comic book character had. However, Hawkeye is sure to clear up a lot of mysteries about his past.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hawkeye-swords-ronin-endgame-swordsman-mentor-reason/

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