How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related? & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones featured plenty of unique and interesting characters who were connected in ways that fans most likely overlooked.

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How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

There is no doubt that the fantastical world in which Game Of Thrones takes place is far more vast and expansive than what fans have gotten to see, with the stories told to viewers contained mainly in Westeros, and its surrounding areas. Considering so much of the story is kept mostly within one vast location, with there being many characters, there is a load of surprising connections between them.

Daenerys and Jon Snow had a familial connection that got theorized amongst fans for a long time, and, on top of them, there are many surprising ways in which characters in the show are linked, whether it be by blood, marriage, or even a unique fact or accomplishment.

Updated December 9th by Rhys McGinley: Throughout its eight seasons Game Of Thrones introduces fans to a plethora of outstanding characters and dynamics, from the odd couple pairing of Arya and the Hound to families like the Starks and Lannisters. Along with them, though, there are so many little connections – like how Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are related – throughout the show between characters who may have never even met in the series. These connections could be familial or could just be based on a unique event or feature of the characters not shared with anyone else. Oftentimes, fans do not think about or even realize these surprising connections exist, making them fun to look back on upon rewatching the show when they are discovered.

15 Daenerys Targaryen & Jon Snow

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Two of the pillars of Game Of Thrones met in season 7 of the show for the first time after Daenerys finally made her way to Westeros, with a romance ignited between the two.

As the two get together for the first time, however, fans are given the full confirmation of a longstanding theory and something that got pretty much confirmed earlier, which is that Jon Snow is actually Aegon Targaryen. The R+L = J theory came to be, meaning that Jon Snow and Daenerys are related, with Daenerys being Jon’s Aunt.

14 Jorah Mormont & Shireen Baratheon

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Ser Jorah Mormont and Shireen Baratheon are two characters who not only share a sad death – albeit Shireen’s is far more harrowing – but they are the only two named characters in the show who get inflicted with greyscale.

Also known as Prince Garin’s curse, greyscale damages and stiffens the skin before, usually, killing its host. Shireen caught the infliction as a young girl and survived with the damage seen across her face. Jorah got it from the stone men, before getting cured by Samwell Tarley. The disease is a significant part of multiple characters’ stories, not just Jorah and Shireen, but Samwell who cures it as well as Stannis and his wife who live with their daughter’s condition.

13 Cersei Lannister & Lysa Arryn

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Cersei Lannister and Lysa Arryn, the two surviving matriarchs of their respective families, are two of the most unlikable characters in Game Of Thrones. Despite the key characters never meeting, are connected through the murder of their husbands.

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Lysa Arryn poisoned her husband at the behest of Littlefinger, whereas Cersei, in her typically manipulative and evil manner, ordered Lancel to get Robert drunk during his hunt, knowing it would get him killed. Both of the infuriating characters got what they wanted out of disposing of their husbands, and both proved to be arguably the most pivotal events that led to the War of the Five Kings.

12 Ramsay Bolton & Tyrion Lannister

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Whereas Tyrion Lannister is the best of a terrible bunch in the Lannisters and a fan-favorite protagonist, Ramsay Bolton is an abhorrent villain in the show. Nevertheless, they are connected through their hatred of their father.

Both Tyrion and Ramsay murder their fathers. Tyrion kills Tywin with a crossbow as he sits on the toilet, something foreshadowed brilliantly, while Ramsay, rather unsurprisingly, stabs his father, Roose. The result of both of these murders was very different. Ramsey temporarily ruled the North as a result, while Tyrion went on the run – albeit also due to the assumption he murdered Joffrey. The characters could not be more different, but like so many in Game Of Thrones, are linked.

11 Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Meera Reed, & Samwell Tarly

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Considering the fact they are such a colossal and tension-accumulating aspect of Game Of Thrones, it is impressive that only four characters – Samwell Tarley, Jon Snow, Meera Reed, and Arya Stark – kill a White Walker.

Arguably Sam’s most iconic scene is when he kills the White Walker with Dragonglass. Jon, of course, managed to kill two with Longclaw. Meera got the best of one as she escaped with Bran from the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave by using a Dragonglass spear. Then, Arya, kills the Night King himself, subsequently destroying the rest of the White Walkers.

10 Jon Snow & Aemon Targaryen

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Maester Aemon Targaryen is an important character at Castle Black in the early seasons of the show, and it is not until long after his death that the show confirms his relation to Jon Snow, his great-great Nephew.

Both of the character’s true names are also Aemon Targaryen. Like how Danerys and Jon are related, Maester Aemon is the great-uncle of Daenerys also, but that is a clear connection. Jon and Aemon have a good relationship while he is alive, and so it is easy to forget they are blood-related. Aemon also has the iconic quote about Targaryen’s being alone in the world, something Jon Snow eventually came.

9 Jeor Mormont & Lyanna Mormont

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Lyanna Mormont was an absolute star in her recurring appearances in the later seasons of the show and had one of the very best deaths of season 8.

Since they are never together before the Battle of Winterfell, it is easy to forget that Jorah and Lyanna are related, cousins, to be exact. This relationship makes Lyanna the niece of the former Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, a great character who sadly passed long before fans were aware of Lyanna’s existence.

8 Lysa Arryn & Olenna Tyrell

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Two of the most famous women in the series who are the heads of their respective houses during their time, who could not be more different, are Lady Lysa Arryn and Lady Olenna Tyrell. Yet, they are connected by a ladder known as chaos.

Littlefinger is the connective tissue between the two, with both the psychotic Lysa Arryn and the Queen of Thorns conspiring with Baelish to poison someone to further their wants, as well as aid Littlefinger’s position in the game. Those being Jon Arryn and Joffrey, of course.

7 Tyrion Lannister & Sandor Clegane/Oberyn Martell & Vardis Egen

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Tyrion Lannister and Sandor ‘the Hound’ Clegane, are two of the show’s consistent standout characters, are together for a chunk at the start of the show, and stay individually brilliant long after they separate.

Forgetting their early allegiance to the Lannister house, they are connected in that they are the only two people seen in the show to be given a trial by combat. In the same vein, Oberyn Martell and Vardis Egin are connected by being the only men to be killed in a trial by combat in the series. Martell by the Mountain, giving Tyrion a loss, and Egin by Bronn, allowing Tyrion to survive. Beric Dondarian also dies at the hands of the Hound, but certainly does not stay dead.

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6 Ramsay Bolton & The Stark Children

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Ramsay Bolton may not be the most genuinely hatable person in the show as Joffrey still does exist, but he is by far the most sadistic, and in terms of Sansa Stark, there is an obvious connection there.

However, since they got married and non-consensually consummated it, Ramsay is the brother-in-law to Bran, Arya, and the boy he murders in cold blood, Rickon. It’s a very strange thought.

5 Littlefinger & Sansa Stark

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

In that same vein, Littlefinger and Sansa are a pair who spend quite a lot of time together and are forever connected in that manner. But a less thought about connection comes, once again, in the terms of marriage.

Since Littlefinger married Sansa’s aunt Lysa Arryn before murdering her and becoming Lord of the Vale, he became Sansa’s uncle-in-law. It is not surprising that he regularly hit on his niece-in-law in terms of what goes on in Westeros, but in reality, Littlefinger truly became the creepy uncle.

4 Gendry & Ramsay Bolton

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Going back to Ramsay Bolton, he filled Joffrey’s shoes in a big way. Unlike Joffrey, he did not get brought up with riches, comfort, and adoration from his family, as he was a bastard.

That is one layer of how he connects with Gendry, but there are loads of bastards in Westeros. What truly connects these two is that they are the only two bastards who, in the show itself, get legitimized. Ramsay by his father Roose, making him the heir to the North for a time, and Gendry by Daenerys, making him the only living member of House Baratheon and Lord of the Stormlands.

3 Varys, Theon Greyjoy, & The Unsullied

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

The connection between these three very different and distinct people/groups is obvious and gets individually pointed out to each of them throughout the show. However, they are not thought of as a group as they are never really together.

All three have been castrated and made into eunuchs. Varys by the hands of a sorcerer, the Unsullied by their Masters, and Theon/Reek by Ramsay Bolton. Varys and the Unsullied do not seem to care overly much, while it was a significant part of breaking Theon.

2 Khal Drogo & Jon Snow

How Are Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Related & 14 Other Surprising Connections In Game of Thrones

Jason Mamoa was picture-perfect casting for one of the first season’s standout characters Khal Drogo, who never really made it to the point of season 2, nevermind to Westeros with Daenerys.

Jon Snow was with Daenerys in Westeros, but the connection of love for the Mother of Dragons is not unique to them, as Daario and Jorah, and maybe even Tyrion, hold that. Their relationship is that – going back to previously mentioned in-laws – since Drogo and Daenerys were married for a short time, Drogo was the uncle of Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen.

1 Tyrion Lannister, Gendry, Robin Arryn, Yara Greyjoy, & Jon Snow

Westeros consists of a variety of family houses, with a select few known as the Great Houses. However, through the events of the War of the Five Kings, the war against the dead, and the ‘Mad Queen’ Daenerys, as well as others, a lot of these houses were depleted. That is what connects these random characters; they are the only members of their Great Houses left.

Tyrion is the last known Lannister in the show, Jon Snow is the last known Targaryen (although that is not how he will identify), Yara is the very last Greyjoy, and the irritating Robin Arryn is the last remaining member of House Arryn at the show’s end. Bronn’s house, House Tully, and House Stark all have at least two members, with House Martell under the rule of an unnamed Martell who could be a singular last Martell, but likely not.

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