How Doctor Strange 2s Multiverse Approach Differs From SpiderMan No Way Home

How Doctor Strange 2’s Multiverse Approach Differs From Spider-Man: No Way Home

Sam Raimi explains the key distinction in how Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Spider-Man: No Way Home tackle the same motif.

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There’s more than one way to tell a multiverse story, something Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness aims to prove upon its release.

In an interview with Fandango, director Sam Raimi responded to a comment made by star Benedict Cumberbatch about Multiverse of Madness’ cameo count and how it would differ from Spider-Man: No Way Home’s framework. “I guess I would say that… Spider-Man [No Way Home] broke open [the idea that] characters from the multiverse could visit our universe. But this is the first time that characters from our universe will go out into the multiverse and experience other universes,” Raimi said. “So, it’s going to be a continuation, but that, I think, is one of the biggest appeals. Finding other realities, and how they rhyme with our own, or how they are completely the opposite, or variations thereof. I think therein lies the interest of this picture.”

Prior to No Way Home, the Marvel multiverse was first explored theatrically in Sony’s 2018’s animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, inspired by Marvel’s 2014 Spider-Verse event comic. This concept, while briefly mentioned in Spider-Man: Far From Home, became central to the Marvel Cinematic Universe beginning with shows like Loki and What If…?, which explored the existence of parallel universe storylines and variants of the same character interacting with one another.

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No Way Home, by comparison, directly integrated the multiverse into its mainline continuity, with Tom Holland’s MCU Peter Parker meeting both villains and his own counterparts from Mark Webb and Raimi’s Spider-Man franchises after a spell performed by Doctor Strange went wrong. Though the film ended with Strange closing off the multiverse at the cost of everyone forgetting Peter’s identity, No Way Home’s post-credit scene — an official Multiverse of Madness teaser — hinted at his actions having unforeseen, long-term repercussions.

Officially, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ cameos have not been announced, with trailers focusing on him, Wong, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch and America Chavez visiting different worlds and structures in between dimensions. However, promotional material has hinted at a number of familiar faces returning. One Multiverse of Madness trailer scene saw Strange being addressed by a mysterious council member whose voice raised speculation that Patrick Stewart will play a different version of his Charles Xavier role from the X-Men films, such as one who leads the Illuminati. Likewise, a Union Jack shield spotted in one of the film’s posters suggested that Haley Atwell might appear as her What If…? Captain Carter variant. Other trailers have focused on different variants of both Strange and Maximoff like zombies, a reality previously covered in What If…?’s adaptation of the Marvel Zombies comics.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness arrives in theaters May 6.

Source: Fandango

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