How Doctor Who Season 13 Promises To Reveal The Doctors Forgotten Past

How Doctor Who Season 13 Promises To Reveal The Doctor’s Forgotten Past

The Timeless Child retcon hinted at a billion years of forgotten Doctor Who history – and Doctor Who: Flux promises to begin revealing it.

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How Doctor Who Season 13 Promises To Reveal The Doctors Forgotten Past

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Doctor Who: Flux episode 1.

Doctor Who season 13 promises to reveal the Doctor’s forgotten past. Nobody can fault current Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall for his ambition. Doctor Who season 12 rewrote decades of continuity when it revealed the Doctor is the Timeless Child, a being potentially older than the universe itself who became the base genetic code for the entire Time Lord race. The Timeless Child was discovered a billion years ago by the Gallifreyan explorer Tecteun, and her coveted power of regeneration became the foundation upon which Time Lord civilization was built. “They lied to us,” The Master explained to the Doctor. “Everything we were told was a lie. We are not who we think. You or I. The whole existence of our species – built on the lie of the Timeless Child.”

Most attention has focused on the question of the Doctor’s true origin, but the implications of the Timeless Child retcon run deeper than that. The Timeless Child means William Hartnell was not the first Doctor; in fact, the Doctor has a billion years of history before the BBC TV series even began. Jo Martin’s Forgotten Doctor, introduced in Doctor Who season 12, appears to be a pre-Hartnell Doctor; she apparently worked for a covert Time Lord organization called the Division, before going rogue and hiding on Earth for a time. But there will have been countless other Doctors as well, whose adventures have yet to be chronicled.

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Doctor Who: Flux is promising to explore Doctor Who’s forgotten history. Its main villain is a mysterious being called Swarm, who fought the Doctor across time and space but was ultimately defeated and imprisoned by the Division. Swarm is responsible for the mysterious cosmic event known as the Flux, which the Doctor believes threatens to destroy the entire universe. This monstrous being has some sort of psychic link with the Doctor, allowing him to enter her mind with impunity. Fortunately the Doctor is allying with at least one former Division operative, Karvanista, and it’s possible Jacob Anderson’s enigmatic character Vinder is another Division agent who will help against Swarm as well. All this provides plenty of opportunity for the Doctor to learn more about the Division – and, consequently, to discover the pre-Hartnell past the Time Lords erased.

Doctor Who’s Timeless Child retcon has divided the fanbase. One reason is that, while the Timeless Child is the biggest change to Doctor Who lore since 1969’s “The War Games,” there’s a strange sense in which it changes nothing. Doctor Who season 12, episode 10 went so far as to reassure viewers that the Timeless Child shouldn’t change anything about the Doctor’s character, with a key scene in which Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor had a Matrix vision of Jo Martin’s Forgotten Doctor, and was reassured by her words. “Have you ever been limited by who you were before,” the Forgotten Doctor noted, pointing out that what matters is not where the Doctor comes from, but who she chooses to be. It was a strange approach, rewriting Doctor Who history while trying to tell viewers the rewrite didn’t matter at all. Fortunately Doctor Who season 13 is abandoning that strange approach, with the Timeless Child changing the Doctor’s arc – launching a quest in which she attempts to learn her forgotten past, while driving her to become even more secretive.

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Doctor Who: Flux is only six episodes long, so it’s doubtful season 13 will resolve this arc. Instead, it’s more likely that the revelations here will lead to the next stage of the Doctor’s quest, with Chibnall revealing more concrete details about the Doctor’s history in the three specials set to release in 2022. Still, Doctor Who season 13 will certainly build on the foundation of the Timeless Child, giving viewers a good idea of what’s going to come next.

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