How Fallout 76 Ends The Brotherhood Of Steels Story

How Fallout 76 Ends The Brotherhood Of Steel’s Story


Fallout 76: Steel Reign concludes the Brotherhood of Steel story with a complex moral decision that goes beyond simply supporting Rahmani or Shin.

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How Fallout 76 Ends The Brotherhood Of Steels Story

The latest update for Fallout 76, known as Steel Reign, brings an end to the current Brotherhood of Steel storyline in Fallout 76. Bethesda is often more known for the worlds it creates than the stories it tells with them, given that its games tend to focus on a world and what players make of it. But there is room for pockets of narrative that can be surprisingly profound, which is on display in Fallout 76’s Steel Reign content.

The rift between Paladin Rahmani and Knight Shin was already well established in the initial Brotherhood missions, but it finally comes to a head in Steel Reign, forcing players to make a more nuanced choice than any Fallout 76 has proposed thus far. While it may not be on the scale of previous Fallout faction decisions or on par with Skyrim’s civil war, it is a return to form with the complex characters and moral dilemmas that make Bethesda games enjoyable.

The stage was already set for a standoff between Rahmani and Shin after the final mission in the previous update, which saw Rahmani destroy the comms array that would have allowed the Brotherhood to contact the Elders. Regardless who players supported in that quest, they will be given a choice again after Steel Reign cleverly backtracks on the schism within the Brotherhood to deal with a more imminent threat. Players will get to know Rahmani and Shin more as individuals (and their stances on what the Brotherhood should and should not be) whilst putting an end to the growing super mutant threat in Fallout 76’s Appalachia.

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How Steel Reign Changes The Brotherhood In Fallout 76

After a series of missions tracking the source of the super mutant problem, players will finally find themselves dealing with the familiar figure of the enigmatic Dr. Blackburn. Players may remember him from the round of questioning they had to do in their first Brotherhood missions, where he discussed research he claimed would help save the people of Appalachia, though said research turns out to be protecting the FEV he worked on while at West Tek.

Blackburn’s final plans to disperse the “corrected” version of the FEV throughout Appalachia are already in motion, and players must keep another potentially horrible Fallout experiment from going awry. Players can choose to support Rahmani or Shin throughout some dialogue scenes in the penultimate steps of the quest. No matter what they choose, though, the story will progress with Blackburn leading them to the dispersal site where his fellow scientists are fast at work. In a last-ditch ever to prove the FEV works, Blackburn will subject himself to it and become a super mutant behemoth the players must put down.

Once Blackburn is dealt with, however, the real dilemma arises, as players must choose the fate of the scientists who assisted him. This is where Rahmani’s and Shin’s differing views on the Brotherhood of Steel’s true purpose collide with a complex moral decision in Fallout 76. Rahmani believes the scientists should be spared so they can work under the close surveillance of the Brotherhood to make amends for their sins. Shin, however, thinks their actions are irredeemable and they must be executed. Players can talk to the scientists and learn that their views vary from remorsefully seeking redemption to unapologetically thinking they need only a few more adjustments to fix their failed experiment, making the decision an even more difficult one.

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The player’s decision will ultimately show if players prefer redemption or justice, and what role they believe the Brotherhood of Steel should serve, one of altruism or authoritarianism. Supporting either character will see the other NPC leave the Brotherhood either to pursue their own interests elsewhere (Rahmani) or return to the Elders (Shin). Players can choose to attack the NPCs rather than letting them leave peacefully, so it begs the question: Will sparing them have any effect on the game’s narrative in the years to come? Either way, the player is named Knight-Errant and Steel Reign closes the current tale of the Brotherhood in Fallout 76 in fitting fashion for the franchise.

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