How The Batman’s Trailer Hints It Could Break A Batman Tradition

How The Batman’s Trailer Hints It Could Break A Batman Tradition

The latest FanDome trailer for The Batman features an image showing the Dark Knight at sunrise, hinting that it’ll break a Batman tradition.

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How The Batman’s Trailer Hints It Could Break A Batman Tradition

Promotional images included in The Batman’s second trailer hint that the upcoming film could break a long-standing Batman tradition. After a series of delays and a widely successful first trailer at the first DC FanDome event, a second The Batman trailer premiered at 2021’s DC FanDome. The trailer features a moment showing the Dark Knight looking out at the Gotham City skyline at sunrise, an atypical situation for Batman, who typically operates in the dead of night.

The Batman will be a standalone Batman film with no ties to the ongoing DCEU and its iteration of Batman or any previous film franchises. Starring Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne, The Batman will feature a plethora of classic Batman comic characters, including Catwoman and The Penguin, but the film’s main antagonist will be a reimagined version of The Riddler. Reeves hopes to give the film a realistic feel, honing in on the detective aspect of the Batman comics more than anything else.

The shot of Batman operating in daylight from the trailer is clearly not a promotional image, but a confirmed moment from the film. The comic version of Batman, along with most film adaptations, strikes terror into Gotham’s criminal element, appearing to them as an almost supernatural figure. Part of this is achieved by working at night, which also assists Batman’s legendary skills in stealth. The Batman appears to be breaking this tradition, but it won’t be the first adaptation to do this if so, and there are several possible reasons for it.

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Matt Reeves is using a realistic approach to the Dark Knight in The Batman, and Bruce will be early in his superhero career in the film. Perhaps Batman is less rigid about operating at night in this universe, prioritizing the case he’s working on over his mystique. Batman might also have been working on a case throughout the night, and take a moment to gaze upon the city before returning to his Bruce Wayne persona.

Other Batman adaptations have broken this tradition before. The classic Batman TV series from the ‘60s had Batman and Robin pursuing criminals in broad daylight as well as the dead of night throughout the show. 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises featured an act 3 battle in which Batman joined the Gotham City Police in their melee with Bane’s forces, breaking his rule for the sake of stopping a bomb from detonating. Batman: The Animated Series occasionally broke this tradition as well, with one notable example being Batman’s pursuit of The Clock King.

While the DCEU’s Batman strives for impeccable comic accuracy, Matt Reeve’s The Batman may be the most realistic take on the character yet. With a gritty, detective work-oriented narrative and new takes on Catwoman and The Riddler, the film will be a highly unique interpretation of the classic Batman mythos. By possibly having Batman operate in daylight, The Batman will also be the latest adaptation to break a storied tradition for the character.

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