How The Elder Scrolls 6s Class System Should Change

How The Elder Scrolls 6’s Class System Should Change


The skills, perks, abilities and character options that should be included, refined, or pruned in Bethesda’s upcoming Elders Scrolls 6 next-gen RPG.

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How The Elder Scrolls 6s Class System Should Change

The bad news is that The Elder Scrolls VI, the next installment in The Elder Scrolls franchise, is years away from release; the good news is that this gives Bethesda Studios a lot of time to give the gameplay of this open-world fantasy RPG some much-needed refinements, particularly when it comes to the class, skills, and leveling systems that let players create their own unique characters.

The unique draw of character creation in The Elder Scrolls franchise (and the affiliated Fallout franchise) comes from how players can improve their character’s abilities by using them; swing a sword, cast a spell, or pick a lock enough times, and the relevant character skill will increase. This ‘learning by doing approach’ has the advantage of mimicking real-life self-improvement while discouraging the sillier behavior seen in more XP-centered RPG leveling systems (killing rabbits in the forest to improve your Alchemy skill, for instance).

The class and skill systems of The Elder Scrolls have changed and evolved from title to title – whether for the better or worse being a matter of some debate. In the same way, The Elder Scrolls VI will need to change up its character-building mechanics in order to integrate its gameplay with the newest technical capabilities of gaming platforms while also empowering players to bring the heroes of their imaginations to life.

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A few suggestions on how to do just that:

TES VI Should Bring Back The Unarmed Combat Skill

How The Elder Scrolls 6s Class System Should Change

The most entertaining combat builds in The Elder Scrolls games tend to be unarmed builds, which disdain weapons in favor of punching, choke-slamming, and pile-driving your opponents into Oblivion™. Sadly, the hand-to-hand combat skills from Morrowind and Oblivion were removed for Skyrim (among other features and details), forcing players to combine certain Armor Perks with racial abilities in order to make punching enemies viable. Returning and improving the unarmed combat skill to The Elder Scrolls VI would both add variety to character builds and give more options to players attempting “pacifist runs.”

It would also help The Elder Scrolls VI in offering more role-play options and ways to play in stealthy situations.

Redesign Elder Scrolls 6 Weapon Skills to Be About Technique, Not Weapon Type

How The Elder Scrolls 6s Class System Should Change

In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, the long list of weapon skills forced players to over-specialize, while the narrower skills of Oblivion and Skyrim made it hard for developers to implement pre-modern weapons like spears, javelins, or throwing stars.

To side-step this quandary, The Elder Scrolls VI could instead feature weapon skills based around techniques and damage types like cutting, thrusting, bashing, throwing, or shooting. Skills based on how characters wield a weapon (rather than the weapon shape) would make it easier to implement more weapon variants while letting players specialize through improving specific moves in a weapon’s move-set.

Players should have more options available, not less. This can bring back much of what was lost after Morrowind on this front, the game some argue is the best of the TES franchise.

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Give Each Elder Scrolls School of Magic a Larger Number of Effects

How The Elder Scrolls 6s Class System Should Change

As of Skyrim, the schools of magic in The Elder Scrolls are somewhat lopsided, with Destruction and Conjuration possessing a larger range of effects compared to the schools of Alteration, Illusion, and Restoration.

Restoring old spells and creating new spells for these neglected magic schools (along with restoring the much-vaunted spell creation system) would ensure that players aren’t punished for specializing in The Elder Scrolls VI, while also paving the way for developers to…

Expand On & Add More Non-Combat Abilities in Elder Scrolls 6

The greatest innovation of Skyrim lay in the sheer number of non-combat activities it introduced to the franchise – the ability to forge weapons and tools, cook meals, build houses, cultivate crops, marry spouses, adopt children, etc.

By expanding these non-combat mechanics and adding new skills and perks for talents like music or leadership, players will feel more immersed in the open-world fantasy setting of The Elder Scrolls VI and get the chance to change the future of Tamriel through means besides spell and sword.

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