How to Find (& Kill) the Well Guardian in New World

How to Find (& Kill) the Well Guardian in New World


The Well Guardian is a difficult boss in New World that is making players give up. Adventurers will need to find higher ground to beat him.

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How to Find (& Kill) the Well Guardian in New World

There are many difficult quests and bosses for high-level players in New World, including a quest to defeat the Well Guardian that has given many players a hard time. These New World quests are meant to encourage coordination between players and provide a challenge in which to test high-level combat skills and gear. Tough objectives can be extremely rewarding near the level cap, so long as they aren’t conquered using the New World invincibility exploit.

The Well Guardian is a late-game boss who has already earned himself quite the reputation for his difficulty to defeat head-on. Players who try to solo him almost always fail, and even groups of players have an extremely hard time taking him down. Finding players with whom to fight him can be tough, as he is battled during a quest that can only be completed once. So, once a player has defeated him, they cannot help anybody else do so afterward.

There is a strategy that can be employed to make defeating the Well Guardian much easier, once players know where to find him. It is still tough to take him down alone, but this strategy makes it significantly simpler. It will, however, take a lot less time if players spawn together and work as a group.

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How to Find & Kill the Well Guardian in New World

How to Find (& Kill) the Well Guardian in New World

To fight the Well Guardian in New World, players will first need to get the “A Selfless Nature” quest from Adiana Theron in Daughterwell, North of Everfall. This is a level 50 main quest, so it will only be available at that level and once the previous main quest has been completed. To assemble a group, players can use the chat or Discord groups to find other players who also have the quest active. This should make the process faster for everyone involved. Additionally, to make the process of killing the Well Guardian simpler, players should ensure that the group has a decent number of ranged New World attackers, preferably with fire damage. Finally, they should make sure to bring along some Blight Potions.

The “A Selfless Nature” quest will mark the Motherwell as the Well Guardian’s location. Once there, whether solo or with a group, players should immediately climb up the small cliff to the left of the entrance and fire a ranged attack to aggro the Well Guardian. As he rushes toward the player, they should jump off of the cliff, dodge the Well Guardian’s attack so he ends up right next to the entrance, then jump back up onto the cliff.

Once this is done, the Well Guardian will just stand next to the entrance trying to swipe the player or group off the cliff, but he will not be able to do much damage. Every once in a while, his spike attack may knock players down, but they can simply get back up and start slinging ranged attacks at him from safety until he eventually dies. For completing this quest, players will receive 8040 XP, 132.00 Coin, 100 Azoth, and a Level 58 Armor Case.

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