How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

How To Get Away With Murder: Annalise’s 10 Best Cases


Annalise handled some cases with style and expertise in How To Get Away With Murder, and these were her best.

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How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

ABC’s heart-stopping legal procedural-cum-crime drama, How To Get Away With Murder, got its lead protagonist Viola Davis an Emmy for her brilliant performance as the fierce criminal defense attorney, Annalise Keating. The audience went gaga over the amazing cast, the copious amounts of steamy sex, the thrilling storylines, and the shocking finales.

However, the central plot of Annalise and the Keating Five–later reduced to the Keating Four–playing a never-ending cat-and-mouse game with law enforcement, could easily have distracted one from some very curious cases handled by the ferocious defense lawyer who would go to any lengths to get a victory, irrespective of the moral repercussions.

10 The Sleepwalker

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

Another interesting, albeit sordid, case in season 1 was that of a sleepwalking real estate agent who was caught on camera dragging a dead woman behind her.

The Keating Five were still more concerned about their careers in law than about how to avoid jail time. Thanks to Connor and Michaela’s relentless perseverance it was soon revealed that it was not the real estate agent herself but her husband who had killed the nanny for the world’s oldest reason–revenge for having played both himself and his son.

9 Bomb Mom

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

An interesting case in season 1 where the accused managed to give the law the slip, was that of the woman known as Paula Murphy, a.k.a. Elena Aguilar.

The Keating Five expected the case to be a dud, with the defendant being a simple soccer mom who got caught hooking up with a man in a public park. However, matters turned serious when the woman was revealed to be on the run from the FBI, accused in a bombing incident that killed a man several years ago. Annalise and her team managed to lose their client even while the court proceedings were on, and Elena was shown to have escaped with her old lover, Gabriel Shaw, following an elaborate ploy.

8 The Abused Trans Professor

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

Annalise was called upon by her fellow professor who had murdered her abusive husband and set up the scene to make it look like self-defense.

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What made the episode meaningful, however, was the transphobia involved in the case. The police accused the professor, Jill Hartford, of deceiving her husband about her trans identity and murdering him in cold blood when he found out the truth. Annalise, however, managed to manipulate the DA by offering him information on the past offenses of a Federal Judge–who happened to be Asher’s father–in exchange for a self-defense plea.

7 The Violent Sociopath

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

The episode offers a horrifying gaze into high school cliques that are often the breeding ground for violent, sociopathic tendencies. A girl, Zoe, is accused of having been the ring-leader amongst a group of high school girls who violently murdered another friend, also a member of their little clique.

Annalise and her students gear up to defend the young accused who they think is naive and innocent and been forced into committing a heinous crime in the spur of the moment. But Laurel digs in and finds a video recorded by the girls immediately after the murder, which clearly shows the client mocking the murdered girl, thus proving beyond doubt that she had committed the murder very willingly.

6 Soraya Hargrove

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

The President of Middleton University, Soraya Hargrove, starts out as one of the few people on campus who continue to support Annalise even when her career and reputation take a hard hit after Sam’s alleged disappearance and her stint in prison following Wes’ death.

However, Soraya turns a client for Annalise and Kaplan & Gold when her husband demands full custody of her children, taking advantage of her past as an alcoholic, even though she is currently sober. Actress Amirah Vahn plays Teegan Price, the representative from Kaplan & Gold, and plays off beautifully opposite Davis.

5 Rebecca Sutter

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

Even after six seasons of cloak-and-dagger, the first season of HTGAWM remained the most memorable of all the seasons– with a genuinely well-crafted, well-thought-out underlying mystery, surrounding the death of a sorority girl, Lila Stangard.

Annalise ended up defending the drug dealer Rebecca Sutter who happened Wes’ next-door neighbor and girlfriend, and the main accused in Lila’s murder. Although Rebecca’s disappearance –she was killed ruthlessly by Bonnie– made the case go away, it remained one of the most thrilling cases that had come Annalise’s way.

4 The Hapstall Case

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

The primary storyline of season 2 was the intriguing Hapstall murder investigation, with the adopted siblings, Catherine and Caleb Hapstall, being the main accused in the horrific murder of their parents and aunt.

The second season opened with the Keating Five fleeing a crime scene at the opulent Hapstall mansion. In its inimitable style, the show went back and forth breaking the unlinear sense of time as they finally revealed the events leading up to the revelation that the brother Caleb Hapstall had been the murderer all along.

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3 Nate Sr.

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

Annalise defends Nate Sr., the father of Nate Lahey, her on-again-off-again boyfriend and a detective at the Philadelphia Police Department. Nate Sr. had been accused of murdering a fellow jail inmate; his son got him to believe in Annalise and his case became a part of the massive class-action lawsuit undertaken by Annalise against the state of Philly.

Annalise had practically won Nate’s case but for his sudden murder which Nate believed had been ordered by the interim D.A., Ronald Miller. Things spiraled from there and Nate Sr.’s murder proved to be the catalyst for the brutal murder of Miller himself that was the main mysteru of season 5.

2 Class-Action Lawsuit

How To Get Away With Murder Annalises 10 Best Cases

Annalise was arrested in season 3 after Wes’s murder in her house was pinned on her. After having spent time with the other inmates and realized their plight, she decided to take on a class-action lawsuit against the state after her acquittal.

Annalise’s class-action lawsuit became a fight against the system itself that did not allow the same legal rights to black defendants as they did to the white ones. Her efforts brought out the racism deeply-entrenched within the legal and judiciary structure and offered hope to thousands of clients who had not been offered proper counsel for years. The class-action lawsuit was Annalise’s major victory in season 5.

1 The Domestic Abuse Victim

One of the best cases fought by Annalise and the Keating Five was not a seasonal murder but one that involved only a handful of episodes yet still had a tremendous impact.

Annalise defended a woman who had murdered her husband three decades ago and had done time in jail without parole for all these years. The team takes up her case before her next parole hearing. One of the hardest cases they had handled, the students face the major challenge of getting the accused –a hard nut–to talk and tell her side of the story. Finally, the accused warms up to an unlikely counsel, Connor, and the latter gives his heart and soul into preparing her for her the hearing. The episode highlights the trauma of a victim of constant physical and sexual abuse and makes a statement against the perpetrators of domestic abuse.

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