How to Kill the Ender Dragon With Beds in Minecraft

How to Kill the Ender Dragon With Beds in Minecraft


Minecraft’s Ender Dragon can be killed by using common beds as explosives. Here’s how to utilize this unlikely weapon to defeat the iconic boss.

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How to Kill the Ender Dragon With Beds in Minecraft

Minecraft is a game with no definitive end. Fans can explore a near-endless procedurally generated world, craft houses, towns, sculptures, or anything that comes to mind, and do whatever they wish. Of course, there is an end goal players can reach for if they desire, and that’s defeating the formidable Ender Dragon in the End. While shooting it down with arrows and slashing it with enchanted swords is the traditional way to defeat it, one of the most powerful weapons to use against it is also the most unorthodox: a bed.

Beds are normally used to skip over Minecraft’s treacherous nights and establish a new respawn point, but in the End they can be used as an explosive. Because the game forbids the player from establishing a respawn point in the End, attempting to use a bed there will cause it to burst into an explosion of flames. Humorously, this explosion is a fantastic weapon to utilize against the Ender Dragon and is far easier to obtain than TNT. This guide will help players prepare for and defeat Minecraft’s final boss using beds as their weapon of choice.

Tips For Slaying the Ender Dragon Using Exploding Beds

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