How to Play as Zuko in SMITE x Avatar The Last Airbender

How to Play as Zuko in SMITE x Avatar: The Last Airbender


Avatar: The Last Airbender has invaded Smite and Zuko has his trusty dual-swords and fire-bending to keep him company. Here’s how players can get him.

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How to Play as Zuko in SMITE x Avatar The Last Airbender

Characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender have made their way into Smite and their designs look practically flawless. Zuko joins the fray in the battleground of the Gods and brings his signature dual swords and fire bending to the table. The Avatar franchise has made it’s way to Netflix and is preparing for the next step on its journey, a Netflix live-action adaptation. While there already is a live-action adaptation, many fans would eagerly argue that it doesn’t quite “count” as an official adaption due to the flagrant disposal of crucial prime elements within the story and the “interpretive” direction it took. The Netflix adaptation is spearheaded by the original creators so there is hope.

Prince Zuko is the raging, cold-hearted, exiled prince of the fire nation turned righteous, just, and honor-redeemed inheritor of the fire nation. Zuko allowed his emotions to control his judgment and challenged his father during a very important strategy meeting with the leading figures of the fire nation. Challenged by his own father to an Agni-kai, a trial by combat to prove one’s honor and rightfulness, Zuko “cowered” in the presence of his father and refused to fight him due to the kindness and love in his heart for him. Burned and scarred physically, emotionally, and psychologically, Zuko set out on a madman’s quest in order to seek out and capture the Avatar in order to return home and restore his honor. During his journey, Zuko has fought, attempted to capture, and almost kill the Avatar. But every time, his own self contradictory nature would get in his way. With the help of many people along the way, most importantly his uncle Iroh, Zuko finally made the choice to abandon his hatred and ill-placed pride, and do what was best not for just himself or his country, but the world. Zuko by far, has gone through the most admirable character development and is a definite, welcome addition to the season pass roster. Here’s how players can obtain him.

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How to Play as Zuko in Smite

Unlike the other skins, Zuko doesn’t actually take much effort to obtain. In fact, getting him is as simple as buying the season pass. Zuko is the very first unlock at Tier and becomes playable as soon as players purchase the season pass. Zuko also has a second version with him wearing the Blue Spirit mask back when he went uncover to thwart a rival commander from holding possession of the Avatar. Players can unlock this variant of Zuko after achieving level 20 in the premium prestige pass, or the second half as there are 120 tiers in total and 60 per half.

Zuko’s skin takes the place of Susano, who is within the Assassin class. So while damage with him will start off pretty small, it begins to exceed greatly providing players choose the correct artifacts and rank up his skills appropriately. Zuko’s move-set greatly mimics Susano’s but with their own flair as he combines swordplay and fire bending for devastating techniques that work well in keeping opponents from escaping unscathed and covering a wide range.

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