Hulk Could Have Defeated the King in Blacks Army With Just One Move

Hulk Could Have Defeated the King in Black’s Army With Just One Move

After a previous fight with Venom, the Hulk proved he could have defeated the King in Black and his army by using just one of his most powerful moves

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Hulk Could Have Defeated the King in Blacks Army With Just One Move

The Incredible Hulk is arguably one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Universe and that includes when the Avenger is up against a literal god, though that didn’t seem to be the case during one of the most recent Marvel crossover events. When the King in Black came to Earth, every Marvel hero, both Earthbound and cosmic, jumped into action to stop him. Even Daredevil played an integral role in the event, and he was locked in prison! Nearly every hero fought back against the symbiote invader, but the Hulk barely had a role to play in the invasion, and he could have defeated the King in Black and his army with just one move.

In King In Black: Immortal Hulk #1 written by Al Ewing with art by Aaron Kuder, Frank Martin, and Erick Arciniega, the Hulk is recovering from being captured by Alpha Flight and drained of much of his power. While walking the barren streets, Hulk is attacked by a symbiote and uses his wits to conquer the villain, then seemingly hides out in a mall for the remainder of the King in Black’s invasion. However, years earlier, Hulk went up against the most famous symbiote in Marvel Comics, Venom, and used a move that could have done the King in Black in for good!

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In 1994’s The Incredible Hulk vs Venom #1, the issue plays out exactly as the title describes. Hulk and Venom come to an impasse that only hardcore violence can solve, but Venom doesn’t know what he’s in for when challenging Marvel’s great green brute. The move the Hulk used to take down Venom, one that would work on any symbiote, was his famous thunderclap. The sonic waves sent the Venom symbiote into a frenzy, neutralizing the anti-hero.

If the Hulk was at full strength in the King In Black event and decided to help his fellow heroes in the fight to save the world rather than hiding out, the Hulk could have used his thunderclap move and defeated the symbiote threat. In fact, since the Hulk defeated Venom using the thunderclap, he proved that he could beat the King in Black because he technically did beat the King in Black as that is the name Venom currently goes by after he defeated the God-King Knull.

Hulk sat on the sidelines during the King In Black crossover, mostly because of the current storyline the character was following at the time. Hulk was weak and on the run from his fellow heroes having just fought against the Thing in the Immortal Hulk issue before his King In Black appearance. As to not undermine the Immortal Hulk story, the Hulk really couldn’t participate in the crossover, but just because the Hulk didn’t defeat the King in Black doesn’t mean he couldn’t. The Hulk proved that he could not only defeat the King in Black and his army but that he could do so with just one move.

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