Humankind War Guide (Setup Tips & Strategies)

Humankind: War Guide (Setup, Tips, & Strategies)


Getting ready for war is essential in Humankind not just for aggressive players, but for defending one’s culture against hostile forces.

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Humankind War Guide (Setup Tips & Strategies)

Preparing for war will greatly benefit players in Humankind, whether they’re looking to become conquerors or to defend their culture from hostile forces. Warfare is a feature in many historic 4x strategy games, as throughout time many battles and conflicts have taken place. There are many mechanics to consider when getting ready for war that begins long before any enemies are created.

As a culture begins to take its first steps toward civilization in Humankind, it’ll need to start thinking about future conflict, even if they aren’t warmongers. Some aggressive foes might try to ransack the player’s outposts before they’re attached to cities, so having an army is important for protecting one’s endeavors. Players wishing to test their might against other cultures can work toward the militarist Era Stars, which means more fame to help win the game.

Military units in Humankind can occupy the same tile at once, and move as a group. If they enter a battle, all soldiers in that troop will be pulled into combat together. There is definitely strength in numbers, but knowing where to send them and engage in battle can also determine victory.

Preparing for Combat in Humankind

Humankind War Guide (Setup Tips & Strategies)

Choose Cultures with Militarist Affinities

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Create Diverse Armies

Procure Elevation Advantages

Settle Near Strategic Resources

Don’t Neglect Science

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