I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

I Am Not Okay With This: 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)


Stan and Syd are strong in the running for being the most awkward characters on I Am Not Okay With This, if not TV as a whole — here’s why.

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I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

Netflix’s newest teen drama, I Am Not Okay With This, is a Stranger Things-like series revolving around a teenaged girl named Syd, who finds out she has mysterious and unexplained telekinetic powers, all while trying to juggle the loss of her dad and navigating high school with the help of her friends Stan and Dina.

The show has great characters who are all really well developed, but of course, it’s a teen coming of age drama, which means things are bound to get awkward. Stan and Syd tick those boxes — many times over. Here are 5 times Stan was the most awkward character on the show, and 5 times it was Syd.

10 Stan: Their Kiss

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

Stan and Syd’s first kiss starts with an awkward scene and only gets more uncomfortable to watch, even though it’s great and shows the quick development of their friendship. Stan and Syd are high in his room and they oddly start talking about things like acne which leads to them both ending up with their clothes off. When Stan makes the first move and kisses Syd, the audience already kind of knows that she has a crush on Dina, which is why it’s even more surprising when Syd starts kissing him back.

9 Syd: When She Tells Him Her Secret

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

One of the most wholesome moments from the show is when Syd and Stan get high together and ask each other to confess their secrets. Of course, while Syd’s real secret is that she has telekinetic superpowers, she instead tells him that she gets acne on her thighs, which he doesn’t even find bizarre — he thinks the fact that she finds it weird is weird, which is sweet. It’s definitely one of her more awkward moments because she doesn’t actually tell him that she’s got superpowers (which she should have), and he has to find that out on his own later on when he nearly runs her over with his car.

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8 Stan: His First Scene

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

Stanley Barber is an awkward character from his first moment on screen and many times after that. When the audience is introduced to him for the first time, he walks up to Syd, barefoot with confidence to spare, and asks if he can walk with her. This entire time, Syd looks at him like he’s a weirdo. It’s a great introduction to his character and a great starter for the dynamic between Syd and Stan, which becomes super important.

7 Syd: When She Adopts Her Happy Attitude

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

Once Syd realizes where her powers come from and she gets called out for having a bad attitude, she wakes up in the final episode and decides that she is, in fact, okay with this. Her change in attitude is very unlike her character generally, and everyone knows that.

She’s so harshly cheerful that it’s awkward to watch — she isn’t her usual shy self, but a more positive and in-denial version of herself. This, of course, all goes downhill at the homecoming dance when she isn’t able to control her powers or her anger anymore.

6 Stan: When He Pretends To Ask Syd To Homecoming

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

Stan is a hilariously overconfident character who encapsulates all the things being an awkward teenager is about, including asking people out on dates and practicing how you’re going to do it. In a particularly funny scene from the show, Stan is staring into his mirror and practicing ways of asking Syd out to homecoming. While he is doing this, he’s also jamming out to music and trying on a lot of cringe-worthy shirts. It’s actually an adorable moment and a perfect example of why the character is so great.

5 Syd: When She Kisses Dina

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

While it’s also a more wholesome moment, anyone can relate to making a move on someone you like with the fear of knowing that they might not like you back. An awkward moment for Syd and probably for Dina is when Syd kisses her at her boyfriends’ party. It’s not too unexpected but it is a shocking moment considering the circumstances. Of course, Syd then has to backtrack and say that she was drunk and that she doesn’t actually feel anything romantic towards Dina, which we all know isn’t true at all.

4 Stan: When He And Syd Get High

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

At the start of the series, Stan urges Syd to hang out with him more, and this results in them seeing a lot more of each other as the show progresses, building into a glorious friendship once he finds out about Syd’s powers. The first proper time they hang out is when they get high in Stan’s room. A lot of this encounter is beautifully awkward and results in them kissing and then sleeping together, which leads to a lot of confusion because Stan doesn’t know that Syd is actually in love with Dina.

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3 Syd: The Detention Episode

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

One of Syd’s most awkward moments was after her powers got out of control and she essentially wrecked the entire school library and needed to get the security footage. In order to keep her powers hidden, she tells Dina that the reason she needs the security footage is that she and Stan had sex in the library and they want to erase the footage.

All of their reactions are hilarious, especially Stan’s, who had no idea what she was going to come up with. If anything Dina knows her best friend well enough to know that there was something more to the story.

2 Stan: Every Time He Tries To Open A Car Window

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

One of Stan’s signature moves in I Am Not Okay With This is slowly but surely cranking open his car window so that he can talk to Syd, and usually asking if she wants a ride to school or anywhere else she chooses. It’s so cute because he’s so awkwardly trying to be friends with her, and this is probably one of the reasons why he’s also the best character of the series. He’s a loveable nerd who is sometimes very socially awkward and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

1 Syd: When She Tells Dina That She And Stan Had Sex

I Am Not Okay With This 5 Times Stan Was The Most Awkward Character (& 5 Times It Was Syd)

A cool thing about I Am Not Okay With This is that since it’s in Syd’s perspective, we hear her thoughts when she’s going through something, mainly because she’s the narrator. It’s also how we know if Syd is lying because chances are her thoughts are saying something completely different. A good example is a moment when Syd tells Dina that she slept with Stan. She’s so awkwardly confident to Dina even though her narration says something completely different, and it’s a really funny scene.

Evi Lodge is a student and avid cinema-goer. She currently writes list articles, and when she is not writing or studying, she’s probably reading a good book and catching up on pop culture.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/i-am-not-okay-stan-syd-most-awkward-character/

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