Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

Injustice: 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals


Green Arrow and Black Canary are a popular couple in DC’s Injustice video games, but when they were relationship goals?

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Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

The Injustice canon of the DC Multiverse made an impact as one of the most iconic Elseworld stories ever made. It spans across two big-budget video games and some of the most cherished comics ever written. The idea of a world where Superman became a dictatorial villain sparked so many great stories and character revisions that even the DCEU took some inspiration.

Among the many characters, one duo remains some of the fans’ favorite parts of Injustice: Green Arrow and Black Canary. The constantly evolving and adorable life of these two heroes made for some of the most standout moments of the games and comics.

10 Hilarious Banter

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

Green Arrow is a hero known for his witty humor and back sass so, of course, he’s going to be mouthing off a lot. It takes an equally witty woman to keep up with him as Dinah Lance is just that woman.

Whether they are in the middle of fighting or just in the background while Batman is preparing a battle plan, the two are always having fun banter. The Injustice games always go all out with in-game banter between characters in a match. If Green Arrow and Black Canary fight, it comes off more as a playful spar than a battle to the death.

9 Oliver Always Thinks About Her

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

This is a small but nice moment from Injustice: Gods Among Us. Oliver voiced by Alan Tudyk from Earth-2 is in the Insurgency headquarters sharpening his arrows while he keeps a picture of his Black Canary in his kit. He asks, “What do you think, Prettybird? Perfect as always.”

The game nor the comics ever show interactions between Earth-2 Ollie and his Dinah but more than likely, it is not that much different. They are a perfect couple in every reality.

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8 They Turned Harley Into A Hero

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

After Joker was killed by Superman, Harley had nowhere to go. Batman hated her as much as Superman did since she helped Joker destroy Metropolis. So Green Arrow and Black Canary gave her a chance to redeem herself and gave her a home.

The couple not only sheltered her but their love showed her what a true relationship should be like. This led to her becoming one of the best superheroes of the new Justice League as well as Black Canary’s best friend. Harley also became an aunt for Ollie and Dinah’s child: Connor.

7 Oliver’s Sacrifice

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

In one of the most pivotal moments in the war between Batman and Superman, Oliver knew there was only one way to distract someone like Superman. Wounding Jonathan Kent with an arrow, Green Arrow succeeds in making Superman snap and take the fight to him directly.

Oliver takes one of Batman’s super pills to keep himself alive but only briefly. Superman beats Oliver Queen to death but the entire time, all Oliver can vision is his beautiful wife Dinah before it all goes black.

6 Black Canary’s Revenge

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

Dinah is obviously enraged by the death of her husband so she is not afraid to fight Superman. In one of the best paybacks, Dinah actually makes Superman regret what he did. She uses her Canary Cry to make his ears explode with blood and even severely wounds him thanks to the super pill.

However, Superman ends the fight by firing heat vision beams right through her. It should have killed her thus leaving their infant son without any parents. However, Kent Nelson AKA Doctor Fate defies the Lords Of Order to save Dinah.

5 Falling In Love Again

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

Doctor Fate brings Dinah to Earth-3, where she can retire and live happily with Connor. It’s also here where she meets another Oliver Queen who is practically a clone of her late husband in nearly every way. Obviously, Dinah is scared to love someone again, especially another Oliver.

However, Dinah and Ollie II do end up falling in love. It’s not just Dinah replacing her Oliver though, she genuinely falls for this Oliver thus showing that their love is eternal.

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4 Taking On The Society

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

Not only are they a cute couple but Green Arrow and Black Canary are capable fighters. Rather than needing back up from people like Batman or any other Insurgency members, the two take on Gorilla Grodd, his gorilla army, and the Society by themselves.

This chapter of Injustice 2 perfectly shows how well the two work together. Bane, Catwoman, Grodd, and more all taken down by two deadly fighters, and the whole time, they have the aforementioned banter.

3 Perfect Little Family

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

As if the two weren’t already great, Dinah and Ollie II raise their son Connor Queen together on Earth-3. He has his Mom’s Canary Cry and his Dad’s archery skills; he makes for some of the best moments between Ollie and Dinah.

Connor also has some great moments with his Aunt Harley. Everything Ollie and Dinah do is so Connor can be safe and have a better life. This means that not only are the two a great couple but they also are the best parents.

2 The Brave And The Bold

Injustice 10 Times Black Canary And Green Arrow Were Couple Goals

As mentioned, Green Arrow and Black Canary have great banter with each other. However, nothing compares to when the two make their grand entrance in Gorilla City in Injustice 2. Green Arrow interrupts the Society by saying, “But first, a few words from the Brave and the Bold.”

After kicking some villain but, Dinah returns with, “I’m the brave one right?” Followed immediately by Ollie II saying, “I’m not bold enough to disagree.” That right there sums up these characters and their perfect relationship. Except for one more thing…

1 Dinah Proposed To Ollie

In the Injustice 2 comics, Dinah finally accepts that she is ready to move on with her life. Ollie II is a good man, the best man for her and Connor. So in a moment that could not be any better, Dinah gets down onto one knee.

Dinah Lance asks perfectly if Oliver will be her husband. Of course, Oliver is dumbfounded by what he’s seeing but the Emerald Archer is quick to say yes. Every reader of the Injustice 2 comics is incapable of not cooing from the love that these characters have.

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