Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

Injustice 3: 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldn’t)


With rumors circulating concerning the development of Injustice 3, it’s time to consider which heroes should—and shouldn’t—join the fray.

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Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

It has been confirmed that NetherRealm Studios has moved on from Mortal Kombat 11 to their next project. As to which project that is, is currently unconfirmed as there have been hints of them working on a new Marvel fighting game but they could be returning to DC with an Injustice 3.

Updated on July 8th, 2021 by Melody MacReady: With Injustice 3, some characters are given to return: Batman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, etc., but what about other characters? Characters from previous games that should remain or return with the sequel and could be expanded upon even more. On the opposite side, there are some characters that fans likely would prefer to be left out for now.

14 Should Return: Shazam

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

Despite being one of the stronger characters of Injustice: Gods Among Us, Shazam was nowhere to be seen in Injustice 2. Yes, the character is dead in the Injustice world but there are multiple Earths in the games and comics. Perhaps the Shazam from Green Arrow and Black Canary’s Earth-3 could join.

With the rising popularity of the character due to Shazam: Fury Of The Gods and his inevitable battle with Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam, it would make sense to capitalize on that hype in Injustice 3. This could allow for gear and/or skins based on the DCEU films. Add an even better combat system and Shazam could be in the top ten characters for a lot of players.

13 Shouldn’t Return: Gorilla Grodd

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

Another dead character that could return via the Multiverse but in this case, fans would prefer he didn’t. Gorilla Grodd in Injustice 2 ended up having some of the worst gear to collected and his combat was slow, awkward, and not that satisfying to pull off.

There is potential with the character’s gameplay if completely revamped but there are many other killer animal characters out there to choose from for Injustice 3 including King Shark, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, etc. Those are in much more demand than Grodd who proved to be a weak secondary villain in the story anyway.

12 Should Return: The Atom

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

Fans were shocked by Ryan Choi AKA The Atom’s gameplay in Injustice 2. Many weren’t sure how the shrinking and growing would work with a fighting game. However, he proved that not only did it work but it resulted in some of the most unique gameplay.

From a story perspective, Ryan Choi could also be an interesting new character in Injustice 3. His story about finding Ray Palmer, the original Atom could lead to two characters in one. Players could choose whether they want to play as Ray or Ryan.

11 Shouldn’t Return: Cheetah

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

Though characters like Swamp Thing, Black Manta, and Firestorm were instant hits that everyone played, Cheetah was a new addition to Injustice 2 that was left gathering dust in the roster. Her gameplay wasn’t altogether bad, but it definitely wasn’t all that memorable.

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The biggest problem fans had was with her gear system. It was all ugly sticks, bark, bones, and various items that were not that appealing. Most of her gear items felt generic and uninspired so grinding for new items felt unrewarding. The best thing to come out of her was the Premier Skin that turned her into Vixen.

10 Should Return: Scarecrow

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

When Scarecrow was first teased, many had serious doubts about how he could work in a fighting game. Much to the absolute shock of others, Scarecrow ended up being one of the deadliest fighters of Injustice 2. His chained sickle combined with fear toxin abilities made him nearly unstoppable in the online world.

Scarecrow could also be used better in Injustice 3. Other than a few standout moments, Scarecrow’s role in the Injustice 2 story was criminally small despite being voiced by Robert Englund. It’s also unclear if he died or not, as he and the rest of the Society are dropped from the story pretty quickly.

9 Shouldn’t Return: Poison Ivy

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

Much like Cheetah, Poison Ivy was a waste of potential. Despite a perfect performance by Tasia Valenza, Ivy was another member of the Society who seemed to have no significance to the story other than a couple of neat encounters. This is odd, as she and Harley got married in the Injustice comics.

Ivy was also a victim of really bland gear design; she’s draped in leaves, leaves, and more leaves. Nothing ever stood out, which is reflected in her combat, which, though not terrible, is far from the best. If Poison Ivy were to return, she would need a drastic overhaul.

8 Should Return: Black Canary

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

After her debut in the Injustice comics and return in Injustice 2, Dinah Lance AKA Black Canary quickly became one of the more beloved fighters. This was due to her complex yet effective combos and special moves which combined to make her one of the deadliest members of the roster.

Of course, fans also enjoyed the voice acting performance by Vanessa Marshall and the adorable relationship between Black Canary and Green Arrow. With Injustice 3, Black Canary could be expanded upon, even more, be given a bigger role similar to her role in the Injustice comics.

7 Shouldn’t Return: Deadshot

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

While the portrayal of Deadshot was welcomed and the gear system was fun, Deadshot was hated in the community. Rather than players using the character’s proper mix of combat and zoning, a lot of players would abuse Deadshot’s zoning to keep the opponent on the opposite side of the screen.

Spamming through a whole match is enough to make players want to throw their controller. Sure, there are ways around it but in the case of Deadshot (and even Deathstroke from the first game), gamers were too quick to exploit the character. Unless given a more balanced combat system, Deadshot is best left behind, allowing for some other Suicide Squad character to join.

6 Should Return: Black Lightning

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

Yes, Black Lightning was in a previous game. Injustice 2 introduced the character, but only as a Premier Skin for Raiden. Many fans agreed that Black Lightning should have been the DLC character, while Raiden should have been the Premier Skin.

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With the right gear system, a fully expanded combat system for him, and the right role in the story: Black Lightning could easily become a fan favorite in Injustice 3, just like with the Arrowverse and Young Justice.

5 Shouldn’t Return: Damian Wayne

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

It’s safe to say that there is no redeeming Damian at this point. Damian in the Injustice world is a murderous zealot who practically worships Superman. While he has been a more tragic villain for Kevin Conroy’s Batman, there are other members of the Bat-Family who deserve a shot.

Red Hood was the most requested DLC character and a fan-favorite. Have him take Damian Wayne’s place on the roster. Duke Thomas, Batwing, Batwoman, Tim Drake, even Batman Beyond. Anybody would be a breath of fresh air after two games featuring Batman’s brat spawn.

4 Should Return: Martian Manhunter

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

It would be so easy to have the Martian Manhunter from Earth-2 or Earth-3 join the story to help Batman and the new Justice League. After fans were cheered at the hero’s cinematic debut in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, the demand for the character is getting bigger and bigger.

The character was also one of the best DLC characters for Injustice: Gods Among Us. If revised and tweaked, Martian Manhunter’s shapeshifting and psionic abilities would easily make him one of the deadliest multiplayer opponents.

3 Shouldn’t Return: Evil Superman

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

It all started with Superman going evil and becoming Earth’s greatest threat. Without him, there wouldn’t be an Injustice 2 or the possibility of a third game. That being said, perhaps it’s best that the evil Superman remains in the Phantom Zone for now and let the good Superman return to the roster.

Shao Kahn is not always the main villain of Mortal Kombat games. Injustice 3 could play around with evil versions of other characters like Batman or Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman herself was eviler than Superman and could easily carry on in the third as the main antagonist.

2 Should Return: Batgirl

Injustice 3 7 Characters That Should Return (& 7 That Shouldnt)

Not only was Barbara Gordon AKA Batgirl considered one of, if not the best DLC character of Injustice: Gods Among Us, but Batgirl was an awesome supporting character in the Injustice comic books, as well. She was oddly absent in Injustice 2, and that should be remedied with the third.

With Batgirl reportedly getting her own movie on HBO Max earning a starring role in the upcoming Gotham Knights game, Batgirl in Injustice 3 would make for perfect promotional material, especially with alternate skins and the gear system in play.

1 Shouldn’t Return: The Joker

The Joker’s combat in previous games was stellar. He was one of the better characters in the forgotten Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe, which continued with Injustice: Gods Among Us, and once again in Injustice 2. Then the character was perfected with an M rating in Mortal Kombat 11.

That’s why he should be left out of the game. We’ve seen him in four games now, and, though most fans love to see the Clown Prince of Crime in all his incarnations, his inclusion in Injustice 2 felt very forced and out of place. There are other villains to choose from out there, and there’s no need to beat a dead horse.

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