Is Hogwarts Legacy A SinglePlayer Game Or A Harry Potter MMO

Is Hogwarts Legacy A Single-Player Game Or A Harry Potter MMO


Diving into prior rumors and Avalanche Software’s rich history provides clues concerning the mechanics and gameplay of Hogwarts Legacy.

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Is Hogwarts Legacy A SinglePlayer Game Or A Harry Potter MMO

The Sony PlayStation 5 conference came with many surprises, but one of the biggest was the unveiling of Hogwarts Legacy: an open-world RPG set within the Harry Potter universe. Developed by Avalanche Software under the Portkey Games label, Hogwarts Legacy carries immense authenticity and offers fans a chance at experiencing the beloved universe in a completely new way. Strangely, very little was said about Hogwarts Legacy’s genre, other than it being an RPG.

Most of the information given regarding Hogwarts Legacy concerns the context in which the game takes place. The trailer provides very little information, as it focuses on the environments and setting up the game’s tone, with an optimistic narrator laying out the player’s role as a student at Hogwarts, though no specifics are given.

On a PlayStation blog post, following the announcement, Adrian Ropp, the head of story at Avalanche, laid out the time and place of the game’s world. Players will explore Hogwarts and neighboring regions during the late 1800s, a period unexplored in the Potter universe. As Ropp wrote, “Nearly-Headless Nick would have been floating around, loyal and cheerful as ever” while the goblins, who were also around, “certainty didn’t work at Gringotts.” That is to say, the game’s world is both familiar and unknown. While all the world building is compelling, it does little to inform players about how Hogwarts Legacy will play or what kind of RPG it will be. Neither the trailer for Hogwarts Legacy, nor Ropp’s post, gives any information regarding how players will engage with the world’s characters. Its entirely possible that the game is an MMO, a single-player adventure, or something in-between. While nothing can be definitively said, a look at past leaks and Avalanche Software’s own history provides some insight.

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What Kind of Harry Potter Game is Hogwarts Legacy?

The most information available about Hogwarts Legacy’s gameplay comes from the multitude of Harry Potter rumors and leaks that preceded the game’s official announcement. Rumors first began circulating in 2018 when footage leaked on Reddit. The footage was quickly taken down, but it has resurfaced over the years alongside some other details. While leaks cannot always be trusted, much of the information has been confirmed with the announcement of Hogwarts Legacy. The original rumors suggested that the game would be a third-person, open world RPG set during the 1800s. All of these assertions have been proven true, so the other, unverified details have, at least, some merit. According to the original rumors, the game contains a class system, allowing players to choose between eight different types of wizards, and has a story driven by moral choices with players determining the fate of the world: a sentiment that befits the game’s title. However, none of the information provides any clues on whether or not Hogwarts Legacy will be single-player or multiplayer.

The best indicator of Hogwarts Legacy’s status as a multiplayer game is found by looking at Avalanche Software’s prior work. Avalanche Software is best known for developing Disney Infinity: a series of toy-to-life video games. These games prioritized creativity, story-based action, and cooperative shenanigans. While the final game in the series, Disney Infinity 3.0, was cancelled in 2016 after Disney shut down its gaming division, it’s still fondly remembered. Yes, Hogwarts Legacy is quite different in its structure from Disney Infinity, lacking toy implementation and being fully-open world, but it seems to share a similar spirit of exploration and customization. The trailer showed no individual protagonist, emphasized peer interaction among the students, and created a sense of an interconnected world. Given all these things, its probable the game will have a strong focus on multiplayer, but retain a single-player center to ensure the implementation of moral choice.

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Hogwarts Legacy still has a lot to share, and it has only been just announced, but looking at what is known provides clues into its future. The game may very well be an MMO, but at as of right now it looks to be a mix of multiplayer and single-player, emphasizing personal customization and jolly cooperation. With the game slated for release in 2021, which is just around the corner, fans will not have to wait long to find out.

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