It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality


There’s no shortage of iconic lines from the gut-busting characters on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but which ones capture their personalities?

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It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

The fans have gotten to know more about the rowdy gang from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia over the years. Now on its 15th season, the sitcom has a loyal fan base that continues to grow.

Most fans will be able to quote iconic lines from the show, especially the ones that say a lot about the characters’ personalities. From Dennis’ claim to being a “golden god” to Frank’s promise to getting “real weird with it,” these quotes highlight the best and worst traits of the wild group from Philly.

The Lawyer

“I Can’t Wait To Crush You People.”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

The lawyer had no idea what to expect when the gang walked into his office, but it definitely wasn’t a string of disastrous events that would go on for years. He attempts to be polite to the wacky strangers insisting on having him interpret Frank’s wife’s will.

The lawyer has become one of the best recurring characters in It’s Always Sunny since then, as the constant bullying eventually gets to him. He transforms into a meaner version of himself and even goes as far as inserting himself into the group’s legal affairs. Whether he intended to or not, he has become the gang’s enemy, which is highlighted in his line about wanting to crush them during the McPoyles’ trial.

Liam McPoyle

“Ryan, Stab Somebody!”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

The incestuous McPoyles tend to rally around Liam, who has an impressive level of control over his brother Ryan in particular. The siblings are just as and sometimes even more unpredictable than the gang, as they can be calm and collected one moment then loud and violent in the next. One thing’s for sure though: They’re not that smart.

All these traits are evident when Liam suddenly commands Ryan to stab someone in Paddy’s Pub, implying he should hurt either Dennis or Dee. Ryan screams and raises a screwdriver, but plunges it into his own brother’s arm.

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Artemis Dubois

“Name’s Artemis. I Have A Bleached A–hole.”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Most viewers would agree that Artemis deserves to join the gang. She can be just as wacky as the rest of them and is always ready to join in their antics. She gets along especially well with Frank, as they both have bizarre kinks and a high sex drive.

Much like the rest of the group, Artemis has no filter. Fans may recall how she nearly ruins Dee’s chances at getting laid when she proudly declares that she has a “bleached a–hole.” When Dee confronts her about this, she says they were bound to find out anyway. Any scenario with the confident and crass side character tends to be hilarious and entertaining.

The Waitress

“You Said It Yourself: I’m A Mess! So Why Don’t You Go Find Somebody Better?”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

One of the best running gags in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphis is Charlie’s obsession with the waitress. She hates it and often just uses Charlie to try and get Dennis to notice her. Fans have learned throughout the seasons that she’s not as blameless as she makes herself out to be. She has a terrible drinking problem that often leads to destructive behavior.

Behind her snooty façade, the waitress has debilitating self-esteem issues. Her insecurity is underscored right before she finally gets together with Charlie, as she asks him why he even likes her when she’s not worth anything. It’s a surprisingly moving scene that signals the start of a new dynamic between the pair.

Rickety Cricket

“If You Have Crack, Let’s Boogie.”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Cricket is undoubtedly the gang’s most unfortunate victim. He was a Catholic priest before he got sucked into the antics at Paddy’s Pub. Cricket has only gotten worse over time, getting addicted to drugs like crack and PCP.

The group often promises to pay him with either cash or drugs, which is why he’s always willing to do ridiculous things for them like getting hunted for sport or wrestling with strangers. He’s always disappointed when they unsurprisingly pay him with lemons instead. It’s a vicious cycle that he just can’t seem to escape, and it’s likely that things will continue to go downhill for the side character.

Dee Reynolds

“You Guys All Better Eat A D—, ‘Cause Sweet Dee Just Beat The System.”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

As the only woman in the gang, Dee always tries to prove that she’s just as capable as the men of Paddy’s Pub. She has developed an inferiority complex thanks to years of bullying and being called a “bird” or “stupid b—-” by her twin brother, although she’ll never admit that it bothers her.

Whenever Dee thinks she has a brilliant idea that she can actually get the group to listen to, it always turns out horribly wrong. This is the exact thing that happens when she claims she has “beat the system” by becoming a surrogate mother, which leads to a wild series of events involving several potential fathers and the IRS.

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Dennis Reynolds

“I Am The Golden God!”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Dennis’ most iconic scene on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia also happens to highlight his best line, which has been featured in memes and discussions multiple times. His claim of being a “golden god” is said several times on the show, most notably when he tries to sell a “finisher car” and gets angry when it’s called a “starter car” by the buyer.

His narcissism and anger management issues tend to come out when someone questions his authority or tries to criticize him. Dennis wholeheartedly believes that he’s a god among men and is better than everyone else, which is likely something that will never change about the egoistic character.

Mac McDonald

“I’m Not Fat. I’m Cultivating Mass.”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Mac’s transformation into what fans have aptly called “Fat Mac” emphasizes his obsession with body image. He refuses to acknowledge that he has gained an unhealthy amount of weight in a short period of time, saying that it’s just part of his process of becoming more buff.

Aside from his delusions about his physical appearance, Mac also wants others to believe that he’s a badass. Fans may remember his “project badass” where he films himself doing dangerous stunts to prove that he’s braver than everyone else. Just like his denial about his body image, he would never admit to being a coward.

Charlie Kelly

“See That Door Right There, The One Marked ‘Pirate’? Do You Think A Pirate Lives In There?”

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Viewers know that Charlie’s illiteracy can get in the way of regular activities sometimes, especially if it involves having to read labels or spell things out loud. His excitement and curiosity about a “pirate door” perplexes Dennis, who can read the clearly marked “private” door.

Even though Dennis points this out, Charlie predictably doesn’t back down. He refuses to accept that he’s illiterate and will often go to great lengths to defend himself. This is especially obvious in his scenes with the lawyer, as fans may remember how Charlie poses as a “bird law” expert in an unsuccessful attempt to intimidate him.

Frank Reynolds

“I Don’t Know How Many Years On This Earth I Got Left. I’m Gonna Get Real Weird With It.”

As the person responsible for funding most of the gang’s schemes, Frank is often willing to join or even instigate wild activities. One of his most memorable outrageous actions happens his sister-in-law’s funeral. When the group starts criticizing him for trying to have sex with the widow at her husband’s wake, he says his now-iconic line about getting “real weird” with his life.

This is precisely what Frank tries to do every day, whether it’s in the form of outlandish business proposals or absurd attempts at hooking up with strangers. He’s also known for his tendency to create alter egos like Ongo and Dr. Toboggan. It’s all part of getting real weird with it.

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