Jake The Snake Roberts Reveals How the DDT Was Invented

Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts Reveals How the DDT Was Invented

Jake “The Snake” Roberts admitted in an interview that his signature DDT finishing move came about thanks to an accidental in-ring stumble.

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One of pro wrestling’s most feared finishing maneuvers was actually created by accident. In an interview on Chris Van Vliet’s YouTube channel, Jake “The Snake” Roberts admitted that his signature DDT finisher was born from a fortuitous in-ring stumble.

Roberts, currently serving as manager to All Elite Wrestling star Lance Archer, recounted to Van Vliet how he was locked up with an opponent when the other wrestler stepped on his foot, sending both men to the canvas. “It was an accident,” recalls Roberts. “A guy stepped on my foot, we fell backwards and it was born.”

Having stumbled upon an impactful move, there was still the matter of naming the new maneuver. Roberts found his inspiration from the morning newspaper, taking note of a pesticide that was being banned in the United States. “I got up one morning to eat breakfast and got a newspaper from the USA Today and it said the U.S. government outlaws DDT,” Roberts said. “It was a name of a poison that we used to use on crops that was getting in our food chain. It was really bad stuff. I heard that and thought, that works.”

Roberts is widely recognized as the pioneer of the DDT, with many wrestlers having since putting their own unique spin on the move. Mick Foley, Edge, Mickie James and The Rock have all adopted the maneuver in various ways. Current AEW World Champion Jon Moxley uses an elevated, double under-hook version of the DDT, which he calls the Paradigm Shift, to finish off opponents.

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While the actual pesticide for which the move was named is an acronym that stands for ‘Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane’, many have speculated as to what DDT is supposed to stand for in the pro-wrestling universe. When asked what he intended DDT to mean, Roberts once famously replied, “The end.”

(via Wrestling News)

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/jake-the-snake-roberts-how-ddt-invented/

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