Jamie Lee Curtis Wants To Play The Devil In New Exorcist Trilogy

Jamie Lee Curtis Wants To Play The Devil In New Exorcist Trilogy

Jamie Lee Curtis says The Exorcist terrified her as a kid, so she now wants to voice the devil in the new Exorcist trilogy from David Gordon Green.

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Jamie Lee Curtis Wants To Play The Devil In New Exorcist Trilogy

Jamie Lee Curtis says she wants to play the devil in the new reboot of The Exorcist. David Gordon Green is the latest filmmaker taking on the task of reviving The Exorcist as a movie franchise. And the Halloween helmer has already snagged original movie lead Ellen Burstyn to appear in his reboot trilogy.

Green of course has become the go-to director for reviving horror movie franchises thanks to his box office-conquering work on Halloween 2018 and its sequel Halloween Kills. However, bringing back The Exorcist arguably will be a much taller task than resurrecting Halloween. The original William Friedkin Exorcist still stands as a singular horror classic (despite some deriding its reputation as “the scariest movie of all time”) but its four big-screen follow-ups all failed to recapture that magic. There are of course some who swear by Exorcist III, directed by original Exorcist novelist William Peter Blatty, but few will defend the risible Exorcist II: The Heretic and even fewer will stand up for the twin prequels Exorcist: The Beginning and Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist. Indeed the best-received Exorcist property since the original film arguably was the TV show that ran for two seasons and followed directly upon the events of the first movie.

Now Green will try to buck all that history and fashion a successful new franchise around The Exorcist. If the director is looking for someone to voice the devil, he already has a candidate in Curtis, the star of his Halloween reboot trilogy. Speaking to EW, Curtis explained why she wants to throw her hat in the ring to voice the demon in the new Exorcist:

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“I’m brave, but I am afraid of scary things. When I was 15, my parents [legendary actors Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis] screened The Exorcist and my friends teased me the next day because I was so freaked out. I loathe being scared by scary movies.”

“Maybe I should be the voice of the devil like Mercedes McCambridge. You see, if David gives me a part in the new Exorcist trilogy as the voice of the devil, then it is a full-circle return for me, in a meta way. That would blow people’s minds.”

It indeed seemed to blow Green’s mind when he was asked about Curtis’ idea to play the devil in his Exorcist. “I’ll have to get her to audition for that one,” he said, adding, “You know, she did the crying baby for the last Halloween movie, so she’s a talented voice actor as well.”

It remains to be seen however if Green’s take on The Exorcist even includes a role for someone to voice the devil. The original film famously saw veteran actor McCambridge vocalizing the demon Pazuzu (not actually the devil himself, as all hardcore Exorcist fans know) while Linda Blair memorably played the possessed girl Regan MacNeil. But there’s been no confirmation that Green’s reboot will go with a take similar to the original film. However, it’s safe to assume that Green’s Exorcist will at some point include someone being possessed by a demon and that demon saying all manner of vile things in a hideous demonic voice.

Curtis of course has a lot of experience in the horror movie realm thanks to the Halloween franchise and a handful of other works like John Carpenter’s The Fog. But Curtis normally plays the “Scream Queen” protagonist in horror films and not the demonic antagonist. It would therefore be a nice and interesting switch for Curtis to finally stop being the one on the receiving end of all the horror and get to dish some out for a change. Indeed, if Curtis wants the role of the devil in The Exorcist, it’s hard to think of good reasons for Green not to give it to her. The two obviously have a strong working relationship thanks to the Halloween movies and it sounds like Curtis is game.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/exorcist-movie-reboot-jamie-lee-curtis-devil-response/

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