Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

Kiss, Marry, Kill: Harry Potter Edition


Fans of Harry Potter may have grown up playing Kiss, Marry, Kill. Here is who we would kiss, marry, and kill from Harry Potter.

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Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

The Harry Potter franchise has been around since 2001 when many of its readers were still in school. When they think back to these times, a memory of an old game called Kiss, Marry, Kill may come to mind. For those who don’t remember, this was a game where a person would be given a choice of three things, people, or fictional characters and was responsible for choosing their fate.

This list seeks to take that game and apply it to some of the characters within the Harry Potter franchise. It will delve into the fates of professors, villains, and the trio themselves as it takes into account their actions throughout the series. Keep reading to learn what would happen to each of these Harry Potter characters in this edition of Kiss, Marry, Kill!

10 Kiss: Professor Albus Dumbledore

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

Professor Albus Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts, and some might conclude that his intelligence and power would make him perfect marriage material.

Unfortunately, his mission to right past wrongs by finding the Horcruxes put a dent in these plans and left fans choosing to give him a simple kiss. He was a man who knew what he wanted, and love was not ultimately a part of that equation.

9 Marry: Professor Minerva McGonagall

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

Professor Minerva McGonagall was the leader of the House of Gryffindor, but her methods were both strict and just. She would be the one fans would choose to marry as she was capable of compartmentalizing her feelings based on the situation.

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She would punish those in Gryffindor when they did wrong, but it was also known that her heart was set on protecting everyone in her care no matter the cost.

8 Kill: Professor Severus Snape

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

Professor Severus Snape was a harsh man whose tone and demeanor would have anyone’s hair standing on end. This is why fans would choose to kill him off, even though they later found out that it was his goal to protect Harry Potter.

Still, the tumultuous journey that he led fans throughout the series was enough for them to give him this fatal fate.

7 Kiss: Bellatrix Lestrange

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

When we look at the numerous villains throughout the series, it becomes clear that Bellatrix Lestrange is the one fans would choose to kiss. She had a unique sense of beauty, but her outrageous temper and tendencies for violence had fans choosing only to give her a simple kiss.

A lot of time spent in her presence would probably end in one’s demise, which is never the desired outcome. This character would have been killed, if not for the appearance of those with an evil that was even greater than hers.

6 Marry: Draco Malfoy

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

Draco Malfoy was a character that fans hated throughout the entire series, but he managed a change at the end of it all. He made it clear as time passed that becoming a Death Eater was not what he had envisioned and he wanted a way out.

He ended up marrying and having a family, so it became apparent to fans that marriage would be the way to go as he grew into a man that could be tolerated.

5 Kill: Voldemort

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

The choice to kill Voldemort was an easy one for fans to make, as he always seemed determined to end Harry Potter’s life. When fans were given a glimpse at his past, they soon realized that his heart was never made of gold.

The death of this character would have saved others from a lot of heartache as loved ones wouldn’t be lost and his darkness would never have touched the Earth.

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4 Kiss: Harry Potter

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

Harry Potter might be the main character of the series, but fans wouldn’t choose to marry him just for this reason. He was always headed off on a new adventure, and it became clear that he had little regard for his own life. It was his goal to save those around him and it seemed that luck was always on his side.

A simple kiss for this character would do as there was always the possibility that Voldemort could kill him at any moment. Luckily, he made it through to the other side, but this dangerous journey just didn’t make it possible for him to become marriage material on this list.

3 Marry: Hermoine Granger

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

Hermoine Granger would be the one who fans would choose to marry due to her intelligence and caring heart. Some may view her as annoying, especially in her early years at Hogwarts, but she blossomed into a wonderful young woman.

Ron saw the kindness in her heart, and she was always ready to help her friends in need when they needed it most.

2 Kill: Ron Weasley

Kiss Marry Kill Harry Potter Edition

When choosing between the three main characters, Ron Weasley would have been the one that fans would kill. It wasn’t that they disliked him, but his inability to perform spells well with his hand-me-down wand and his lack of self-awareness at times solidified this choice.

He was a loyal friend, although, the odds were against him when compared to his two best friends.

1 Marry: Neville Longbottom

A bonus for this list is the addition of Neville Longbottom, as he grew into a man that every fan wanted to marry by the end of the series. He started out as a clumsy and forgetful child who was always messing up, but he had a heart made of gold.

This purity inside of him is what made fans want to marry this character as he grew on them the more the series progressed.

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