Leaked Ubisoft Images Tease New Prince of Persia

Leaked Ubisoft Images Tease New ‘Prince of Persia’?

Leaked images captured from an Ubisoft cinematic trailer promise that ‘Judgement is Coming.’ Could this be a new ‘Prince of Persia,’ or ‘Assassin’s Creed’ on Vita?

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Leaked images can prove to be massively informative or completely misleading, and the latest grabs of what looks to be a cinematic trailer from Ubisoft could go either way. Beyond some classical glimpses of armor and weaponry, it’s difficult to tell if the developer is preparing to unveil a new Prince of Persia title at E3 2012, or another entirely different property. Either way, it seems that ‘Judgment is Coming.’

We’re going to assume that the tagline featured in the images spotted on NeoGAF refers to something within the plot or story, and is unrelated to the next entry in the Gears of War series. As it stands, the packed nature of Ubisoft’s E3 presentation means that some possibilities are more likely than others.

The developers of Far Cry 3 are hard at work in bringing a new gameplay section to the upcoming show, as is the team tasked with the Revolutionary War era Assassin’s Creed 3. Obviously both of those properties are well beyond the point at which a cinematic trailer would increase excitement, so this must be something different. There have been rumors circulating for years that Ubisoft was quietly working on a follow-up to Beyond Good & Evil, bolstered by recently released concept footage. The image of the shadowy figure doesn’t match that esthetic at all though, so that must be out as well (as much as we’d love to see BG&E 2 announced this year).

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The only other properties that seem to be a close fit would be Prince of Persia, with the man in the image sporting gilded armor and a bow and arrow. It’s been a few years since the developers focused on revitalizing the PoP, with Assassin’s Creed taking over much of the spotlight. Bringing the lessons learned with the AC series to a new adventure built around the Prince could help to fill the void left by Desmond’s story being wrapped up. After all, the two Ubisoft franchises do share a common origin. That could mean that the ‘Judgment’ that approaches is a new enemy or organized opposing force, which could both be as intriguing to the Prince of Persia series as the darker, more photo-realistic style the trailer seems to have.

There’s an outside chance that the project teased here could be the rumored Assassin’s Creed game set for the PlayStation Vita. The images may not be much to go on, but introducing a new time period, new character, new tagline and new enemy would be far more work than a simple Vita port of Assassin’s Creed 3, so we’re not convinced. The other possibilities are a first hint at the MMO apparently being developed at Ubisoft Massive, or a new series from Ubi Workshop or Ubisoft Motion Pictures.

At the moment your guess is as good as ours, so what are your thoughts? Think a brand new Assassin’s Creed game for the Vita is just not possible, or could this be a completely new IP set in ancient times? Leave us your guesses in the comments.

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We’ll bring you all the details if and when the trailer is revealed at Ubisoft’s E3 2012 press conference.

Follow me on Twitter @andrew_dyce.

Source: NeoGAF (via VG 24/7)

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