Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

Legacies: 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)


Legacies recently saw the return of key characters from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. Which return was better?

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Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

Legacies brought back two fan-favorites when things were getting challenging for the Salvatore Students, and the two characters were on drastically different sides of the board. While Freya Mikaelson is Hope’s aunt and a witch who was willing to help Josie when she came to New Orleans, Kai Parker was a completely different person. On The Vampire Diaries, Kai Parker was and continued to be a sociopath. Kai’s time initially was about his desire to kill his twin sister, Jo, and her and Alaric’s twins, Josie and Lizzie. When Kai only killed Jo, his life came to a quick end after transitioning into a Heretic. While fans wished for Freya to return as a way to help the heroes save the day, they wanted Kai back for his chaotic and evil nature.

10 Kai Parker: Two Episodes

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

The Vampire Diaries and The Originals fans excitedly tuned in to Legacies to see Kai Parker and Freya Mikaelson in their respective episodes. However, fans of Kai Parker were in for an extra treat. While Freya only appeared in “That’s Nothing I Had To Remember,” Kai guest stars in back to back episodes, “Kai Parker Screwed Us” and “You Can’t Save Them All.” Kai’s evil nature takes over the Prison World and real-world, giving him more time on screen. As Kai takes advantage of the Malivore pit to use it as a way to escape the Prison World, it showed his resourceful traits and proved to be a new set up for his future in the next episode.

9 Freya Mikaelson: Update on Her Life

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

Freya was looking forward to a future with Keelin the last time she was seen on The Originals. Legacies gave an update on that future. Freya and Keelin remain married when she meets Josie at Rousseau’s. However, that is not all. A brief mention of their son, Nik, reveals that Freya and Keelin were starting a family and had named their child after Freya’s late brother, Niklaus Mikaelson. Another reference Freya includes is that she and Keelin had been interested in the Salvatore School for Nik. Given that Kai Parker had been trapped in a Prison World for years, not as much had changed for him.

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8 Kai Parker: Interacted With More Characters

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

Freya’s time on Legacies narrowed her interactions to Josie Saltzman and Hope Mikaelson. While those moments were significant, Kai Parker was given much more time with a variety of Salvatore Students. Starting in the Prison World, Kai spends nearly the entirety of “Kai Parker Screwed Us” with Josie and has a long time coming reunion with Alaric. After his escape, Kai continues to spend time with Hope, Landon, and Dorian. While only a few characters understood the significance of Kai’s relationship to the Saltzman family, he still stirred up chaos and even made a deal with the Necromancer. Yet, even with the number of people Kai did meet, he never had any interaction with Lizzie.

7 Freya Mikaelson: Return To New Orleans

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

New Orleans was the central setting during The Originals. The location was an essential part of the show, and while there were brief moments where Hope appears in New Orleans in Legacies, it is just an illusion. The bar Josie visits to speak to Freya was one of the most significant locations in the series. New Orleans had its coven of witches, and groups of vampires and werewolves. While Josie does not go on a tour of the French Quarter, the photographs on the wall are a quick reference to the central characters from The Originals.

6 Kai Parker: Helped Continue The Dark Josie Arc

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

With the help of Clarke, Josie was starting to harness Black Magic. After siphoning a sword, her connection to Black Magic got stronger. To remove the link, Josie put the Black Magic into a sand clock and, with the help of others witches, sent it into the ascendant. However, after a trick sends Josie, Lizzie, and Alaric inside the Prison World with Kai, Josie is forced to break the sand clock. Kai’s last words before jumping into the Malivore pit inform Josie that the only way she could escape is to have all the power, but she will not recall any of their conversation afterward. Even after surviving the Prison World, Josie still must deal with the dark version of herself taking over.

5 Freya Mikaelson: Talking Magic

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

Freya’s time on The Originals primarily focused on Freya being a family-central person and powerful witch. Having a witch devoted to helping Klaus allowed their family to succeed in a multitude of ways. Bringing Freya into the fold to help with magic was a familiar sight to fans of The Originals and a treat to watch her involvement with Josie, who fans were already hoping would go dark soon. However, a significant scene showed Josie and Freya discuss the gaps in their memories regarding Hope Mikaelson, and how to avoid permanently removing those memories.

4 Kai Parker: References To The Past

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

While the wall of Rousseau’s does show pictures of Hope along with The Originals central characters, it does not make as many references to the show’s history as Kai Parker does. Kai’s conversations with Josie give brief mentions to his account with Bonnie and his relationship with the twins’ biological mother, Jo Parker. When he appears at the Salvatore Boarding School, he uses a fake alias, choosing to introduce himself as Joshua, his father’s name. In the Prison World, Kai had recorded a video of himself referencing Damon Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett, and Katherine Pierce. While such small details would likely be ignored by Legacies fans that would not understand the references, the mentions were a big deal to viewers of The Vampire Diaries.

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3 Freya Mikaelson: The Memory Spell

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

When the time had come to understand precisely who Hope Mikaelson was, Josie traveled to New Orleans to speak to Freya Mikaelson about the Japanese purge spell. Without Freya’s help, it was uncertain if Josie could have pulled it off. As powerful as Josie was, she was still young, and Freya was an experienced witch. Josie had needed Freya’s help to reverse engineer the incantation as well. Josie also admitted to Landon that visiting Freya, seeing that Hope’s family was missing memories too, was the push she needed to do the spell.

2 Kai Parker: Reunion With Alaric

Legacies 5 Reasons Kai Parker Had The Best Return (& 5 Freya Mikaelson Did)

After Kai killed Jo and many of Alaric’s wedding guests, Alaric was left to believe that his babies were dead too, not learning they had survived until the following season. Kai’s time as a Heretic didn’t last long either, and he didn’t return until he made his way over from Hell and then was once again trapped in a Prison World. The only character Kai has a real history with on Legacies is Alaric, and Kai made sure to milk every second he could when they were together. In the end, it comes down to the two of them, Alaric finally getting his revenge years after Kai killed Jo. While fans believed that Kai should not have died in an anti-climactic way, it did give Alaric the moment he needed.

1 Freya Mikaelson: Reunion With Hope

Freya is the first of Hope’s family to make an appearance on Legacies. Their reunion is brief on-screen, as Freya shows up to Mystic Falls after remembering Hope. While their time together is short, Hope has mentioned Freya numerous times. At a time when Hope is vulnerable, as Josie had just returned everyone’s memories of her, she needed a comforting shoulder. Hope’s closest friends are dealing with suddenly remembering her and the realization and pain that comes with trying to determine how to move forward. After an unfortunate conversation with Rafael, Hope gratefully reunites with Freya.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/legacies-vampire-diaries-originals-kai-freya-better-comeback/

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