Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Legend Of Korra: The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One


From Zaheer to Kuvira, here are the best characters in Legend of Korra that were introduced after season one.

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Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

If there’s one thing The Legend of Korra does well, it’s tell an amazing story. Every character that appears in the show adds something rich to the series. And this didn’t just apply to the original crew of characters that arrived in season one, it continued throughout the show.

New characters were introduced throughout the entire series that brought something new and interesting to the table. From some of the worst villains to the most memorable heroes, here are some of the best examples.

9 Zaheer

Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Zaheer, the villain of season three, was a major roadblock in Korra’s journey. He destroyed her both mentally and physically. While she did manage to defeat him with a lot of help from the crew, he damaged her to a pretty significant degree, really hampering her in the fight against Kuvira. It wasn’t until she visited Zaheer in prison that she was able to overcome the difficulties that he burdened her with.

8 Varrick

Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Varrick was a shifty salesman and inventor who would do just about anything that he needed to in order to make money, even if it may have landed him in prison once or twice. Who knows?

Varrick served as comic relief on the show, especially as it grew more and more serious with every passing season. Sort of like the next duo on the list, Desna and Eska.

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7 Desna & Eska

Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Desna and Eska are Korra’s very mild-tempered cousins who don’t seem to have much of an opinion on literally anything ever. Eska takes a liking to Bolin pretty quickly, though, and while he likes her at first – he quickly wants to end the relationship. When Eska tries to forcibly marry Bolin, he escapes and she gives chase, losing her mind in a fit of rage. If Bolin hadn’t escaped – things would have not ended well for him.

6 Wan

Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Wan’s story as the first Avatar is told through The Legend of Korra, and it’s amazing to watch. Seeing how the line started is fascinating, and provides a ton of backstory into an incredibly rich and detailed world. It’s a shame that he really doesn’t get to interact with Korra, however. At least fans got to see exactly how the first Avatar became just that, the Avatar.

5 Zhu Li

Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Zhu Li is Varrick’s assistant. When she isn’t “doing the thing,” however, she’s a double agent working for Kuvira who is trying to destroy her plans. Zhu Li starts out as someone who seems like a one-note character, but that just couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Zhu Li really grows as the series progresses, and she becomes a key player in the fight against Kuvira when the group needs all of the help they can get.

4 Suyin

Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Suyin is, to put it bluntly, an absolute baddie. As the estranged sister of Lin, we don’t get to see her until a bit later on in the series. However, she’s an incredibly powerful metalbender who helps the group time and time again in the fight against both Zaheer and Kuvira. In addition, her presence also helps to open up a new side of Lin that viewers really didn’t get a chance to see up to that point in the series.

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3 Kya

Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Kya is introduced alongside Bumi, both of whom are siblings to Tenzin. Kya is a great character and a powerful bender that helps in many conflicts throughout the series. One interesting thing about Kya (along with Bumi) is that her relationship with her father, Aang, isn’t as great as Tenzin’s was, indicating that Aang favored Tenzin as the only airbender of the family, which is something that could be surprising for longtime fans of the series.

2 Opal

Legend Of Korra The 9 Best Characters Introduced After Season One

Opal, the daughter of Suyin, is one of the many people that became able to airbend later on in the series due to Harmonic Convergence, and she was a natural, quickly joining Tenzin’s ranks and helping the crew fight off villain after villain. She also was in a relationship with Bolin that became strained and then ruined due to his allegiance to Kuvira. However, after he defected, the two managed to mend it and stay together.

1 Kuvira

Kuvira was the final villain of the series, and she was a fantastic match for Korra. Believing her goal of taking back Republic City’s land for the Earth Empire was justified – she stopped at nothing to achieve her goals. An incredible bender, she was more than a match for Korra at the time they faced off, especially after Korra was still suffering from what happened to her in her conflict with Zaheer. The two faced off (and their respective allies) in a battle of epic proportions that Korra eventually won out on to save Republic City – but it was not at all an easy fight. Kuvira was easily one of the best-written characters in the series.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/legend-of-korra-best-characters-introduced-after-season-one/

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