Legends of Tomorrow Everything We Know About Season 6 Villain Bishop

Legends of Tomorrow: Everything We Know About Season 6 Villain Bishop

Legends of Tomorrow season 6 will feature a mad scientist named Bishop who believes he’s saving Earth from aliens despite his own hatred of humanity.

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Legends of Tomorrow Everything We Know About Season 6 Villain Bishop

The upcoming sixth season of Legends of Tomorrow will pit the team against a new villain called Bishop: a mad genius who believes he is saving humanity from alien invaders, though his own humanity is highly debatable. Bishop will be played by Raffi Barsoumian, who previously played Makros in The Vampire Diaries.

Legends of Tomorrow season 6 was poised to explore new territory, with team co-captain Sara Lance being abducted by aliens in the season 5 finale. While alien immigrants to Earth are commonplace on Earth-Prime in the wake of Supergirl’s Earth-38 merging with Legends of Tomorrow’s Earth-1, nothing has been done to explore outer space in the Arrowverse beyond the planet Mars. It had been presumed that the new season of Legends of Tomorrow would see the team traveling into space and fighting various science-fiction menaces as they tried to rescue Sara. However, a new casting announcement for the character of Bishop suggests that the Legends’ biggest challenges may lie closer to home.

Described in the casting notice as a “once-in-a-generation genius,” Bishop is said to have seen the end of the world and that “he thinks he has a way to save it.” While he plays at being a “groovy bon vivant with a taste for cognac,” Bishop is truly a “sadistic egomaniac who treats all living creatures — human and alien alike — as his scientific playthings.” He is also said to have given himself “certain enhancements” which allowed him to live long enough to see the end of the world. Presumably he then traveled back in time to prevent the nightmarish future he saw come into being from ever occurring.

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Bishop doesn’t seem to be based on a single DC Comics character, though the description of a scientific genius who plays at being humanity’s savior and a sophisticated gentleman despite loathing people in general sounds like some characterizations of Lex Luthor, including the one played by Jon Cryer on Supergirl. There are also some surface similarities to Dr. T.O. Morrow: a Green Lantern and Justice League villain who invented a television monitor that let him pick up broadcasts from the future. Dr. Morrow used these broadcasts to reverse engineer the advanced technology he saw being used in the future and then used his replicas of various weapons and devices in his crimes.

While Bishop doesn’t seem to be a direct adaptation of either Morrow or Luthor, this would not be the first time that Legends of Tomorrow created an Arrowverse original character using a classic comic character as a springboard. Nate Heywood, who joined the team in season 2, was partly modeled on the Citizen Steel character created by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross for the JSA comic in 2007. Zari Tomaz was likewise inspired by the television heroine Isis, though her name and powers were quite different.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/legends-tomorrow-season-6-villain-bishop-who/

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