Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses


The world of Locke & Key is a magical one, but if it’s characters lived in the wizarding world, what Hogwarts house would they be sorted into?

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Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Earlier this year, Netflix brought Joe Hill’s Locke & Key graphic novels to the small screen, introducing viewers to the world of whimsy and horror surrounding Keyhouse. And alongside the Locke family’s keys and their mysterious, otherworldly powers, the show introduced a slate of interesting characters, some of whom showed serious growth over the course of the 10-episode first season — and others who may have regressed a bit by the time it came to a close.

Whichever path each character’s arc took, however, there’s no denying that every last one of them showcased a humanizing balance of strength and flaws throughout the season. And those qualities were used to determine which Hogwarts house they’d be in. (Because they obviously need more magic to contend with, right?)

10 Tyler Locke: Gryffindor

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

If Tyler Locke attended Hogwarts, it certainly seems like he could be one of those “good Slytherins” fans hear about but never actually see during the Harry Potter series. He does tend to put himself first pretty often, but there’s no denying he’s loyal and will do anything for his family (even if he won’t always proclaim that in front of his friends).

And despite having some Slytherin qualities, Tyler’s loyalty — and willingness to run headfirst into danger when necessary — probably qualifies him more for Gryffindor. In fact, with his impulsive nature, bravery, and loyalty, he’d probably get along quite well with Harry and Ron.

9 Kinsey Locke: Gryffindor

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

If the Locke family had their own personal sorting ceremony, Tyler wouldn’t be the only one sent to Gryffindor. Kinsey has proven herself to be brave time and time again, starting at the beginning of the series, when flashbacks show her thinking fast and hiding with her little brother when an teenage shooter arrives at their home and attacks their family.

In fact, a whole subplot of the first season of Locke & Key involves Kinsey removing her own fear because that’s a quality she wants to rid herself of. As Dumbledore once said, “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Of course, Kinsey has both demonstrated the ability to be fearless and made the choice to be — so that definitely lands her in Gryffindor.

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8 Bode Locke: Ravenclaw

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Like Kinsey, Bode demonstrates bravery throughout the first season of Locke & Key — but not nearly as much as he shows off his own curiosity. In fact, the only reason the Locke family finds the magical keys is because Bode discovers them while exploring their new home. He’s also the reason Dodge escapes and begins wreaking havoc on the siblings and everyone around them. Bode definitely embodies the adage “curiosity killed the cat,” and that’s why he’d be a Ravenclaw.

With so much interest in how things work and a penchant for uncovering secrets, Bode would fit right in with the Ravenclaws who consider the pursuit of knowledge one of the most important things in life.

7 Nina Locke: Hufflepuff

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Nina Locke struggles with grief and alcoholism for the majority of Locke & Key’s first season. For this reason, it’s hard to know exactly what Hogwarts house she’d fall into because fans have rarely seen her at her best (or even at her average, really).

What viewers do know about Nina, however, is that she cares for her family more than anything else in the world. She’d do anything to protect her children, and that kind of loyalty would fit in well in Hufflepuff.

6 Dodge: Slytherin

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

The villain of the story who will do anything to achieve their end, Dodge would undoubtedly be sorted into Slytherin house. After all, as Hagrid tells Harry, “There’s not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.” And a demon would fit in with all of those evil wizards in Salazar’s house — though it’s not just Dodge’s place as a villain that lands them there.

Slytherins are also known to be ambitious and put self-interest before anything else. Dodge has never been shown to care for anything beyond their own wants, so they fit the description of a Slytherin to a T.

5 Scot Cavendish: Gryffindor

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

With Locke & Key falling somewhere between horror and thriller, it’s probably no surprise a lot of the characters are brave Gryffindors. Kinsey’s friend Scot would likely be sorted into this house too, showcasing courage every time he follows along with one of Kinsey’s insane plans, despite not always knowing the full extent of what’s going on.

Scot is repeatedly brave in the face of danger, but he’s also courageous in a different way — one more akin to Neville back in Sorcerer’s Stone. Scot isn’t afraid to stand up to his friends or even Kinsey when he feels something isn’t right. It’s a good quality to have, and mixed with his willingness to face his fears, it would certainly earn him a red and gold scarf.

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4 Gabe: Slytherin

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

When it comes to sorting characters, Gabe is a tough one to pinpoint — mostly because the boy Kinsey believes she knows throughout the first season of the show is actually revealed to be one of Dodge’s identities at the very end. So, sure, the Gabe fans first meet seems clever, brave, and loyal — but he’s actually a trickster with his own ends in mind.

Going with his genuine identity — and not the one he puts on display — Gabe would undoubtedly be a Slytherin. He’s got harmful intentions and clearly doesn’t care if he winds up hurting someone. Much like Dodge, he seems to be lacking any humanity.

3 Ellie Whedon: Hufflepuff

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Locke & Key introduces Elle as a friendly neighbor to the Locke family, but it soon becomes obvious she’s hiding something. Despite her initial reluctance to do the right thing and help the Lockes, however, Elle isn’t a bad person — she’s simply worried about her son, Rufus.

Much like Nina, Elle has a loyalty to her family that knows no bounds, and she’d probably be sorted into Hufflepuff as well. That’s not to mention that she also does the right thing in the end, as most of the Hufflepuffs Harry Potter fans have met also probably would have done.

2 Rufus Whedon: Ravenclaw

Locke & Key Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Elle’s son Rufus hasn’t gotten nearly enough screen time yet, but from what fans have seen of him, he seems to be a resourceful and curious character. He’s also helped the Lockes on more than one occasion, using his knowledge of the Keyhouse estate to help them solve its mysteries.

Because Rufus is clearly attentive and clever in many ways, he’d likely be sorted into Ravenclaw. He seems as curious as Bode is when it comes to certain topics, and he’d do well in the Hogwarts house that values such interest in the world.

1 Duncan Locke: Hufflepuff

Because Duncan Locke lives in Boston, he doesn’t spend a ton of time at Keyhouse — and therefore, fans don’t know as much about him as they do about the other members of the Locke family. From what the series has shown, however, it’s clear that Duncan doesn’t take things all that seriously. He warns the Lockes that the manor may not be the best place for them, and although he’s a bit rough around the edges, he seems to care for his brother’s children.

It’s also revealed that Duncan lost a good portion of his memories after growing up using the keys. As a teenager, though, he seems to have had a solid group of friends. That, plus his warmth toward his family, suggests he could be a Hufflepuff deep down.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/locke-key-characters-sorted-into-hogwarts-houses-harry-potter-netflix/

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