Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

Lord Of The Rings: 10 Most Goosebump-Inducing Moments, Ranked


The Lord of The Rings trilogy is known for its fantastic action sequences and great characters. But these are seen to stand out the most for fans.

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Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

The Lord of the Rings is a landmark series in the history of cinema. While J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel is obviously historic, Peter Jackson and his team of wonderful filmmakers helped re-invigorate interest in the series with the stellar movie trilogy. Often regarded as the greatest movie trilogy ever made and some of the finest movies of all time, The Lord of the Rings certainly contains its fair share of memorable and goosebump-inducing moments.

While some of these moments come from dialogue, others come from the epic battle sequences and the incredible filmmaking on display. And some are just pure visual majesty.

10 Seeing Rivendell

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

Owing to its status as home of the elves, Rivendell is a majestic and colorful location that wonderfully encapsulates the magic of fantasy. The viewer’s first glimpse of Rivendell is with Frodo’s bedroom chamber, as he is recovering from the Witch King’s stab.

But the moment Elrond says “Welcome to Rivendell,” the camera cuts to one of the most beautiful shots in the entire trilogy. Rivendell sits at the bottom of a huge mountain range, bathed in glorious gold sunlight and popping fall colors. The angelic music that plays throughout the shot certainly helps add to the magical element.

9 The Shire

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

An even greater revelation is that of The Shire. The Shire was actually created for the movie, so everything seen in that first glorious shot is real and on-location. The authenticity lends the scene an even greater air of majesty than the Rivendell reveal.

The warm narration from Bilbo and the comforting sounds of horse hooves help give the scene a very welcoming atmosphere, and Howard Shore’s “Concerning Hobbits” may be one of the greatest pieces of movie music ever written.

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8 Gandalf Vs. The Balrog

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

The Lord of the Rings is filled with epic cinematic moments, and the Balrog fight is certainly one of them. The fight begins in The Fellowship of the Ring, which sees Gandalf uttering his famous “You shall not pass!” line and destroying the bridge.

However, things get really epic at the beginning of The Two Towers. In the first five minutes of screen time, Jackson is quick to gain the audience’s attention to an amazing fight that sees Gandalf fighting the Balrog with a sword while falling through the endless chasm. This is pure movie magic.

7 “For Frodo.”

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

To distract Sauron and give Frodo and Sam time to destroy the ring, Aragorn and his army of men stage an attack on the Black Gate of Mordor. While there, Aragorn is seemingly enraptured by the whisperings of Sauron, who seems to be enticing Aragorn with some type of arrangement.

However, he then turns to his men, whispers “For Frodo,” and charges at the gate. What makes the scene even better is that Merry and Pippin – two hobbits with little battle experience – are the first to follow him. Even before Gandalf.

6 Barad-dûr Falls

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

The entire climax of The Return of the King is an exercise in pitch-perfect filmmaking, and that includes the falling of Barad-dûr. Just when the army is overrun by the forces of Mordor, the ring falls into the lava and destroys Barad-dûr.

The eye widens and screams in death, and the army can only stare at it with the bewildered realization of what is happening. And then the tower actually begins to fall before exploding into pieces. The people of Middle-earth cry in elation as do the audience.

5 The Beacons Of Gondor

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

Even the lighting of fires is filmed in the most epic way imaginable. To signal the army in Rohan, Gandalf has Pippin set fire to the beacon of Minas Tirith.

This results in a massive chain reaction that sees various beacons being lit throughout the mountains of Gondor and Rohan – all of which are filmed from majestic heights (presumably shot from a helicopter). Once again, Howard Shore also comes through with “The Lighting of the Beacons” – another classic work that sends chills down spines.

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4 The Last March Of The Ents

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

At the end of The Two Towers, Treebeard makes the horrifying realization that his tree friends had been felled and burned in Isengard. Despite previously declaring that the Ents would not engage in warfare, this egregious action stirs Treebeard’s anger and he calls for the rest of the ents.

They then depart on The Last March of the Ents and leave the forest to storm Isengard. The scene works in large part due to its visuals and music, complete with Shore’s wonderful “The Last March of the Ents.”

3 “To The King!”

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

Everything seems doomed by the end of The Two Towers. Helm’s Deep has been breached, and it looks like the forces of Mordor will kill the inhabitants of Rohan.

However, Gandalf suddenly appears with the Riders of Rohan, and they ride their way down a steep embankment into the army below. It’s one of the most iconic scenes and images from the trilogy, and it ends the Battle of Helm’s Deep in spectacular and chill-inducing style.

2 “You Bow To No One.”

Lord Of The Rings 10 Most GoosebumpInducing Moments Ranked

Those words are enough to make any fan cry. This scene is well-ingrained within the memories of Lord of the Rings viewers and it remains one of the most famous lines from the entire trilogy.

The sentiment behind the quote is enough to make anyone cry but what really opens the floodgates is the kneeling of all Minas Tirith and Howard Shore’s commanding “The Return of the King,” which may be his finest musical work. And that’s saying something.

1 Ride Of The Rohirrim

Of course, the most chill-inducing scene is the Ride of the Rohirrim. By far the most famous sequence from The Return of the King, the Ride of the Rohirrim is just a perfect blend of storytelling, acting, scope, and music.

Everything about this scene works perfectly – especially Theodeon’s rousing speech, the bellowing screams of “DEATH!” and the way both Eowyn and Merry join in the screams. And then Howard Shore’s “The Ride of the Rohirrim” kicks in.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/lord-of-the-rings-goosebump-inducing-chilling-moments/

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