Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Lost Main Characters, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game


The main characters on Lost are strong, tough, and up for any challenge, and it’s interesting to think about who would win Netflix’s Squid Game.

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Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Both Lost and Squid Game take place on an island and feature a set of physical and mental challenges, suggesting that the main characters from Lost would be up for the children’s games that quickly turn dangerous. As Lost continues, featuring flashbacks and flashforwards and even flashsideways, fans learn more about Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and the other plane crash survivors, along with some of the people who they meet on the mysterious island.

While some Lost characters might get too overwhelmed and might not make it through the first few games, others would get fairly far, with one person standing out the most as a potential winner.

10 Claire Littleton

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

The Lost characters all change, and Claire goes from a sweet pregnant young adult to a totally different, meaner person.

While Claire is tough, even giving birth on the island and doing her best to take care of her baby while in this wild and unimaginable situation, she doesn’t seem as likely to win the Squid Game as her fellow plane crash survivors. Claire is a very emotional person who can give into self-pity and she would likely give up immediately.

9 Charlie Pace

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Claire and Charlie have a lot in common when they crash on the island, so it makes sense that they’re romantically interested in each other. They both struggle in their personal lives and think that no one could ever love them.

Charlie would have trouble teaming up with others in the Squid Game since he’s not the friendliest person around. It’s always hard not to imagine him worrying too much during “Red Light, Green Light” and getting killed fairly quickly.

8 Ben Linus

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

At first, Lost fans know that Ben is an evil, mysterious figure, as he’s in charge of The Others, but he does become more of a sympathetic character as viewers learn that he has cancer.

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Ben has a better chance than some of the other main characters to survive the Squid Game, as he’s good at thinking fast and on his feet, and he’s been surviving on this island for as long as he can remember. But it’s easy imagining Ben getting too caught up in his thoughts and losing a game that would mean losing his life, too.

7 Hurley Reyes

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

The numbers appear in many Lost scenes, and Hurley has a special connection to them. He wins the lottery and knows that the numbers seem to be cursed.

Thanks to Hurley’s intelligence and perception of the world around him, he has a much better chance of winning tug of war, “Red Light, Green Light,” and the marble game than the other characters. He would have a smart plan that no one else could come up with. But his biggest hurdle would be feeling confident enough to keep participating.

6 Sayid Jarrah

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Before ending up lost on the island, Sayid was an Iraqi Republican Guard torturer, something that he feels a lot of guilt about.

Sayid has the physical strength that is definitely a big part of the Squid Game, and he has the intelligence, too, so it’s possible that he would get very far. Sayid would team up with his fellow players, but he might feel so badly about the rising body count that the guilt and pain would be too overwhelming.

5 Juliet Burke

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Juliet is one of the most compelling Lost characters as at first, she’s a huge threat as she spies on the Oceanic Flight 815 crash survivors for the Others.

Juliet would do well in the Squid Game as she would help whoever she could, just like she becomes interested in living amongst the survivors. As a fertility specialist, she’s intuitive and incredibly smart, and she is both strong physically and mentally, which would enable her to win the games.

4 Sawyer Ford

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Sawyer has done horrible things on Lost, and he changes a lot while living on the island, falling for Kate and learning that he’s actually a good, kind-hearted person.

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Since Sawyer is a con man before his life changes forever, and he’s able to do much of the physical work necessary to keep island life going, he has all the necessary skills to win the Squid Game.

3 Jack Shepard

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Presented as the main character right away, Jack seems kind, smart, loyal, and capable of anything. He’s the island leader and since he was a spinal surgeon prior to ending up on the island, he would likely be up to the challenge of the Squid Game.

Jack resigns himself to his situation immediately, realizing that while he wants to be rescued, he has to accept that he’s on the island. Jack would use that same attitude in the Squid Game and would approach each game carefully. He could walk across the glass bridge and win the tug of war easily.

2 Kate Austen

Lost Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

After killing her dad who abused her, Kate lives a life of crime, and shows how incredibly strong she is once she is on the island. Since both Jack and Kate kill The Man in Black, it’s easy to think that Kate could take on these challenges as well.

Kate learns to care more about other people as fans enjoy the love triangle between Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. This would allow Kate to assist other players when she has to but also know that she can get through to the end.

1 John Locke

John Locke is definitely the Lost character with the most shocking story. He can magically walk on the island, although he was paralyzed before he arrived, and he always seems super mysterious.

Since Locke stays one step ahead of his fellow crash survivors, he seems like he could stay silent and then suddenly make it to the final challenge. Locke is already comfortable living on an island since he thinks that it’s a good idea to keep living there when everyone else wishes they could go home immediately. Locke would fit into the Squid Game island setting right away and would feel at home being challenged mentally and physically.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/lost-main-characters-ranked-least-to-most-likely-to-win-squid-game/

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