Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

Lucifer: 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)


Since Lucifer’s Season 5 is spread in two blocks on Netflix, these things could – or couldn’t – be seen in either side of the season.

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Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

It was initially announced that Season 5 of Lucifer would be the final outing for the devil. However, a sixth season has been confirmed since then, modifying the wish lists of fans for the fifth season now that there’s enough breathing space for further storylines.

Due to this, there are also certain things that fans wouldn’t want to see, either because they’re better off delayed to the final season or because they just aren’t desirable. Since Season 5 is spread in two blocks, these things could – or couldn’t – be seen in either side of the season.

10 Want: Each Character’s Personal Hell

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

The series’ concept of Hell has brought significant interest among fans since it depicts a person’s guilt as their Hell. Every glimpse of someone’s darkest fears have stayed very true to their character, and it’ll be interesting to see each one of the main protagonists’ Hell.

This will not only make for a cool episode down under, but will also reveal further secrets about the characters and what their biggest regrets are. It can also tie-in with Lucifer himself being in Hell at the time.

9 Don’t Want: A Cliffhanger Ending

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

The ending of the fourth season saw a cliffhanger in the form of Lucifer’s return to Hell and Chloe left suffering his loss. This was clearly designed to have fans waiting for the resolution the fifth season, which has worked.

However, yet another ending of this sort would feel like a cop out, seeing as Netflix makes fans wait a heck of a lot longer than when Lucifer was on Fox. Even if Season 5 ends on a sad note, there needs to be a definite resolution to this year’s arc rather than keeping fans guessing.

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8 Want: Lucifer And Daniel’s Friendship

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

Lucifer always had choice words for “Detective Douche” in earlier seasons, before the two became friends. Their relationship was that of frenemies for a few seasons before Charlotte’s death, following which Daniel despised Lucifer.

The antagonism between the two hasn’t been well received, since there’s no more humor involved between their exchanges. Season 5 should have the two undergoing an arc where they gradually begin to trust one another again, ending in Daniel and Lucifer becoming far closer than they were before.

7 Don’t Want: Love Triangles

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

Much of previous seasons have been devoted to bringing love triangles to the story. These have included the Lucifer/Chloe/Cain, Amenadiel/Maze/Linda, and Lucifer/Chloe/Eve arcs, all of which have received mixed reception from fans.

While these have bolstered the overall story, bringing it back for Season 5 would be far too much. After all, there’s only so many times that people can get invested in love triangles. Straight-up romances will be welcome, but not among multiple characters.

6 Want: God And Goddess Together

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

While inherently a good guy, Lucifer shows his nasty side whenever his daddy issues rise up. The same went for his mother, whose erratic relationship with God led to her entrapment in Hell despite lingering feelings on her part.

With so much set-up already in place, Season 5 should bring both of them back together. Fans would love to see the two most powerful beings in the universe squabbling like the old married couple they are. It’s also high time Lucifer got his peace with his parents, and what better way than for him to see them together.

5 Don’t Want: Lucifer Missing For A Majority Of The Season

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

Lucifer will always be the first character that fans want back, but it appears that Season 5 might focus on his twin brother Michael instead. With the reveal that Michael is posing as Lucifer, it’s likely the titular protagonist might be sitting out several episodes.

However, this doesn’t sound like an interesting idea, seeing as Lucifer’s personality and charisma is such that his absence – even if Tom Ellis will technically be around – would be too noticeable. Instead, Lucifer can be shown where he is at present simultaneously to Michael’s story.

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4 Want: All Angelic Siblings Meeting Each Other

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

Other than Amenadiel, Lucifer’s siblings have appeared sporadically through the show. Their abilities have certainly been unique, making the prospect of seeing all the angels together a mouth watering one indeed.

Not only would their powers be cool on display, it would be even more fun to see these siblings arguing like fans know they certainly will. Should Season 5 bring God and Goddess back, this idea will make even more sense.

3 Don’t Want: A Main Character’s Death

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

Generally, when a series is nearing its end, a main character tends to be killed off to establish how serious things are. However, with Season 6 now having been confirmed, Lucifer most definitely shouldn’t take out any of its main cast.

There won’t be any benefit from a sacrifice or someone’s death at the hands of an antagonist since a whole another season will follow suit. Instead, this season should build the main characters up further so any potential death in the next season has more impact.

2 Want: Return Of Former Antagonists

Lucifer 5 Things Fans Want To See In Season 5 (& 5 They Don’t)

A good variety of bad guys have been seen by now, and all of them have their fair share of maliciousness to show. Since Michael is up to return, it would make sense for him to bring back one of the former bad guys like Cain in order to antagonize Lucifer.

A similar dynamic had worked very well with Amenadiel’s resurrection of Malcolm, and frequent returns of other villains will be welcome if their relationships with the characters are touched upon. Watching Cain interact with Eve, or Malcolm torment Daniel again will make for good blasts from the past.

1 Don’t Want: Lucifer’s Devil Status Becoming Common Knowledge

One by one, the main characters are becoming aware of Lucifer actually being the devil. Despite the fun in seeing people freak out over this revelation, it would be something of a “jump the shark” moment if everyone found out about this fact.

After all, the entertaining part is how people think Lucifer’s talking in metaphors. Seeing people treat the devil being among them as something casual would take away Lucifer’s mystique. There also won’t be any going back on this plot line, so it’s better not to pursue it.

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